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I can't curl my lips back

FACT: My son’s father abandoned his son for over ten years and DHS did not consider my son’s right to permanency when he was not the topic of court petition when they just force an address change without a shelter hearing so allowed to skip all due process rights on false allegations removed from court petition.
FACT: My granddaughter’s father abandoned his daughter at age three months
FACT: Nolan’s father saw Nolan less than four hours a month for most his life and got no visitation schedule or parenting plan in place and when he did visit it was for less than an hour so that is abandonment
FACT: Paying child support is not a visitation schedule yet is a good source of federals dollars to the DOJ
FACT: Both Nolan J Stevens and Victoria R Couvillion spent way more time with me than either Shannon Stevens and Nathan A Stevens
FACT: DHS force the relationship between abandoners to keep control while money moves to their hands.
FACT: Nathan A Stevens is not significantly better than Melanie V LeBaron on what DHS claim as a premise of protection while forcing a divorce so a custody battle ensue and is only a stall for time as another paycheck to Sabrina Leach.
FACT: Nolan J Stevens and Victoria Couvillion being separated and forcing a divorce give Linda Hughes more time to isolate siblings from one another so that indicates another premise since the subject matter is a matter of police records are not significantly different one parent from the other.
FACT: The other hidden unmentioned premise is not proved by the prosecutors while failing to allow a single visit with the people who know most and are a direct witness shows the Office of the Deputy District Attorney is ignoring ‘exculpatory’ evidence and is participating in witness tampering while destroying blood ties.
FACT: The conversations verbalized to me going unverified by Attorneys is aiding and abetting a misprision felony at the Deputy District Attorneys Office when and has privileged information is not set up to catch the worst of the criminals.
FACT: The prosecutors ARE in fact sentencing the victims to multiple counts of death penalties of a criminal case and letting the criminals walk due to the lack of verification of conversation between my daughter and her attorneys.
FACT: Rapists are walking and innocent heads are chopped off for want of attorneys verifications of conversation since not verifying anything in writing with my daughter’s DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT and rightful conservator
FACT: None of the social workers ever sent a verification of conversation to me and that is not child protection.
FACT: The Office of the Deputy District Attorney has no subject matter jurisdiction on something not furtherance for a death penalty sentence on something not prosecuted as a criminal offense


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