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David Straight - Arkansas Class 1 of 3 (volume fixed)

STANDING: 'All people are equal in the eyes of the law'


  1. From: Mad Cow
    Sent: Friday, December 20, 2019 5:18 PM
    To:; SPDTRO; Isham, Jeff;; Bittick, Richard; Steve Cooper;
    Subject: (if they can’t come to grab the kids just because they live with me they cannot eliminate me as a placement just because they grabbed them up then want to force me to contract with them so they can get a Federal Bonus)

    It is a matter of equal protection of the law, policy, O.R.S., O.A.R., Federal, State, UCC, or otherwise, no matter who or what status you have.

    Pursuant to the IJRC (interim Jurisdictional Review Court) the Oversight Committee

    Under the contractual law: Deceit is not a valid enforceable contract.
    Under the theory: Vague is not enforceable.
    Under: DURESS is not binding.
    Under: The attorneys retained by DHS were not retained by me therefor second-hand advisement is not binding to me when their advice is meant to protect the interests of other men and their constituents

    My complex is under Landlord Tenancy Law which ensures an environment that covers the bankers and their property and taxation interests and upkeep which is suitable for the general population until DHS step in and then the standard of living is mandated by the implementation of a double standard forced upon us to become a ‘facility’, and when parents are arguing over kids the standard of their upkeep is considered on the basis of what they are accustomed to when alimony is paid to the wife or husband benefiting from that ruling, so after those two examples there is equal protection required when the State of Oregon is ‘divorcing’ kids from their mother and father, which is in effect the DHS stepping in and saying, “I’m the other mother” while collecting all the benefits after hooking up a case through the clerk, then asserts the standard of living must be raised when over and above that which is customarily available to all the population under the protection of the stakeholders in real-estate through landlord tenancy laws, prior to imposing evictions to kids ignoring their tenancy rights when they are supposed to look for relative caregivers and don’t then don’t remove the offending parent. It is not regulated here at my complex on the mass to require all have a carbon monoxide detector and if DHS wants me to have one and they want that standard in place it has to be equally enforced upon all society (that removal is possible if you do not have one ) so denial of your kin is cannot be deemed rightful, since whoever said having a carbon monoxide detector is a Liberty Interest issue, when it is between the Bankers and the Landlord Tenancy Law contracts, and not a reason to deny family to one another while an E Certification walk-through is done since not applicable to Life, Liberty, and Happiness, when it is the scope of liability and insurance underwriters policies and not legislated by Congressional act as Parental Liability Law extended to kin.

    'If you cannot remove, DHS cannot withhold' as a phrase equivalent to organic law related to No Victim, No Crime, as to translate to No Complaint, No Victim, as a standard of thinking with respect to the term ‘placement’ when DHS claim their hands are tied by federal regulations, as congruent to why people call the child abuse hotline and if they would call; “Oh my gosh they don’t have a fire extinguisher!, 911 needs to be called quick!” or “They don’t have a building code of a ‘facility’!, 911 needs to be called quick!” or “Oh my gosh no first aid kit and no carbon monoxide detector!” that is child endangerment!”, call the child abuse hotline.

  2. If it is not a mandatory reported ‘item’ than DHS cannot use a walk-through to prevent family from taking possession of their kin. Why do a walk-through any way if the bankers and insurance underwriters have that already in place to cover their investments with is also an umbrella for the kids and is presumable but not exactly an act of God, but when He acts that is 'an out' for the insurance companies to avoid a payout even if all the other things were in place, and no one can be held in breach. And since family is an act of God why do the DHS get to impose that which is not an act of God, but legislated in the private interests under liability laws, as grounds to deny your family to you as a kid, in a way saying kids are managed by insurance underwriters when the police owe us no duty but are escorting DHS to the front door, which is unconstitutional social science once DHS steps in Child Protection Stops under they are no longer mandatory reporters and the police are no longer called and the right to an independent investigation is lost when a crime is committed in DHS controlled ‘facility’ and equal protection is on those direct matters null and void.

  3. On April 30, 2019 I heard S Stevens, in the presence of N Stevens, her son, and father of N S, ask Helmar Lochman, CPS supervisory staff, how many foster homes the kids have been in, he replied, “They have been in three foster homes”, this since 02/19/2019, and the DHS cannot hold a permanency hearing when no permanency is offered, and say, "If you don't show up we have jurisdiction", the first attorney was not retained and the courts had no permission from the mother to put them in custody or the authority to appoint counsel to my daughter, or the authority prior to April 30, 2019 to appoint counsel to my grand-kin, none at all, which is contested continually due to many technicalities, and none of these attorneys have contacted me wile drawing a paycheck provided with all their love for the technicalities that keep them from accountability and pass all the obligation of ‘efforts to the DHS’, who are the workers that bring in their opportunities to apply all the technicalities that make bank accounts fill. While i am listed as not appearing as if not interested, i guess, giving rise to a conflict of the laws where attorneys cannot ambulance chase yet have allowed DHS under their paperwork to do so, while not providing a way for the people to respond in equal force with an armful of pre-printed papers for those who do not know how to litigate in a manner which is pleasing to the JUVENILE JUSTICE COMPLEX,

  4. (which the lack of said secures a fat retainer fee for their constituents and some adoption bonuses), where we have to present a case better than an attorney, who have delegated all the presenting a case to the DHS who have that proper form all pre printed for them by the paperwork authored by the attorneys who are the ones making bank, which can be inferred by the box being checked that the DHS has made diligent efforts to locate family and kinder caregivers, which is perjury unless my family was contacted this time (way before the arrest on February 15, 2019, and the DHS can show my entire family refused to take the kids since it is stated the state strategized in coordinated efforts to take them from their mother and did not have a plan in place to bring them directly to me and then don’t tell me where they are. Even in the conflict of rules that eliminate other family members from having DHS having to put them with relatives already by the use of school of origin, when school is not family, making that little box checked void and DHS the winner by their own rules they set in place to look like they have rules when their rules just eliminate family making the school the ‘other parent’, and if you don’t live near the school, well, the school of origin wins, and if the kids get bounced around all over the place and even moved outside the zone of the school of origin, the other family members are not an option as in this case, this school of origin is highly controversial since no one at the school is there when the light go out and they are not in charge of the pen, and not there in court, or the doctors, or an attorney for that matter, just an empty gesture to keep control of the kids to the local DHS office staff’s who directly benefit from the bonus schedules, and also excludes actual relatives from knowing anything about the kids under DHS control. Goes to Bonnie Kemball saying, this has been in the works for a long time, and my saying we have been hunted through the Welfare Office when Victoria was only five months old. And DHS could not come and grab the kids even if they wanted to and could not for years but once the DHS do get them they can exclude me and say, ‘Get an attorney who cares”, (Ha ha) "Come get them" if you have and address to where they are hidden from you before the 'dependency hearing' and don’t provide that address or the address of the hearing place or the time of the hearing. Which directly needs legislative attention to mandate coordinated efforts between DHS, police, and sheriff, to include family BEFORE the grabbing of kids,

  5. because attorney doesn't care about the constitutional rights in civil court, and everything DHS files during CPS involvement needs a copy CC to a relative, and all video recordings of all contact between DHS Supervisory Staff, CPS workers, Doctors, Therapists, Attorney’s, and Police, in any direction between kin or them, needs to be fully documented sent to family for verification of conversation, and attestation for proper respectable verification of conversations the courts will accept as evidence instead of DHS checking boxes, that in this case are blatant lies. Since the kids were in the year prior in foster care and the DHS in Polk County already made contact with my family members all across the country including my family members living in Texas, Tigard here in Oregon, and one other, (and my family is so big you would need a Rolodex) who contacted them to intervene at my diligent request they do so which is not proof they made reasonable efforts, just me knowing they would not put the kids with me since they are all about money, prejudice, and oh, we have them now, ta-ta, and ha-ha, see if you ever see them again, which is what they actually did. i was not contacted at all that first time, and was the one making their ‘reasonable efforts for them', but this time i was and i just found a letter from Bonnie Kemball that is talking about adoptive options, which is pre-emptive, proving bias which is not allowed by supreme court when police are investigating, she texting, "You have a founded" eliminating me as an option, but that past ‘founded’ was based on a future crime against a bureaucrat, not something i actually did to kids prior to 2004 where they should have been looking for evidence to build and prove their case at that time, not future things where the presumption of innocence are subverted on Oath of Affirmation of the District Attorney’s pen. But, my grandchildren have lived with me within the time frame of one year and they could not come and grab them for me just being in their lives, which is evidence there is a double standard (if they can’t come to grab the kids just because they live with me they cannot eliminate me as a placement just because they grabbed them up then want to force me to contract with them so they can get a Federal Bonus, putting my grand-kin in harms way while the living situation is already governed under contracts providing ample proof of a secure environment under that contract which has inspectors that are third party not profiting from a bonus schedule. Directly to the fact that if my grand-kin are placed with me those bonuses are lost while the adoption attorney loses a hefty sum of up to $40,000 while the DHS also, actually Helmar Lochman, loses his adoption bonus (while my grand-kin are detained for surety on that bonus schedule which has to do with who holds the power of the pen) while they are in danger and at a higher risk than if placed with kin.

    In support of


    The Prophet Joseph Smith assigns of Power of Attorney to Benjamin F. Johnson.
    On the topic of Trustee in trust and conservator of the power of the pen

    EXHIBIT A - Page 1 – 5

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  6. From: Mad Cow
    Sent: Friday, December 20, 2019 11:35 AM
    To: Jessica L. Cheely

    i demand, require, insist the DA make the DHS PROVE DHS has indeed contacted all my family members that came forward the last time Nolan and Victoria were taken and make the DHS show letters and phone logs and make the DHS prove all my family members refused to take them saying they did not want to be foster placement or adoptive consideration or he is liable for kidnapping after the fact. i also demand the public defender to enter a MOTION TO INTERVENE and act as a true defender because at this point he is a flop and a farce, but since he came in late he may not have been advised. And since a caseworker told me they had been working on a case against my daughter for a long time the family should have been contacted a long, long time ago right in step with their investigation to find somebody with blood ties to take them if they were truly making diligent efforts to not take them into foster placement.

    Both my sisters in this area have 9 children each who are now adults and it needs to be proved they were contacted since they already have that information in records. There letters sent out this time to get a list of family members willing to step in through family response requests is a pretense at best.

    These birth certificate bonds were collateralized by your birth certificate and your mother’s maiden name under an Act of Congress in 1921.

    Then your birth certificate bond became a negotiable instrument just like any security instrument under UCC Article 3, code of commercial law in which the world trade falls under.

    The “strawman,” the theory states, is an entity created by an alleged 1933 “House Joint Resolution” marking U.S. residents as collateral for the country’s loans. Though it is unclear how prevalent it is today, the FBI has classified the idea of birth certificate “redemption” as a common form of bond fraud: (Well ask the court clerk, she is redeeming your bond for the jailer industry into the umpteen of millions or billions of dollars a year. So why is it getting drained for foster homes instead of helping families). Yeah, fraud, corruption, and the state saying, "I'm the 'other (other) outsider mother', since your grandmother has no rights, and drags your grand-kin into the cellar from hell' where they are more than six times more likely to be raped and four times our to that to get killed, which adds up to ten times more likely to get raped or killed)

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  7. From: Mad Cow
    Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 9:18 PM
    To: Jessica L. Cheely


    More like Hitler than an American.

    How much money do you each get while my daughter is living in the streets? Huh?
    How much is your take Cheely? The District Attorney’s, Linda Houghs? Robert Axford’s? Erica H Freidman’s, and Amilia’s? While my grandchildren are getting raped and your technicalities are all you worship and do you expect me to feel the same awe for your morals?

    Well, i don’t? i prefer the gangster drug dealer to you because if he came into my home and tried to displace my family then force me to buy a fire extinguisher, a carbon monoxide detector, and a first aid kit, and contract with him to his financial gain, I could blow a hole in his head, grab my family and go home, and it would be a lawful act, and i could defend my position with ‘affirmative defense’, well he is an OUTSIDER, like you all are, but with your legalized self-worship of your fraudulently gained status as ‘Plantation Master’, and Parent, because you have been told you have the right to call me ‘nobody important’, while the courts get fat, and want BOND money from the Federal Government, while my family is murdered and raped, without a refute, or a single reply for me for almost a year, because of you love for your technicalities over actual living beings, while I study to find the secret, and i am ignored and called an OUTSIDER, which translates to ‘third party’, you all enrich yourselves while my daughter is left to die, then you all get to cash in on that too. It is against the law to abuse disabled people and that SURETY is meant, as far as i understand, to provide us a ‘benefit’ and help us form hitting rock bottom. So, why would you care if she dies? She is not one of your loved ones who need disability while you take it instead. There is always the insurance policy to cash in on. Your making the money with the entire police force at your command but are way more than a common ‘jackbooted thug’ since you pretend to be good and are abject evil and a plague of leprosy of the heart and mind, not an actual party either, with no natural right. So, why may i ask, if not a party, is your wallet getting so fat while we are tortured, medicated, and raped, bounced from place to place, and forced to pay an attorney who cares not for our rights, who have very little success in returning the children that have been stolen when the statistics are said to be 17% of the cases were actually child protection. Well, I don’t think you were and don’t have proof you was, the one taking the cash for the kids getting pimped out, and don’t think you were the one causing my grandson’s rectal bleeding, and seducing my 12-year-old kin, but are the one linked to the cash flow that moves all the motivation around, so a treasonous serial killer in my book. And nobody as long as you love the smell of the color green more than you do the right to have a bloodline has a Nation to look forward to and it can only get worse because those that will not hear the cries of the kids getting raped in foster care and see the kids turning to become whores in the streets repent from the harm befalling man are going to bring the wrath of God down upon your heads.

  8. Don't worry nothing in here should be construed as a credible threat since I believe in due process of law and am demanding it so it will also be delivered to you and the penalty for CAPITAL FELONY TREASON well it belongs to all of you.

    I hope that some of those criminals get enlightened and go lynching and burning and now Timothy James McVeigh seems like he was a brave man, compared to the terrorist in the courts, at least he had an enemy that was not a child he intended on pimping out, he is the better, like the common drug dealer, who is way better than any of you, and loved us enough to tell us we had an enemy within, and he lay down his life to warn us of the rot in the hearts of the courts, and because i have proved how hard-hearted all you are, while you sit in judgment, feeling your power, pronounce punishments that have no bearing on child protection, tow generations in a row now, and that was really easy to make happen, and I have figured out how you all pimp the kids out. I found where back page has a contact person in the current business practices while you all withhold people flesh and blood for the lack of a fire extinguisher, or am arbitrary building code when kids cannot be taken for the same reasons you withhold them, which is CAPITAL FELONY TREASON, and a big fat fucking scam, like the fake process server after the fact of my ‘sentencing’, on the reported incident my daughter heard the ‘fake judge’ who sides with a suspected child pimp, with a District Manager is the process service after the fact of sentencing and punishment was already pronounced, so you all can get a status quo on the placement of my grandkids and need a reason to pronounce judgment since that penalty was already in place for over 305 days.

    “As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”

    ― Adolf Hitler

    From: Mad Cow <>
    Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 10:29 AM
    To:; Jesse Turner
    Subject: Re: Permanency Hearing when kids are bounced three times from foster home 'not listed as the reason'

  9. From: Mad Cow <>
    Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 10:29 AM
    To:; Jesse Turner
    Subject: Re: Permanency Hearing when kids are bounced three times from foster home 'not listed as the reason'

    Hitler and the Brown Shirts style child grabbing premeditated, carried out, and no proof of service, the court clerk, in my presence tried to verbally serve my daughter but did not provide a date and time of the hearing for my daughter to verify she knew a future court date had been set, and now the public defender is assisting DHS to gain jurisdiction by encouraging her signature on a document while the judge says, "If you don't show up we have jurisdiction". The prosecutor was not present to reschedule the hearing where the ONLY agenda up for discussion or objection was a 'meet and greet roll call', District Attorney missing, and the hearing rescheduled. Personal appearances were made just to tell you to make another where gaining jurisdiction to the court is the only aim in the agreement the Public Defender authorized. So he has no authority to 'defend yet' since the DA was not the acting authority to adjoin or reschedule. And since DHS is not our counsel of choice the extra two attorneys cannot be retained properly either since the DA has no jurisdiction and the courts cannot assign counsel to ANYBODY TILL THEY GAIN JURISDICTION. So, i turn to the phrase 'star chamber' since there was nothing in that hearing on the merits of the case to make objections over.

    “As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”

    ― Adolf Hitler

    From: Mad Cow <>
    Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 10:04 AM
    To:; Jesse Turner
    Subject: Re: Permanency Hearing when kids are bounced three times from foster home 'not listed as the reason'

  10. Kidnapping, premeditated, carried out, book and release, not proof of service to dependency hearing when the DHS said, "You will get the kids back on Tuesday", but hold a dependency hearing instead.
    From: Mad Cow <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2019, 4:10 PM
    Subject: Re: Permanency Hearing when kids are bounced three times from foster home 'not listed as the reason'

    The DHS is making ID for my grandson, freeman style, to bill for doctor visits which is a Federal Funding matter, DHS is not an authority to do so. Make ID then use that ID to the bill. Unless they get their power to bill on my daughter's BIRTH CERTIFICATE, which is where i understand congress has put the bonds where funds must be generated, under the mother's maiden name, my daughter's is LEBARON. i say this because her offspring are named in court documents, letters, safety plans and other reports using N S and V C, upper lower case, while my and my daughter are MARILYN and ALL CAPS, which is relevant to the fact that neither Nolan or Victoria are allowed to contract without their mother's or father's consent.

    My theory is DHS cannot bill under the children's names so they must use my daughter's. Please do an investigative inquiry into how the little known freeman ID is being used by DHS caseworkers to ID my grandson. i know how to make a picture ID replacement and it is looking to me that is what my grandson has since he has not had a birth certificate ordered by his mother. And she affirmed she had not given one into school records.

    I told the DA and Public Defender they have to prove my grandchildren are BOND and said they did not use the correct spelling of my grand children's names on the petition. Also that Nolan has no BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Plus my daughter told me the dentist bill the foster parent got was off by $7,000 dollars from her copy of the bill and if true the DHS can possibly be double billing since my grandchildren's full names were listed on the safety plan while in the court record their middle initials are redacted. But, they already had them both in custody before so this should not be the case they can claim as well we didn't have enough information to before. A caseworker told me this case has been building for some time and police had a pickup a warrant for a long time so a diligent search for family on a book and release is a farce and i say whatever they offer as an excuse to not bring them to a family member locally is a blatant lie. They had a big list of nearby relatives in Polk County DHS where the kids foster home were managed the last time.

  11. i demand, require, insist the DA make the DHS PROVE DHS has indeed contacted all my family members that came forward the last time N and V were taken and make the DHS show letters and phone logs and make the DHS prove all my family members refused to take them saying they did not want to be foster placement or adoptive consideration or he is liable for kidnapping after the fact. i also demand the public defender to enter a MOTION TO INTERVENE and act as a true defender because at this point he is a flop and a farce, but since he came in late he may not have been advised. And since a caseworker told me they had been working on a case against my daughter for a long time the family should have been contacted a long, long time ago right in step with their investigation to find somebody with blood ties to take them if they were truly making diligent efforts to not take them into foster placement.

    Both my sisters in this area have 9 children each who are now adults and it needs to be proved they were contacted since they already have that information in records. There letters sent out this time to get a list of family members willing to step in through family response requests is a pretense at best.

    These birth certificate bonds were collateralized by your birth certificate and your mother’s maiden name under an Act of Congress in 1921.

    Then your birth certificate bond became a negotiable instrument just like any security instrument under UCC Article 3, code of commercial law in which the world trade falls under.

    The “strawman,” the theory states, is an entity created by an alleged 1933 “House Joint Resolution” marking U.S. residents as collateral for the country’s loans. Though it is unclear how prevalent it is today, the FBI has classified the idea of birth certificate “redemption” as a common form of bond fraud:

    From: Mad Cow <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2019, 3:24 PM
    Subject: Permanency Hearing when kids are bounced three times from foster home 'not listed as the reason'

    The purpose of the hearing scheduled on April 30, 2019 was intended as a Permanency Hearing at first but was not and all they did is meet, greet, take roll call, and reschedule when the District Attorney was not in attendance to assert his direct authority. Could it be he had something urgent needs attending to? you please verify what he was actually doing on 04/30/2019 at exactly 1:00 PM.

  12. I heard Shannon Stevens, in the presence of Nathan Stevens, her son, and father of N S, ask Helmar Lochman, CPS supervisory staff, how many foster homes the kids have been in, he replied they have been in three foster homes, this since 02/19/2019, and the DHS cannot hold a permanency hearing when no permanency is offered, and say, "If you don't show up we have jurisdiction", which is contested continually due to many technicalities. while i am listed as not appearing as if not interested, i guess, which can be inferred by the box being checked that the DHS has made diligent efforts to locate family and kinder caregivers, which is perjury unless my family was contacted this time and refused to take the kids. Which directly need an attorney's attention and attestation for proper respected verification the courts will accept as evidence of DHS checking boxes that are blatant lies. Since the kids were in foster care and the DHS in Polk County already made contact with my family members all across the country including my family members living in Texas, Tigard here in Oregon, and one other, who contacted them to intervene at my request. i was not contacted at all that time, but this time i was and i just found a letter from Bonnie Kemball that is talking about adoptive options, but then she said, "I am not considered an option". But, my grandchildren have lived with me within the time frame of one year.

    And since Shannon Stevens, is also excluded after they already put both my grandchildren in her home the last time, then removed them for some reason after the fact bringing up one incident that happened years and years ago where she was yelling and trying to get her wayward son home for some reason. But, that is not child abuse but used to disqualify her as a placement for my grandson.

    My grandson is saying he wants to kill himself, kicking one of his foster providers in the face, and other outbursts that are evidence he needs counseling and the only assessments i have seen are limited to motor skills and things not relevant to a diagnosis and a recommendation for care, while the report also stated he does not understand the role DHS is playing in his life and he will need guidance for him to come to terms with his being removed from his mother's care. This along with my daughter telling me Nolan said, while in the second placement, "How long am i going to be here? and in the same conversation said, "The foster mom said i will be here a long time", but was not and got moved". The current foster dad gives me the heebie-jeebies and my daughter feels the same way and just hearing him talk about 'Nolan is funny because they laughed about farts together while alone with him getting yogurt', which does not qualify as a reason to move him again, but evidence just looking at him and knowing he has unlimited alone time access to him makes her skin crawl.

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10


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