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Memorial Day Military Tribute 2019

L17041901 - TORT CLAIM –

Governor Brown, 


Where is the penal code or furtherance hearing for the fictitious crime of Willful Failure to Apply to Contract Under Duress that gives the DHS permission to hold our grandkids liable as money concubines? Where is the legislative intent to allow an adoption agency the use of the State of Oregon seal to extend penalties already served three times over were not summoned by the court, to forever while in contempt of time served, without any new information or an actual subject matter relevant to child protection? Where is DHS authorized to use fictitious plaintiffs to put kids up for adoption against supreme court rule man is immune to statute and code and that statute and code are not law? How are our nations heirs made liable and put up for sale?


We do not consent!


Marilyn [LeBaron]©


Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It


Jul 6, 2013


Only your enemy within would object to your saying, “There is no statue of limitations on and act of Treason”


Classic Battle - The mother hen fights fiercely against the mighty might of the Eagle


Apr 21, 2021


Here is what is not getting much publicity in the news while Biden threatens to put us on lockdown again... Maybe you all should go into the body bag selling business for the predicted COVID deaths showing they know the vaccine is VERY DEADLY


Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021 12:09 AM
To: Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: Automatic reply: Where is the penal code or furtherance hearing for the fictitious crime of Willful Failure to Apply to Contract Under Duress that gives the DHS permission to hold our grandkids liable as money concubines?


I'm currently out of the office returning Wednesday, August 11th.  If this is urgent, please contact another SRCI chaplain.


From: Marilyn LeBaron
Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 9:13 PM
To: Kate Brown For Oregon Information;;;; William Edmond; Ann Potter;;; Marilyn Patrick; 
Subject: The Nazis drug the Jew out of their homes and forced them to shut down their businesses without a trial or revealing the cause for the action but had the power to do it and did. Just like DHS did to me.

Ms. Linda Hughes
Multnomah Juvenile Ct Referee
1401 NE 68th Ave
Portland OR  97213

Don't you think authoritative use of the Governor's Seal Emblem by an adoption agency is a bit Nazi?

You Have Dark Eyes 

What did they die for? 
Twila Paris 
Feb 26, 2009

When the prosecutors favor letting criminals go and prosecuting families to death without due process of law on hearsay gossip with bureaucrats as a paid jury that gets bonuses per headcount, what did they die for?

What did they die for?
H Company Marines

The Nazis drug the Jew out of their homes and forced them to shut down their businesses without a trial or revealing the cause for the action but had the power to do it and did. Just like DHS did to me.

I have a right to know the nature of the allegation against me. I have a right to a rebuttal. I have a right to see the discovery and bring into question their credibility. I have a right to face my accusers in open court. I have been denied these things where no penal code is available for furtherance hearings and denied my flesh and blood and sentenced to the equivalent of the death penalty of a criminal case without a day in court which adversely affects both my heirs.

This is war, not welfare 
This is war, not welfare 
This is war, not welfare 
This is outright invasion, not welfare 
Suspected Treasonous Warmonger


Where is the penal code or furtherance hearing for the fictitious crime of Willful Failure to Apply to Contract Under Duress?
Where is the penal code for the pain and penalty to our nation's heirs on un perpetrated future crime when there is so much exculpatory evidence you could fit it all into a banana box?
Where is the scheduling clerk for furtherance on future crime?
Where is my Grand Jury Indictment for future crime?  
Where is subject matter jurisdiction for the Deputy District Attorney on a un perpetrated crime?
Where is the Affidavit relevant to future crime in the hand of the future victim?
Where is the claim of harm?
Where is the police report? 
Where is the forensics?
Where is the physical proof?
Where is Corpus Delicti?


Olcott D Thompson, 
Any Idea what I am talking about? Olcott? Tiffany, Abel?

What discovery did you fail to put directly in my hands that is pertinent to my kin and their lives? 

Is any of that relevant to what you said, “I don’t represent you” about?

Pray, do tell? How is it you get to prosecute me without me ever getting a public defender while you aid in the destruction of my blood ties to family through this kind of stealth as prosecutor while I never get any discovery pertinent to me, while my grandkids due to this conspiracy to deprive rights, all Due Process Rights of a future criminal, at a defender’s hand for your duplicity.




THIS SONG IS DEDICATED TO THE CURSING OF LINDA HUGHES BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD HOPING A BOLT OF LIGHTNING WILL CUT HER DOWN TO A PILE OF DUST THAT BLOWS AWAY BEFORE ANYBODY CAN GIVE HER A PROPER BURIAL AND SEND HER TO HER JUDGEMENT IN HELL. Well because the Marines are sleeping on the job, the Oregon Army National Gard are ignoring the enemy within, the police are aiding the enemy within, the sheriff is also, the Oregon State Police turn a deaf ear, and the BAR Association are colluding with the county bench allowing outright invasion on their own homeland and since no one is there to document for the people I only have the promise of God … 
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written: “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.
Romans 12:19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave ...
Linda Hughes, 
Treasonous Babylonian yes man Nazi Subjugation Whore,
FACT: My granddaughter’s father abandoned his daughter at age three months. 
FACT: DHS was advised my daughter did not want to give the father’s name and contact information because he was the one that raped her while under DHS control. 
FACT: DHS has not prosecuted the foster mother for allowing my daughter to be repeatedly raped in her unlicensed foster home. 
FACT: Chandra Snyder who was listed on the Oregon state employee directory posted online had a meaningless No Contact Order’ n place the whole time my sixteen-year-old was getting statutory raped during which my daughter became pregnant with my granddaughter. 
FACT: The DHS show they allow kids to be raped then with a callused disregard for their blood ties will move to isolate and invent treasonous lies to enable them to sell another generation of kids raped in their custody and control. 
FACT:  DHS is now putting up for sale the product of Chandra Snyder’s bully tactics allowed under the uses of Reasonable Efforts by Juvenile Justice Complex.  
FACT: DHS committed perjury omitting my home was the home of my grandkids but accused us of homeschooling the kids at my home address in medical assessments but the adoption attorneys making huge retainer fees relevant to Adoption monies Attorneys enjoy for final signature on adoption papers will never be involved in the litigation and cone in blindsided and just use their subjugation power to finalize these criminal activates as a Nazi yes man would.
Who of you refutes these allegations above? 

Marilyn [LeBaron]© 

Who will verify the second and third phone numbers of the social workers having multiple cell phones? 

Rebecca Jones Gaston, 
Rebecca Jones Gaston, MSW
Child Welfare Director, Oregon  DHS 
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
C: 971-332-0799
Assistant: …redacted…

Linda Hughes must recuse. She has no jurisdiction. She is a human trafficker Nazi subjugator fulfilling Hitter’s dream of enslaving us through abuses of statute and code that are not law for the purposes of subjugation to sever blood ties and commit Nazi genocide! 

Just a pile of Nazis following orders.

Who is going to verify the second and third contact points for social workers for the purposes of verifying diligent efforts were never made while  DHS  do not maintain family bonds and sabotage them instead for over three years and allow the state of Oregon seal to commit fraud and issue death sentences to children?

Regarding: Melanie V LeBaron reunification with Nolan Stevens and Victoria Couvillion.

My daughter was abused by Max Ryan Wall. He committed an open act of treason in open court before a duly elected judge and took advantage of my daughter while not advising her of her rights. Then Chandra Snyder grabs the motion to dismiss my daughter later signed and filed. So, you have no case to deny my grandkids their relationship with their grandmother since this matter has been refuted and refuted over and over again.  DHS moves to get the third set of continuances when they were out of continuances and asked my daughter to allow a third set of double continuances where the criminal prosecutor lost jurisdiction, but somehow ‘ DHS  wants,  DHS  gets’ is the only rule of thumb subverting all good standards of law. My daughter had a conflicting court date crossing over the one set for trial on Polk County Petition and Nicole K Hall cannot advise my daughter on her rights or have a meeting of the minds nor can Max Ryan Wall extend his bar card to a non-licensed  DHS  agent to give legal advice to my daughter when  DHS is not practicing law which is due process rights, not her job description oar and ORS. Besides, an incorporate personam can have no opinion or have a meeting of the minds with a living being like my daughter, in this case, to say my daughter was fully advised, which amounts to perjury by Max Ryan Wall, an arrestable offense, while colluding to deprive due process under color of law waring against the constitution for the united states of America, which is treason softened by bar constituents as unconstitutional just as sodomy and rape is replaced by maltreatment so cause the reality of an egregious act to fall upon deafened ears avoiding the shock value of truth whitewashing facts dumbing our senses and deductive reasoning. Chandra Snyder stated on the first petition, “we were bringing Melanie home” so no premise relevant to child abuse when I was arrested, so no premise relevant to child abuse when Max Ryan Wall abused the court process to include future crimes not relevant to child abuse to get a third set of double continuances on a non-child abuse related matter and allow a rapist to continue having access to my daughter while she went to trial on a foster rapist she was exposed to and he gets acquitted on the one little inference of willing participant when foster parents should not be having sex with foster kids especially ones that can bust you down and isolate you keeping your from field trips while   DHS   is failing to provide attorneys to my daughter when she demanded on and   DHS   is controlling the topic of her counseling in foster care – she did not even graduate from high school – everywhere she went she was sexually harassed – and   DHS   did not have a shelter hearing to have custody of her when they were bringing her home – my subsequent arrest was not relevant to child abuse and I was never charges with a count of egregious child abuse – never – my daughter was abused and raped due to   DHS   activity without my consent to take my daughter into custody –   DHS   owes her a settlement for the rape she endured and the actions of Sabrina Leach acting as an unlicensed bill collector for the prosecution she is not to work closely with the criminal prosecutors to collect all county charges ‘clear up all county charges’ that is racketeering and my daughter is forced to aid the prosecution against herself while ‘defenders’ set up double jeopardy and double dip as juvenile case defenders and then hop over and act as criminal defenders where   DHS   already offered her kids back and that settlement offer was accepted in July of 2019 by and between Helmar Lochmann and Melanie V LeBaron and it is not justice for the criminal prosecutors to collude and win at all costs – the duty of the criminal prosecutors is to prosecute the most heinous of criminals and it is the duty of the defenders to defend instead of setting up double jeopardy and in two jurisdictions while allowing my daughter to become a fictitious / adversely affected / defendant petitioner on more false allegations not relevant   DHS   subject matter jurisdiction while ignoring all their duties then choking the life out of the people with the only ones they feel like adhering to severing all our communications between kin. Sabrina leach is not retained by my kin to forced divorce – this is not a social service – she is not a divorce attorney and is way out of line! This is a violation of counsel of choice – she is forcing her will upon my kin on matters not relevant to child abuse investigation on subject matter not available in the list of   DHS   forms. She is out of line. My family got along just fine on custody and control – Melanie did not ever have a problem with any of the Stevens family and they were never denied access when they requested it however far and few and between were the requests to visit and phone calls or emails or text messages or face chats were even less while visits were less than a few hours and less than four hours a month so grounds for abandonment in a custody matter, not a forced divorce so  DHS  can hand my grandson over to the same type of allegations they are removing the kids from just to stall and move more federal dollars to their own hands and programs stalling and stalling and not keeping blood ties strong between kin on mere technicalities between common law, nature, and statute and code subject to the Clearfield Doctrine that attorneys do not declare rights – which is Nazi subjugation fulfilling Hitler’s dream to subjugate – which is all you people do is subjugate monies while in breach of contract.

All these facts are grounds for the arrest of Sabrina Leach – it is treason – and you are aiding and abetting it and can guarantee nothing

DHS  committed treason against me and now again for a second generation selling my kin 

My granddaughter is not for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sent August 5 at 9:23 PM

Your ORS stating she has to agree to be adopted does not produce a meeting of the minds with a de facto personam ‘the state of Oregon and the Oregon state agents are not living souls and a meeting of the mind can only happen between two living beings – this is racketeering con artistry set up by learned criminals – and  DHS  has to be learned in the law to approach the bench and are not – that is two counts of treason you allow as RESPONDEAT SUPERIOR and is treason on your own hands – you have been put on notice – you are allowing genocide in violation of maxims of law suppressing the rights of the people with statute and code we are immune to – while attorneys, creatures of statute ignoring our immunities, just stand there, take the cash exchanging hands and that is not leadership, that is treason.

From: Marilyn LeBaron
Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 8:39 PM
Subject: Here is what is not getting much publicity in the news while Biden threatens to put us on lockdown again... Maybe you all should go into the body bag selling business for the predicted COVID deaths showing they know the vaccine is VERY DEADLY https://yout

Flash COVID WAR income alert! Here is what is not getting much publicity in the news while Biden threatens to put us on lockdown again... Maybe you all should go into wholesale production of body bags and sell to the UK telling us they have a body count predicted for COVID deaths showing they know the leaky properties of this COVID vaccine is VERY DEADLY at least for the next four years
From: Marilyn LeBaron 
Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 6:01:00 PM
Dear Altiyan Childs, 
More on what is going on.
Why do these social workers get to ignore the dirt on their hands while the DHS record shows my granddaughter’s dad moved into the foster home and applied for benefits at that foster home address which takes verification and proof of address by the foster mother and she would have had to sign that he was present in the home while they can just delete the evidence of when he applied because that al least had not gone digital yet and they send letters to that address verifying his benefits and such. DHS’s office where his application would have gone to is supposed to know that address is a foster home and all adults are supposed to be registered and screened by DHS which is an inference that this could have been done since well the foster home, if not registered as a foster home, it would have not raised a red flag, meaning that is evidence the foster home was not a licensed facility since DHS now have to show they knew the father was living there and that the foster mother complied and reported his presence and that DHS approved. 
My daughter knows what goes on in foster adoption placements and sees how easily criminal foster rapists are acquitted and knows by the first-hand account that DHS can guarantee nothing but money moving to the hands of total strangers then after you grow up and leave care they will hunt you and stalk you trying to take your daughter just because you chose to refute them and did so repeatedly, which DHS just ignore, and come up with new reasons to steal your kids, which goes to she would never have agreed to let DHS take custody of her kids EVER. This is a clear sign she is under duress and only did whatever she needed to do to protect her kids by listening to the legal advice given while it is clearly obvious she was under immense duress to get out of jail.
MOTION TO QUASH the criminal prosecution from the DHS case.
Now all your ‘defenders’ will say, Burden of proof is on the petitioner’ with respect to the claim of harm while DHS use hearsay to shred our blood ties and the criminals are allowed to walk free preventing an affidavit by hiding away the kids.
You all are so utterly incompetent it is embarrassing to be represented by such willfully negligent BAR Members allowing future crime as a premise the second generation in a row while not stopping and saying we have ‘co-defendants’ while denying me Due Process of Law or discovery and allowing a change of venue to where you have no subject matter jurisdiction which is collusion to deprive rights that only criminals have while calling me a future criminal. 
An how do you call yourselves a defender when that is racketeering not qualifying as a defense to my daughter while DHS intends to use that false premise as an allegation to sever our blood ties and call her negligent just for speaking to me as grounds to terminate her parental rights making them a huge pot of cash and of course some for yourselves.
What about that am I wrong about?
Please refute that I was deprived of discovery by your very hands while adding and abetting DHS abuse.
Marilyn [LeBaron]©

What a joke. Bill Gates the COVID WAR COMMANDER AND CHIEF getting a monopoly on encrypted digital voting while downloading anything relevant to contradicting his COVID WAR INFORMATION your computer starts running slow after updating through automatic updating which is more conducive to vulnerabilities and forcing everyone to link up to the web and go paperless so no one can track who piggybacked his software update. It seems intentional not merely for the convenience of ease of access to all the spyware so easily hacking his security features. The idea of knowing the vulnerabilities and saying you need to be prepared for the vulnerabilities without any real guarantee is the same as saying, "I know I can't swim but am jumping into the ocean any way to learn how and maybe drown in the process". But, I'm a quick learner and ready to fight for life in dangerous waters". Electronic voting is so obviously a con job it is sickening regardless of the encryption. Digital records can be changed at any time and there are not enough people in the world to verify a single thing and we are just going to have to take their word for it. Just like believing spyware updates are not an infection point, really, who can tell. Not to mention all that digital data can be deleted at any time. Next a chip in the arm that can be remotely erased and updated any way they like it and well it will be called a data breach just like is going on with me. The DHS opens my files on the exact same day they have a dependency hearing set to grab my grandkids as money concubines and send me a new middle initial V and then a social worker physically tries to deliver something to me with the new middle name so they can say they tried to find me and could not since the wrong name at that address. Do you see how that would pan out for them on the Diligent Efforts to find a family member? Of course, I rejected it and say, "That is not my name" and handed the envelope back to her and she tried to use verifying my birthday to accuse me of having a middle initial V when my birthday was not printed on the outside of the envelope so she came prepared to affirm an alias for me without my authority for a name change using common law of AKA they were trying to force down my throat showing she had done some research while DHS was trying to adopt out my grandkids. And tried to make a liar out of me for Hitler mentality of changing people's names to hide them in the system, while congruently the DHS changed my grandkids names on the petition as well, whole none of those social workers use their full names, plus have multiple email addresses and cell phone numbers operating under the stealth of talk and toss cell phones not listed on the Oregon state employee directory posted on the web with no hard copy mailed out to everyone anymore, like the yellow pages used to do called a phone book, now all we have is some spreadsheet that is updated on-line, just as easily as my name was changed, when information changes so easily it is not proof of anything. And DHS just changed all their emails to DHS OHA warping DHS with the Oregon Health Authority, probably mixing all our health information into the file for social workers to get easy access without a court order as if we all suddenly became lab rats during this COVID invasion and destruction of our economy, I call 'Fauci Gates'. She had done some research on privileged information she should not have needed just to hand-deliver a letter to my home since I had rejected other mail that added the middle initial and left a note to the postman to not allow it and put them on notice of the laws surrounding how names are changes and that courts had to be involved or common law methods were not used under my direction to change my name and that I was not their child that they could name me as a full-grown woman. She had no business to have my birthday memorized while attempting to confirm my acceptance of their efforts to change my name saying, "So that is you" when I told her my birthday trying to shove the letter back into my hand as if I should tacitly take it from her to accept the letter and the new name to prove in some way she had made a positive I.D. as someone other than who my grandkids were related to while they also committed perjury about my grandkids addresses leaving out they had lived at my home where the letter was being delivered. Which is the evident extent DHS will go to steal kids and say they could not find any family. When all the other stuff in their files and all their other emails and checks or paperwork from that office did not have a middle initial, so it is really easy to see the con job going on when all I get is a notice of a data breach that resulted in the DHS sending me a new name. all we get is a notice to make it look like somebody other than the DHS did it.
This is to verify that this is a subject matter relevant to ADMINISTRATIVE discretion pertinent to Diligent Efforts is designed to force people to apply to contract with DHS through adoption retention specialists as an application which allows DHS to enter your kin into an adoption pool DHS may rule you out of it they so choose or desire to imply we have no choice but to apply regardless if that is duress to where there is no acceptance of terms of the contract we are applying to be approved for.
This is to verify that applying to be ‘approved to contract with DHS’ for the purposes of adoption of my grandchildren, ALREADY IN MY LINEAGE, does not stipulate the terms of the contract I am applying for on the application sent me by Adoption Retention Specialists implying Adoption Retention Specialists are allowed to negotiate terms of an agreement between DHS, the Capital, or grandparents, and that I must agree to waive my natural claim to my heirs and allow them to be construed as adoptable commodities in your business practices with DHS but that applies to contract is not publicly posted on DHS web page? Is this correct? 
This is to confirm that failure to waive my claim to my grandkids is construed as Diligent Efforts although the application to contract does not stipulate the terms of the adoption contract itself and the actual contract or terms and stipulations of an adoptive contract are not posted anywhere relevant to this application to waive my claim to my blood and kin and that you demand I contract under duress to satisfy the Diligent Efforts pertinent to adoption.
This is also to verify that DHS can also hold a side premise to prevent a business relationship with DHS for adoption purposes at the Deputy District Attorneys office regardless if forwards me to ‘apply to be approved’ elsewhere, which is to make up for the lack of summon power of an adoption agency and the fact that the court clerk cannot set a court date for Willful Failure to Apply to Contract Under Duress since there is no such penal code while the law stipulating judges cannot impede contracts is actually moot since applying for approval to contract is not a contract and getting me to agree that my grandkids are available for DHS adoptive purposes is really the only aim of this whole Treasonous process without ever a meeting of the minds since it is of a double mind appearing to be a double-headed snake feeding the same belly through getting picked up by one snake and shoved into the mouth of the other with you straddling its back and holding the reigns, one head called Diligent Efforts and the other head Reasonable Efforts.
This is to also confirm and clarify that applying to be approved to adopt does not stipulate any terms of a contract therefore not a binding contract so I never rejected any contract since no contract was ever presented to my while my kin are isolated with your personal AUTHORITATIVE intention of putting them up for adoption which is not your subject matter or discretion which you leave up to somebody else as well and cannot guarantee the character or morals of said placement. Just another huge con that your presence in the Juvenile Justice Complex is somehow meaningful.

I have a right to know the nature of the allegation against me. I have a right to a rebuttal. I have a right to see the discovery and bring into question their credibility. I have a right to face my accusers in open court. I have been denied these things where no penal code is available for furtherance hearings and denied my flesh and blood and sentenced to the equivalent of the death penalty of a criminal case without a day in court which adversely affects both my heirs.


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