Governor Brown,
Where is the penal code or furtherance hearing for the
fictitious crime of Willful Failure to Apply to Contract Under Duress that
gives the DHS permission to hold our grandkids liable as money concubines?
Where is the legislative intent to allow an adoption agency the use of the
State of Oregon seal to extend penalties already served three times over were
not summoned by the court, to forever while in contempt of time served, without
any new information or an actual subject matter relevant to child protection?
Where is DHS authorized to use fictitious plaintiffs to put kids up for
adoption against supreme court rule man is immune to statute and code and that
statute and code are not law? How are our nations heirs made liable and put up
for sale?
We do not consent!
Marilyn [LeBaron]©
Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It
Jul 6, 2013
Only your enemy within would object to your saying, “There is
no statue of limitations on and act of Treason”
Battle - The mother hen fights fiercely against the mighty might of the Eagle
Apr 21, 2021
Here is what is not getting much publicity in the news while
Biden threatens to put us on lockdown again... Maybe you all should go into the
body bag selling business for the predicted COVID deaths showing they know the vaccine is VERY DEADLY https://youtu.be/5a7PLv9JkF4
Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021 12:09 AM
To: Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: Automatic reply: Where is the penal code or furtherance hearing
for the fictitious crime of Willful Failure to Apply to Contract Under Duress
that gives the DHS permission to hold our grandkids liable as money concubines?
I'm currently out of the office returning Wednesday,
August 11th. If this is urgent, please contact another SRCI chaplain.
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