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Barr announces federal government will resume capital punishment

Barr announces federal government will resume capital punishment
December 19, 2019

Medical Kidnapping, Child Trafficking, DHS, Unconstitutional Courts, and Outsiders Calling Family Members a 'third party' and broker children for adoption fees instead of putting them with family.

Reply to letter on Oregon letterhead from District Manager of the DHS without his name on the letter-head or printed name under signature. Does Governor Brown permit this as standard practice?

NOTICE OF REPUDIATION FOR GOOD CAUSE pursuant to REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE: exhibit of the lack of oversight (NO PEN SHOULD BE SO DEVOID OF POWER where plausible deniability has not been established by lawful means)

Listen and read:!AoA950hEL9D60mixhz59fzjG9iIM?e=8L5bNC



But not limited to that

1.    Where is the witness list for the defense?
a.    As it pertains to the fictitious plaintiff the preset judiciary allowed at the pen of the District Attorney in the civil venue when it was never tried and the penalty is not legislated by congress so not law providing the lawful application of the punishment when it is cruel and unusual and arbitrary. 
2.    Where is the receipt for the doctor's visit?
a.    For anybody for both arguments on both cases
3.    When was the fictitious plaintiff questioned and asked, "Do you want us to punish you and your grandmother for something that was not a credible complaint?"
4.    Where is the police report that asked for physical proof of living conditions and the evidence of a policeman saying there was no probable cause promptly within the 5-day time frame allowed and where is the denial of a (…………)?
a.    On the allegation of my heirs (grand-kin) getting raped in foster care and just moved and not given the comfort from somebody, they know within five days?
b.    On the questioning of the fictitious plaintiff to protect a bureaucrat when it is called child protection within five days?
5.    Where is the video recorded questions asked by an unimpeachable OUTSIDER under my supervision? 
6.    Where were the suspects questioned?
7.    Where were the victims questioned?

These are all answers that need to be documented and where is your receipt for these prior to your telling me ‘you are not allowed to have a legal opinion’ when a legal opinion is that gotten of an attorney you pay for advice to get when considering liabilities and how to protect yourself from being sued. But that now is the same as ‘privilege’ extended under a conspiracy to commit perjury in while aiding and abetting the cover-up of ‘rape’ and ‘emotional torture’ of an entire family.

Based on the above facts in this case that are not presented to my eye since a natural relative there should be no OUTSIDER in charge to the selection of counsel or voice when the pen must change hands in a case where there is already an inherent conflict of interest.

To the unidentified unknown District Manager of the Oregon DHS telling me a six-month penalty denying me visits is now officially 'imposed' upon my visits with my heirs (grand-kin) when they had already done that for over 305 days (and just need to validate themselves) i say ‘time served’ is more appropriate (well, not appropriate at all since that specific penalty has to be affixed to a specific crime or it is just not enforceable), so if the penalty does not match, since not legislated, it is not imposable or enforceable, plus there is this little thing called a fictitious plaintiff and my heirs (grand-kin) cannot be interjected as a plaintiff to cry out for the bureaucrat any more than I can stand in and claim to be harmed if somebody else deliberately stomped on your toes and you decided not to press charges on them, so how does the ‘referee’ say she is a ‘referee’ when allowing fictitious plaintiffs to be adjudicated for something not legislated as a punishment in the first and second place? Cruel and Unusual punishments are not allowed and arbitrarily denial of my visits with my heirs (grand-kin) was already imposed for 305 days which is cruel (but not unusual all across this country).

Well, what date is set please for my Special Appearance to get a copy of what needs a refute?


My question is, "Why is it so difficult for you to take seriously the allegations I raised and for you to bring your pen to give aid to the American heirs being raped in foster care?" My inference, "You do and are taking it seriously, profiting from it, or participating in it directly and don't want to get caught". Yet, you are to oversee the 'employees' under your scope of authority not punish those seeking the oversight not provided here. I categorically deny the assertion for concern to be raised since it is not credible or on point nor is the penalty affixed appropriately in any direction for all affected or involved nor is it legislated that such a penalty is available both prior or after a fake trial or hearing and a change of venue is much more appropriate. I will remind you threatening to have me punished is a 'hand over my mouth' and is, in fact, aiding and abetting the crimes already committed, and a violation of my right to cry out for aid when my heirs (grand-kin) are being Human Trafficked and Sex Trafficked by a for-profit corporation posing as a court system when the Juvenile Justice Complex is not an independent judicial seat. Also, ‘Bureaucrat Protection’ is not attained by the punishment of the denial of visits between my heirs (grand-kin) since it also punishes my heirs (grand-kin) as well. Imposing such a penalty is tyranny since that is not the punishment or penalty listed in the penal code anywhere for any O.R.S. Since 'Bureaucrat Protection' is not the legislative intent advertised to the general population, and imposing my heirs (grand-kin) as a fictitious plaintiff on that matter and calling it Child Protective Services is clearly cruel and unusual punishment to both my heirs (grand-kin) making Bureaucrats the fictitious plaintiff there on that side of the argument as well and your summoning me and laying out an allegation as if a judiciary is an abuse of power and is aiding the cover-up of the forgoing accusation of minimal charge of criminal negligence of Helmar Lochmann. I have demanded his arrest and have gathered a preponderance of evidence DHS has no oversight and lacks a proper documentation process in extremely sensitive areas which raise egregious issues that your position is an empty power designed for just what you are doing by your attempt to silence my cry through the intimidation of the people. Your misconduct is noted and that of your ‘employees’ who are over five hours away and most likely lying as DHS agents and workers are known for all over the world an nothing more than a Human Trafficking Mafia that needs to be shut down and if there was an honest Judicial Seat you would not be so biased and move to have me punished prior to my day in court and do not look into my allegation which has not been met with a lawful refute and stands as fact. This fact alone is prima facia evidence the seed of man is not safe while men like you are in power and have the position to abuse people under the color of law. The crime of betraying our country is well defined to put safeguards against such abuse of power. We the People never voted for Juvenile Courts and Family Courts that continue to operate outside the constitution. Your claims are not valid which brings up a need for a change of conservator which is lawful and Helmar Lochmann is fired.

The restrictions are imposed without merit and not a single person or living soul but the ones harming mine without threatening to cause physical injury and do but since we are not Department employees’ the Oregon Administrative Rules do not apply and the O.R.S. you listed applies to them, not me, since arrests were and are in order, which i am authorized to do when the police fail or if a direct witness to certain crimes. If you would do your job to oversee their behavior and make the proper orders to investigate them as is in your power your hands would begin to be cleaned. The actions of DHS employees have compromised the safety and health, both physical and mental, of my beloved family, held wrongfully under the control of the Department and Congress has been put on notice which you are very well aware of or living under a rock or one of the criminals infiltrating our government. There is sufficient evidence for a probable cause warrant to detain Helmar Lochmann for questioning. You are interfering with a valid cry for aid against rape in foster care. My right of way shall not be impeded by false accusations and insults from your desk that are in aid of a suspected Child Sex Trafficker. All my actions are lawfully defined and reserved for the people to act upon with good cause and my efforts fall under that and are irrefutable.

Your allegation has no basis for action and you must cease and desist aiding Helmar Lochmann who had directly engaged in illegal activity, as has been in detail defined in my writings in numerous attempt to seek a remedy, to document chronologically the turn of events for the purpose of holding DHS and him accountable, while reporting to law men and other agency interested in these matters, which is how i see fit to alter and abolish my supposed government, according to the business of the people, which is my right and you are not allowed to interfere, and if you are not my government than you have no authority and are a criminal kidnapping regime, and nothing more, and prior to sending you a formal list of crimes you have committed against my family after this REPUDIATION titled NOTICE OF REPUDIATION FOR GOOD CAUSE pursuant to REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE: exhibit of the lack of oversight (NO PEN SHOULD BE SO DEVOID OF POWER where plausible deniability has not been established by lawful means), in response to denounce unlawful and inappliccable fake process serving/sentencing letter please submit what line of inquiry did you employ to refute the allegations against Helmar Lochmann pursuant to law prior to acting dishonorably against my cry for aid since most of your citations are not relevant as a refute of the allegations or a valid request against my efforts subject to the inferences set forth of aiding and abetting, since i suppose your behavior is a complete ploy devised wile intending to divert my efforts by intimidation to prevent me from moving forward as is intended, which is not surprising since this kind of intimidation is noted as pattern and a practice all across this nation and highly questionable.

Accommodation is not required as my claim of harm is valid while retaliation is prohibited, against the law, and is egregious behavior subject to criminal charges, and without merit whatsoever, since it is not against the law to ask for a lawful investigation, being your agency only has five days to look into a matter the five months it has taken to get an independent investigation is highly suspect and evidence in itself there is much more going on in the DHS than appears on just the surface and I refuse to concur to your insults to my earnest cry for assistance, and screaming and crying about rape no matter who it upsets, under any method of reporting, is not in any way dishonorable, unlike the lack of proper action to give my family aid which is more than dishonorable on your part and needs your immediate reconsideration.

What does any of this in your letter to me have to do with kidnapping, rape, and the refute of rape and Child Sex Trafficking? "it is a criminal message, "Go away", "Shut up", a hand on my mouth. Nothing in the phony process server and a sentencing letter is a valid complaint pertinent to the statutes offered as a reference to other circumstances and not valid to define my diligent efforts for a referral to an investigative committee. The Oregon Administrative Rules conveyed are not binding by any interpretation since are regulatory policies inclined for interoffice review of Department ‘employees’ which is not binding to the people since not positive law enacted by Congress. None of those indicate you have any consideration to the harm and complaints and show bias and is proof your not a man of the people, and is preset to back up internal criminals of your department, which presents no liability to me but is yours as a conspirator against the people’s right to equal protection. My emails started way back before July as soon as my heirs (grand-kin) were taken in February, and that you don’t mention any of those is highly suspect.

I will say reasonable accommodation is not relevant for my stance here since you are not a judge in a courtroom and my request for a meeting is only valid for a Special Appearance to gather the material under question, that you call excessive, and since not a judge and your power to summon is not an Oregon Administrative Rule. So that a proper dialogue for an oversight committee to get a referral system being put in place to a lawful venue on the matters of criminal prosecution for relief of the confusion of bureaucrats is not a valid argument for an arrest as set forth by you, which is poor leadership, to say the least, as a staunch attempt to silence the claim of harm made of rape in foster care since July. While no one has provided a refute and seeking a counter inquiry that needs a fresh set of eyes under my guidance subject to my approval of the selection of the body of investigators is in order without acceptation. And you can keep your hands out of it since your involvement is a crime against my family and all victims of Child Sex Slavery. The letter you sent me is an embarrassment to this country.

DHS is late, negligent, then without cause assert a penalty that is not legislated for punishment on that allegation if tried properly, as if denying people each others company is a legislated sentence for something they never suffered or witnessed, and since the Oregon Revised Statutes have no penalty attached to them, as such, a bank magistrate calling herself a 'referee' has no authority whatsoever to sentence or impose such a penalty to both my heirs (grand-kin) or me and deny my heirs (grand-kin) for six more months, it is criminal behavior on her part and you are aiding a tyrant by sending me this letter of intimidation leveraging a fake penalty for a fictitious plaintiff reveals you are as well a criminal that relies on the sheer ignorance of the people, who sheep do not know how to do anything but pray, and all your application of false process serving is a scam. Furthermore, my building code is up to date and a good environment suitable as a living standard already approved for the general population, which we, me and my heirs (grand-kin) are accustomed to, which meet the standard safety specifications for human inhabitation, which can be verified by a third party who has not been contaminated by the criminal covering his liabilities, or working for DHS Child Welfare, as is proper third party, since not involved in the arguments, and is lawful, along with a change of venue which i seek as appropriate, and require you not interfere, mind your own business, and stop supervising my relationship with other people, it is not needed or wanted, and unconstitutional for you to legislate or violate my right to freedom of speech. And please print your name under your signature and use your own heading with your contact information on it so you can be called later as a witness, however hostile since it looks to me your lack of proper identity on proper letterhead is evidence you intended to hide your identity which is a felony, so again another crime against the voice seeking aid and relief from rape while under DHS control, which is grounds for your arrest and your behavior is hereby repudiated.

The penalties to your misconduct and criminal activity is a higher crime than the false allegation and confusion you described and your hands are way too dirty to point at my attempt to bring justice to my family.and you cannot, nor the District Attorney, prosecute with dirty hands. Especially when it is way more egregious than just hypocrisy while the crimes committed against my family is punishable by death.

Your criminal actions are not surprising so no further harm befell me while responding to this irrational measure to cover a that which looks like Child Sex Trafficking since one can only be affected to a point and then just expect more of the same from the criminal when engaging in an attempt to bring sanctioned crime under arrest.

Could somebody please ask for a proper refute from the heard of attorneys not doing their job based on the rules of admissibility below?

Hearsay is an out-of-court statement being offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. The Federal Rules of Evidence prohibit introducing hearsay statements during applicable federal court proceedings unless one of nearly thirty exemptions or exceptions applies.

[1] The Federal Rules of Evidence define hearsay as: A statement that: (1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or hearing; and (2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the statement. (F.R.E. 801(c)).[2] The "declarant" is the person who makes the out-of-court statement. (F.R.E. 801(b)).[2] The Federal Rules define a "statement" as "a person’s oral assertion, written assertion, or nonverbal conduct if the person intended it as an assertion." (F.R.E. 801(a)).[2] The Supreme Court has further clarified that a "statement" refers to "a single declaration or remark, rather than a report or narrative."[3] Thus, a trial court must separately analyze each individual statement, "sentence-by-sentence," [4] rather than analyzing the narrative as whole for hearsay content or exceptions.

"The truth of the matter asserted" means the statement itself is being used as evidence to prove the substance of that statement. For example, if a witness says, "Margot told me she loved Matt" to prove that Margot did, in fact, love Matt, the witness's statement is hearsay. Thus, the reason a party offers a statement is central to determining whether it qualifies as excludable hearsay.

If a statement is being used to prove something other than the truth of what the statement asserts, it is not hearsay and will not be prohibited by this rule. A quintessential example appears in the Malaysian case, Subramaniam v Public Prosecutor. The defendant-declarant testified that terrorists told him he would be killed if he refused to carry ammunition. On appeal, this statement was held not hearsay because it was being used to prove defendant's duress defense - that he reasonably believed he would be killed if he did not comply with the terrorists. The statement was not being used to show that the terrorists were, in fact, going to kill him if he did not comply (which would qualify as hearsay).

In cases like Subramaniam v Public Prosecutor where a statement is being offered for a purpose other than the truth of what it asserts, trial judges have discretion to give the jury a limiting instruction, mandating the jury consider the evidence only for its intended, non-hearsay purpose.[5]

Although the Federal Rules of Evidence govern federal proceedings only, 38 states have adopted the Uniform Rules of Evidence, which closely track the Federal Rules.[6]

Under Explicit Reservation of All My and My Families Inalienable Rights Without Prejudice to Those Rights

Any Relief Offered is Subject to My Approval Prior

Marilyn [LeBaron] © V R [Couvillion] © N J [Stevens] © M V [LeBaron] © N A [Stevens] © S [Stevens] ©


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