A definition,
incarceration, and synonyms for your knowledge and understanding particularly
placing emphasis upon synonyms of imprisonment;
captivity, custody, and incarceration, as it pertains to duress and the phrase
Babylonian Captivity as compared to Babylonian Whore of the Book of
Revelation 8:13 in fulfilling the Biblical
Prophesy human beings would be transported to be sold as slaves by merchants
internationally as they are today.
9 And the kings of
the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall
bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
10 Standing afar off
for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that
mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
11 And the
merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise
any more:
12 The merchandise of gold,
and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and
silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and
all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
13 And cinnamon,
and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour,
and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and
souls of men.
14 And the fruits
that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which
were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more
at all.
15 The merchants of
these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of
her torment, weeping and wailing,
they with feigned words make merchandise of you' as is done by BAR Members
ignoring the uses SYNONYMS while saying, "Oh that interpretation does not
apply” or “That is arguable” yet don't argue it because it would cost them so
much cash.
2 Peter 2:3
Considering human
beings as merchandise is not pleasing in 2 Peter 2:3 “And through covetousness: whose
judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.”
[inˌkärsəˈrāSH(ə)n] NOUN
the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.
"the public would not be
served by her incarceration"
imprisonment · internment · confinement · detention · custody · captivity · restraint · penal servitude · hard labor · time · porridge · chokey · durance · duress
From: Marilyn LeBaron
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:23 PM
To: US Institute Of Science; sabrina.leach@dhsoha.state.or.us
Cc: Victoria Couvillion; Nolan Stevens
Subject: FW: Adoption Listing
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:23 PM
To: US Institute Of Science; sabrina.leach@dhsoha.state.or.us
Cc: Victoria Couvillion; Nolan Stevens
Subject: FW: Adoption Listing
Dear Sabrina Leach,
How much do you
know about when a case is supposed to be built prior to sentencing being
sought, and how much in your personal knowledge on my grandchildren’s matters
are relevant to sentencing under a penal code which would result in almost two
years time incarceration under your personal possession dated prior to 2018
that shows cause to merit both my grandkids should be adversely affected by
facing the equivalent of the loss of all blood ties and kin, as in what did we
do prior to DHS taking physical control of them and of which is in your reports
that you personally verified by a criminal prosecutor as valid cause to
completely isolate family from one another which is then, by accumulated
technicalities of color of law to impose without a trial by jury of peers to
impose death penalty of criminal action against two kids ages six and twelve?
I have sent
verification that neither Nolan Stevens nor Victoria Couvillion or anyone in
Oregon and related to then are being prosecuted for a crime let alone sentenced
to multiple counts of death penalties.
I finally got a
firm decisive factual statement from Choice Adoption (Whew! All that effort
they make to be careful to act under a pretense to privacy and security built
into their written responses while kids are shooting into my inbox for my
viewing. But, I am told that I’m at the right agency and that Victoria is not
with their agency, but confirmation that she was never listed with them is
still waiting for an answer. Where else she might be listed is not available to
me either. According to Julie Webb, Victoria’s not listed in their Choice
Adoption listing (SEE BOTTOM
CUT AND PASTED IN**) and they
claim, “Our agency cannot help you and has nothing to do with this’, and
contact somebody in DHS, but don’t say who is the information I got.
Protest against Corporate trafficking of missing kids…
are our children!?!”
warning signs were all reported. It is well known the 'care' system is
trafficking children while my grandkids are controlled by them. The signs are
reported and they just move them to a new foster home landing them in yet
another foster home from the improperly screened home where the worst things
were reported, yet they just get moved again. The risk of harm to our nation's
heirs is greater while under the control of the SYSTEM fully known to all who
participate in displacing our kids, yet not given to kin where they are safer.
The money could be why or 'the why' is just something you don't want to know.
Rampant Breach of Fiduciary Duty
From: Marilyn
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:50 PM
To: Handley Ashley B; Marilyn LeBaron; sabrina.leach2@state.or.us
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:50 PM
To: Handley Ashley B; Marilyn LeBaron; sabrina.leach2@state.or.us
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Thank you
I’ve been sending
it to sabrina.leach2@state.or.us <sabrina.leach2@state.or.us>; No
wonder!... !!
From: Handley Ashley B
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:48 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:48 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
The worker is
Sabrina Leach and her email is sabrina.leach@dhsoha.state.or.us
and phone number is (971)673-6800. Please direct further communication to
From: Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@live.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 2:47 PM
To: Handley Ashley B <ASHLEY.B.HANDLEY@dhsoha.state.or.us>; Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 2:47 PM
To: Handley Ashley B <ASHLEY.B.HANDLEY@dhsoha.state.or.us>; Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
before clicking on links or opening attachments. This email came from outside our organization and might not be safe. If you are not expecting an attachment, contact the sender before opening it.
Teen 01-13-07
Victoria Couvillion
Sibling 05-20-13
Nolan Stevens
Mom 01-19-89
Melanie LeBaron
Thank you I can’t
keep up!
Here attorney would
be helpful as well since in the past the attorneys got things done quicker when
the supervisor was failing them. The original one is off the case of my
grandson Amelia as well as about 4 social workers who keep changing so much
like the prosecutor and public Defender are different and their support staff.
Am always catching up
From: Handley Ashley B
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:20 AM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:20 AM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Do you know who
your granddaughter’s caseworker is? If not, please give me her name and
DOB and I’ll look it up for you. It would also be helpful to have your
granddaughter’s mother’s name and DOB if you have that information.
From: Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@live.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2020 10:39 PM
To: Handley Ashley B <ASHLEY.B.HANDLEY@dhsoha.state.or.us>; Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2020 10:39 PM
To: Handley Ashley B <ASHLEY.B.HANDLEY@dhsoha.state.or.us>; Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Think twice before clicking on links or opening attachments. This email came from outside our organization and might not be safe. If you are not expecting an attachment, contact the sender before opening it.
Why is my granddaughter getting
headshots from a lying down position with dilated pupils while in the custody
of the CPS?
From: Handley Ashley B
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 8:16 AM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 8:16 AM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
If you have a
relative child in foster care, you’d need to contact the caseworker. You
can apply to be a foster parent for your relative, but the first step would be
to speak with the caseworker and let them know you are interested.
From: Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@live.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 8:24 PM
To: Handley Ashley B <ASHLEY.B.HANDLEY@dhsoha.state.or.us>; Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 8:24 PM
To: Handley Ashley B <ASHLEY.B.HANDLEY@dhsoha.state.or.us>; Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
twice before
clicking on links or opening attachments. This email came from outside our
organization and might not be safe. If you are not expecting an attachment,
contact the sender before opening it.
So what other
option is there for blood relative besides adoption?
From: Handley Ashley B
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 2:33 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 2:33 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron; Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: RE: Adoption Listing
Hi Marilyn,
If you have an
adoption home study, you can create a profile. The folks that run that
site, will contact your certifier to get a copy of your adoption home study in
order to confirm your profile. If you have questions, please contact your
Home Certifier
Department of Human Services, Child Welfare, District 9
From: Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 1:45 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@live.com>
Subject: Adoption Listing
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 1:45 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron <dogetty@live.com>
Subject: Adoption Listing
before clicking on links or opening attachments. This email came from outside
our organization and might not be safe. If you are not expecting an
attachment, contact the sender before opening it.
Victoria Couvillion is listed to be adopted
I would like to see her profile, please…
So what you are
saying is she was never photographed or listed by any Heart Gallery
photographer or listed at any time? If, not, where else do I look for her
From: Julie Webb
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 3:20 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: Re: Heart gallery Victoria Couvillion
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 3:20 PM
To: Marilyn LeBaron
Subject: Re: Heart gallery Victoria Couvillion
We are the correct agency. Your
granddaughter is not in our agency. Please contact the DHS worker if you
are wanting to connect with someone about this. Our agency cannot help
you and has nothing to do with this.
Thank you, Julie Webb
Director of Adoption Programs
Hours -
M, Tu, Th 9-5, Fr 9-1
Cell phone
fax 503-232-4756
12901 SE 97th Ave,
Ste. 150
Clackamas, OR 97015
This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the addressee or it appears from the context or otherwise that you have received this e-mail in error, please advise me immediately by reply e-mail, keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message and any attachments from your system.
This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the addressee or it appears from the context or otherwise that you have received this e-mail in error, please advise me immediately by reply e-mail, keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message and any attachments from your system.
On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 10:46 PM Marilyn
LeBaron <dogetty@live.com> wrote:
Why is my granddaughter getting headshots from a lying down
position with dilated pupils while in the custody of the CPS?
Why do the Treasonous get to rule while we have to lay our head
down to die under the lethal use of the weaponized pen
Marilyn LeBaron Fri,
Apr 10, 2020 at 3:43 PM
Politics in the judicial
Notice of Criminal Liability
Notice of Capital Felony Treason
Claim of Harm
Deprivation of Rights
Violation of the Oath of
So if I am not required to
present myself and the District Attorney did not have a case presented to him
why am I sitting here with an empty nest? Well, Linda Hughes wants final
approval she is inserting herself as a potential opponent – where no mediation
is available between her and me – and no way to appeal the ownership of her
stance - when she is supposed to be a neutral seat yet reserving herself the
right to ‘refuse’ the opinion of the ‘other’ judiciary without any privilege
passing that discretion away from her seat then pretending to remain
independent by reserving the final veto that belongs to my jury and has no
access to the facts and not a violation of canon but is a way to circumvent a
bunch of ‘impeachment’ laws since she would be required to act as an accuser,
an attorney, and even be one herself, while DHS already had hunted us and she
just might be there to finish the job, take the kill shot, as she already has the
posture set for her to be able to do.
So, according to the law used
to give notice of lack of jurisdiction has a Black woman telling us, white
people, you are the ‘New Indentured Negro Slave’ on a plantation that grows no
cotton and offers employment of your choice if you are able to compete for the
jobs and there is no guarantee since the negotiator of that 'BOND' contract
enslaving you has no way to fulfil a promise unless everybody else is a slave
of his too, a TAX base con, that can force no one to offer employment' (since
it is a privilege) and it is defined that way as moot so not considerable as a
‘negotiation’ tool to enslave you when your BOND cannot be discharged, no one
is by law forced to offer employment, and neither to the stakeholders if they
go bankrupt your BOND is not discharged, which by other means is enforcing a,
“You are not allowed to discriminate while they thin out our population,
displacing it like we did the Indians, allow excess immigration, pay them less,
send our jobs over seas, and then indenture us AND rape our kids, while they
deny us our status, the right to hold a pen, and under their own rules forces
us to take people we don't want into the employees' pool, but since no one has
to offer anybody employment the contract is void on its face, a con job, so if
it is void, moot, why is it not contestable since contracts must come with a
guarantee, and my daughter was never a federal employee?” So there goes the
right to employment (that is only a privilege wile immigrants take the jobs)
and the right to work is dead, the status of man is dead, and the family
bloodline is dead as well while the foreign bankers want the money from the
taxes so why would we who are governed from across the sea need to be allowed
to ‘work’ without being taxed by them who own our BOND?
Well, it would be a slave
master’s position to enforce a BOND on an indentured servant that traded 7
years hard labor for passage from Oregon to Virginia so he could stake a claim
to land and agree to be taxed by the plantation master for setting him up while
contracting with the master by choice. But if he changed his mind and wanted
out of the agreement, since the plantation master already delivered his end,
ahead of time, and when seeking relief in contract law on party must be in
breach, and you have to put it back the way it was, so upon that logic, taking
the indentured servant back to before the contract, by round trip to drop him
off in Oregon, without just cause, would incur more damages to the plantation
master, and the investment would be lost with future damages as well, and that
would not qualify as consideration for relief unless the indentured servant was
severely abused, so the indentured servant must perform. No way to contest it
or settle it or get out of the contract unless somebody could buy you out,
compensate your master, and your BOND can ‘be sold’ ‘not the BONDED but the
contracted labor’, ‘your word is your BOND’, and you could go to work for
someone else.
But, insurance policy BOND
enforcement my daughter tried to contest it and does not want to use her
insurance policy since she believes her kids are being harmed, and fired her
attorney, and asked me to fire her attorney, and the technicalities they use
are a chokehold of death, and invalid since she did not offer her kids into
servitude to the emolument clause, and usury of her kids does not discharge a
BOND since the bond is not backed by the 'slavery of kid standard', instead of
currency backed gold standard, while having kids have open-ended unlimited
funding of printed money called Title 4e and she has no way to discharge her
BOND debt that is bought and sold and is irrelevant to her kids as a cash cow
while the judge is ignoring my grandkids are getting raped. She and the
District Attorney know innocent until proven guilty buys them time and they do
not have to respond until the foster rapist is indicted and just move the kids
and they don’t get love from a family member and put with strangers again and
more emotional harm befalls them when needing to be comforted by family, and
can only get stalk holm syndrome now since the District Attorney did not
prosecute the Social Workers, while he is offering ‘exculpatory’ evidence to
shield them and the foster rapist from prosecution and directly is giving
reasonable doubt to prevent an indictment – while Linda Hughes is by her cannon
not allowed to vouch for the credibility of the witnesses and does anyway and
sentences my grandkids and me to six more months estrangement and allows her to
be trafficked over state lines into Utah while the prosecutor has contacts
here. I am denied a single phone call for no good reason ‘AT ALL’ for over an
entire year. And that may as well be a jail sentence without a trial and no one
will comfort me or refute the allegations of rape when they are the strangers
and have the position of right and will not offer me an account while the
mother is manipulated, emotionally tortured, and left to die. DHS holding
technicalities that have nothing to do with the Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit
of Happiness they are supposed to be guarding, supposedly under the general
welfare of the public portion of government duties, which is subverted by their
applications while we are not fully advised of the timeline of their use and
the NoL, is really what is used, and the due process rights are toppled, and
that technology is refuted it now or you forfeit and you have thirty days which
is not a day in court but a con job to force us to death using ‘insurance’ they
are the prosecution adjusters of on a tittle of attainder in disguise, and has
subverted under the direction of Bill Clinton and whoever wrote the Reasonable
Efforts clauses to subvert our fifth amendment rights and our blood ties making
Linda Hughes a Treasonous pirate, since it is her Oath to provide a trial by
jury and they just say, that does not apply since it is contracted we don’t
have to honor you while we end your life and take your kids and has ceased to
be an American, committed Capital Felony Treason as a pattern and practice, she
deserved to die instead of my granddaughter, my grandson, and my daughter, or
my son in law, or me or the other grandmother. She is not our plantation
master, not our owner, and not a possessor of my daughter’s BOND so cannot
assign principle to the attorneys since they do not collect the debt of the
bond and was not a party to the original agreement, and not considered a party
yet are cashing in on my daughter's bond-like financial cannibals and severing
my heirs from family endangering them, and it is not allowed to 'assign' or
allow the 're-assign', and ‘re-assign’, and re-assign’ of Counsel since only
the owner of an item of property can designate 'principle' and neither can
Congress which is all the DHS is. An ad - hoc hoard of people running around
practicing law over principle as an agent of the property of the BOND owners
called ‘stakeholders’. So who was on the phone calls that got the schools shut
down? That is a good place to look for the treason trail all the way to the
bankers - using the pen as a lethal force without due process while we lose our
shield of due process and our right to wield the pen in equal force and that
practice of law is 'regulated by the state bar' which is not allowed - the
practice of law is equally available to all but my pen on my own family is
dishonored, usurped by DHS under the direction of the BAR that makes lots of
money for the trouble they cause us regulating the practice of ad - hoc lawyers
(ambulance chasing for insurance policies to prosecute us with and that is
illegal for the bar association to do yet do it under their second hand 'out of
sight' supervision while no one advising the DHS will present themselves to me
even when I request they do - so I can hold them accountable for Treason) And
no one will advise the people or print up pre-drafted forms for us to use to
respond with. But, in my case “I am made wrongfully irrelevant”. But these
hidden parties, whom I did not retain to advise me are my actual opponent, and
the opponent of family, and direct the illiterate masses of DHS employees to do
their 'bidding' as AUTHORITATIVE ADMINISTRATORS yet not actually affected or
involved and have no adverse effects nor can be called as a witness or
adjoined, and say that the actual people suffering have the same status that
defines themselves, and do not put their names on their work when it is a
felony not to identify yourself - and when I asked for the names of the
attorneys on the matters Wendy Polzel set before me she aided a felony against
me and those people must now S.T.F.U. while they benefit financially for that
manipulation while they aid the cover-up of the rape of my grandkids, do not
bring the assailant to justice and continue to get paid and have absolute
immunities while passing the pen and continue to do so against my objections,
my daughter's objections, while the people getting fat with the increased
payout are aiding a foreign banking system that could give a rats ass about our
nations worth and is another act of treason JFK fell after sounding a warning
telling we were being invaded from within and that is an act of war and Linda
Hughes can just find a big fat tall tree and hang herself while I offer her a
chair to stand on and if she loses her nerve I will gladly kick it out from
under her since she is still using my grandkids to make the establishment fat
while in violation of the Oath of Office ... etc... etc... on technicalities
not relevant to outweigh its worth - under color of law... that has no penal
code and is used to shred my family leaving us to die to one another and
literally watch my daughter die in the streets while she needed hospitalization
and was raped regularly to have a place to rest her head while I'm not allowed
to have her here or I wind up in the streets too. Brutality, injustice,
violations after violations of law, logic, and all for power and technicalities
that no one could learn fast enough to prevent the harm they cause us and is
oppression that outweighs their purpose making the seat of the juvenile justice
complex a flood gate opening up for hell instead of the gatekeeper of justice
by an independent judicial seat and is unconstitutional
Why I write to you, sir,
Jeffrey G Robinson,
Goes to what Donald J Trump
said, “As Written”. Uh, this guy has some skills and is just detailed at
pointing out we have a class system like the KKK was talking about under a T.V.
interview designed to make us disregard the subject matter and looks like to
me, I infer, deliberate reverse psychology used to subvert the critical
thinking of the viewers and offered ‘prejudice’ instead of lawful
interpretations over what solutions were available. ‘AS WRITTEN’ the
Constitution gives us a way to say, “Your third party, don’t care if you are a
seated duly elected judge” “You have no discretion on the matter so mind your
own business S.T.F.U. D.U.M.B. A.S.S. which is what we need to do to the APA
P.I.C.O. running B.O.N.D. fraud all across this world … Equal protection of the
Law does not translate to Equal protection of statute especially those that
have no penalty attached for not applying them making them void under the law…
and no equal protection is offered when no liability for its violation is
available reducing the people to ‘zero teeth’ in battles against the use of the
weaponized pen.
How to tell a judge, “You are
none of mine”.
My daughter was told, “You
cannot contest the contract” and that is a big fat fucking god damned
treasonous Human Trafficking lie told her on the matters of DHS Vs LeBaron
family, my daughter contorting herself, to protect her rights while Reasonable
Efforts is directly designed to subvert them, and she only had thirty days to
refute the claim. So the rest of the process is just a mock-up with no trial
while her kids are raped and she is left to die in the street while the family
is isolated, alienated, utterly destroyed, and available to intimidation into
silence and used for sex slaves. That is how it is done in other drug lord ran
nations. Silence under threat of death. No allegation of harm or jury trial and
the whole family set asunder and emotional death of us all for the payout of
insurance policy we are forced to buy that is a price on the heads of your
kids. A bag of money that turns into a bigger bag of money once DHS grabs your
kids and they ‘divert monies to themselves’ at a hight payout than if you were
getting TANIF Title 4e UNLIMITED FUNDS when some stated limit how long you can
get food stamps and the barer fo the BOND (the person BONDED to the bond are
not the same) while no lawful disclosure was made to its use or what was
available to discharge it – while the judge says, “You cannot contest its
validity” and that ***** needs to die instead of us.
Why I write to you, sir,
I suddenly found better words
to explain why I write to you.
Abraham put the military
subordinate to civil and put us under Marshal Rule. Is that not a military
police state? That makes you responsible for what is going on in our streets.
The frontline. That makes you subordinate to a corrupt chain of command. Your
leaders the judiciary is nothing more than a banker mafia infiltration system
while subverting both state and federal constitutions by the abuse of the
fourteenth amendment. And now we are being taxed by international foreign policies.
Our BOND bought and sold. Our children used to enrich the state and the
collateral of that bond is left to die while her children raped when collateral
is supposed to be locked in a vault and secured for future business deals
subject to voluntary freezing and discharge upon delivery of stipulated terms
gotten under full advisement.
I sent an email and got a
response… Just in case that reply had has something to do with what was marked
TOP SECRET (U//LES) – and DON’T EMAIL ME AGAIN – message from the F.B.I. had
anything to do with human backed collateralized BOND slavery used to ENRICH THE
STATE my theory of the pool of stakeholder banker types as a pool of where the
C.I.A. and F.B.I. should have looked when bombarding us with the theories of
who shot JFK – while our current money is backed by BONDED FLESH while it is
called and used like ‘lethal prosecutor insurance instrument’, and shred the
fabric of society using BOND ‘debt transfers’ and leaving the BONDED to die in
the streets as their payout to and ‘insurance’ claim when the right to work was
abolished by Taft, and the Taft Tart act is also violated by the bar, and
forcing people to buy ‘insurance’ is inviting mob mentality enforcement to that
collective end, and coupled to the fact income has not been lawfully defined as
derived from ‘work’ (when work cannot be TAXED), and historically being TAXED,
and what being taxed meant was governed while our money was backed by gold,
notes, and a ‘rule of NO DIRECT TAX AUTHORIZED’), to later have Abraham Lincoln
shot when fighting the advancement of the Central Banks, without today’s
economy degrade to its backing TAXABLES (our labor OR FUTURE WORTH in BOND),
while we force everyone to be ‘employees under civil rights’ (WHICH IS ONLY A
PREVILEGE) and nobody can force anyone to offer that stipulated privilege
making the BOND void and a con job on us by foreigners and when JFK tried to
return us to the Gold Standard and got shot after trying to warn us in his
President and the Press Speech, was taken out as our watchman on the wall that
fell sounding a horn clearly telling us ‘We have an enemy within’ and asked the
press to take extraordinary war time precautions, and now all we have is Hitler
style FAKE NEWS and slander destroying our nations moral leaving people to
think all leadership is corrupt, “So if you can't beat them or respect them you
may as well join them” and this is spread into the minds of our developing
youth, which follows the wartime policy of ‘corrupt the youth’ which assists in
the breakdown of the future morals of our nation giving room and way to
criminal minds without honor or respect for the law, to on the other hand
strike down those who confront the symptoms, while trying to do something about
it, like JFK and Senator Nancy Schaefer who were political figures, while our
current president is saying, “Drain the swamp”, “Make America Great Again”, and
in his State of the Union Address he said “As written” when offering guidance
as to how our Constitution should be respected when that is a qualifying term
that the attorneys may not want to hear and makes me wonder, “Who helped him
write his speech’. And most people don’t read judicial decisions to understand
it’s worth and while its interpretation is left to attorneys who are saying it
is irrelevant in the uses we suffer under in civil court, which our families
are torn apart by the hands of the INCORPORATED post De Facto STATE, and the
vicious circle cannot be broken if we do not educate our children and have a
lawfully trained citizen – since directly on that point the attorneys leave it
up to us while our pens weigh nothing in the courts – when directly there the
state cannot regulate the practice of law but is by limiting our power while
being forced to be represented by the attorney of the judiciary's choice. The
vicious cycle where the technicalities escape our attention is not properly
protected or argued over in court...
And the Executive orders he
is signing – well who is the author of those executive orders? I have to ask
since I don’t think he draws up all his business contracts himself like most of
our corporations since he had dismissed irreverently the allegation he violated
the emoluments clause while showing his knowledge of its application when
expressing his thoughts to refute the insults he took over its alleged
violation ‘for renting out hotel rooms’.
I’ve heard people say the
F.B.I. stopped a bank from printing its own gold-backed dollar and saw that
dollar in print it had gold interlaced into the art and they got robbed and
their collateral was destroyed sort of what DHS is doing to us on the mass –
but the kids are too young to be bonded or used as if 'delivery of goods' to
discharge a debt so the BOND is not respected the relief is sought on the wrong
item of property and DHS is not operational like a car insurance policy and is
BOND INSURANCE FRUAD destroying our family bond and by federal regulations
‘strangers have more rights to your blood than your next of kin’ which is the
case since the policy adjuster does not make any money unless you are alienated
while your risk of harm is unreasonably elevated for the payout that is bigger
once your blood ties with your relatives are by design destroyed.
Donald Trump's entire 2019
State of the Union address | Full speech on CNN
The President and The Press
Democratic Terrorism Archive
"The very word
"’TOP’ secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are
as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret
oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of
excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the
dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in
opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions.
Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our
traditions do not survive with it. And there very grave danger that an
announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to
expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.
That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no
official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or
military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the
news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the
press and the public the facts they deserve to know." http://millercenter.org/president/spe...
"’TOP’ secrecy"
<- I just couldn't resist… so maybe you should find out the facts the
president said a fully informed citizen should know since you hold our citizen
arrest powers but are told they belong to the DHS. And the mafia insurance enforcers
at the front door.
Wouldn’t you like to know
what was on John F Kennedy's mind while he was writing his speech?
What I don’t get is if it is
HER OATH OF OFFICE why she gets to ignore it if we don’t make timely objections
when they are overturning the jury saying ‘we can’t weigh fact and law’ so the
jury is ignored. This double mind application of hoe do I object to the
violations if my natural rights have been subverted so the attorney can sell my
grandkids to a potential pedophile or sex trafficker when everyone else has
been approved by a search engine that can be edited and doe not really offer
full disclosure and a criminal background search is moot since the DHS opened
my file and sent me a new name and names can be changed Identities assumed and
you can hide your name from search engines like Joshua Lee Murray did hiding he
was my next-door neighbor and that his mother had incorporation for ‘passionate
youth’ and judge Avera has an LLC called fancy pants in Las Vegas and that is
what you call children back in his day and he is the one that let max r wall
enter a pre-conviction of future crime and both are potential human traffickers
since Judge Horner and Max R Wall share a phone number out of Florida in common
and shared a law firm once and I know they both know what a conflict of
interest is. They representing two men that were tried for the same crime and
split up the case and had two trials.
Then Wall does what he did to
me when having criminal prosecution experience and defended people who by
hindsight were accused of an actual event. And me, the Public defender did
NOTHING. And innocent until you can be accused of something the has not
happened yet does not apply and that secures a trial date with perjury called
the oath of affirmation that should have gotten dismissed but is still used to
kill my grandkids today.
And you can go put Judge
Avera and Max r Wall in front of a firing squat for me too cuz back then I had
no idea what I was looking at when Judge Horner had recused – way into the case
after being bombarded with my poetic hate mail - but I did not know Max R Wall
was one of Judge Horner’s best friends all the way back to the days they lived
in corrupt mafia ran Florid and did not know what hit me while he committed
Capital Felony Treason to save Judge Horner's ass since Horner was liable and
cruel and evil. So, Judge Avera -----------------------------redacted, and
-------------------------, it looks like to me they have contacts in
---------,------------, which look to me like ------------------------------
from Oregon, well they are all acting like Treasonous scumbag Human Traffickers
My daughter is a material
witness and they just leave her in the streets doing whatever she needs to do
to survive.
Federal Education is a farce
it only assists in the cycle of subverting our constitution since the attorneys
leave it to the people to defend with a limited regulated pen that is not
welcome in court forcing us to retain them that do not uphold and defend.
The treason spelt out for you all the judges sitting there knowing we are BOND slaves sit with folded hands failing to uphold and defend which is supposed to be our front line and not the invasion point for the foreign bankers
In Propria Persona, Sui Juris
1. The
Constitution for the United States of America recognizes several classes of
people who exist in this Union of States, as described in Article 1, Section 2,
Clause 3 (1:2:3).
2. This
Court is herewith mandated to take judicial notice of the Constitution for the
United States of America, the Constitution of the California Republic, the
Statutes at Large of the United States of America, and all case law presented
herein, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Evidence, Section 201, et seq., and
Article 4, Section 1 (4:1) of the Constitution for the United States of America
Excluding "Indians not taxed", since they are not under consideration
in this matter, we are left with two other classes of individuals defined in
1:2:3 of the U.S. Constitution, to wit: "free Persons" and
"three-fifths of all other Persons".
4. The
term "three-fifths of all other Persons" referred to the Black slave
population and all others of races other than "white" who could not
and did not have Common Law Citizenship of one of the several States of the
Union, at the time the Constitution was adopted. (For an in-depth analysis of
this fact, see the cases of Dred Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393 (1856); U.S. v.
Rhodes, 1 Abbott 39; Slaughter House Cases, 16 Wall. 74 (1873); Van Valkenburg
v. Brown, 43 Cal. 43 (1872); U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898); and K.
Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 239 (1927); et al.)
5. The
Thirteenth Amendment, officially and lawfully ratified in 1865, served only to
abolish slavery within the corporate United States. No race other than the
white race could claim Common Law Citizenship of one of the several States,
which Citizenship was afforded the protection of the Constitutions. (This is
discussed in depth in Dred Scott v. Sandford supra).
Further proof that this argument applies to the State of California is found in
Article 2, Section 1 of the Original California Constitution (1849) which
states in part: "Every WHITE male citizen of the United States, and every
WHITE male citizen of Mexico ..." [emphasis added]. Obviously, this
provision excluded all other races from being Common Law Citizens of California
and from having the full protection of the State and Federal Constitutions.
This was the case even before the famous Dred Scott decision. It is most
notable that the California Constitution was altered after the so-called 14th
Amendment so as to delete all references to "white" male Citizens,
and today it refers only to "persons".
Following the decision in Dred Scott supra, Congress allegedly enacted and
ratified the so-called 14th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States
of America to afford "statutory citizenship" status to those who were
deemed excluded from this Common Law status under the Supreme Court's
interpretations of the Constitution. This event unfolds in detail in the case law
surrounding the 13th and 14th Amendments, with a very significant difference
which is of great importance to the instant matter.
8. Such
cases as the Slaughter House Cases supra; Twining v. New Jersey, 211 U.S. 78
(1908); K. Tashiro v. Jordan supra; among many others, all declared that under
the Law, "there is a clear distinction between a Citizen of a State and a
citizen of the United States".
9. A
famous French statesman, Fredrick Bastiat, noted in the early 1800s that if
freedom were to be destroyed in America, it would result from the question of
slavery and from the failure to equate all races and all humans as
"equals". The Accused is not responsible for the errors of the past
and elects not to dwell at length on this subject. However, the so-called 14th
Amendment must now be discussed and, as abhorrent as it may sound, it is a
matter of fact and law that this is the position (intentional or unintentional)
which forms the basis of the law with which we live today.
10. In
brief, as a result of the 13th Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that
the Union of States known as the United States of America was founded by
"white" people and for "white" people, and only
"white" people could enjoy the Rights, Privileges and Immunities
afforded and protected by the Federal and State Constitutions. This fact is
most eloquently set forth in Dred Scott v. Sandford supra, in stating that
"... if a black nation were to adopt our Constitution verbatim, they would
have the absolute right to restrict the right of citizenship only to the black
population if they chose to do so ...."
11. To
overcome the decision in Dred Scott supra, the so-called 14th Amendment to the
Constitution for the United States of America was allegedly ratified "at
the point of a bayonet", and was "declared" to be a part of that
Constitution in the year 1868. However, an examination of the ratification by
the several States shows that various improper proceedings occurred which, in effect,
nullify the Amendment. "I cannot believe that any court, in full
possession of its faculties, could honestly hold that the amendment was
properly approved and adopted." State v. Phillips, 540 P.2d. 936 (1975);
see also Dyett v. Turner, 439 P.2d. 266 (1968) for historical details.
Accused Common Law Citizen [DEFENDANT] will not digress into an in-depth
dissertation of the bogus ratification of the so-called 14th Amendment, because
the only necessary point to be made here is that the so-called 14th Amendment
had a profound effect upon the Union of these United States, and this effect
continues to the present time.
13. The
Original Constitution for the United States of America (1787) refers to Common
Law Citizens of the several States in the Preamble, in Article 4, Section 2,
Clause 1 (4:2:1), and in numerous other sections. Always, the word Citizen is
spelled with an upper-case "C" when referring to this class of Common
Law Citizen as a "Citizen of the United States", i.e., as a
"Citizen of one of the United States". See People v. De La Guerra, 40
Cal. 311, 337 (1870).
14. In contrast, the
so-called 14th Amendment utilizes a lower-case "c" to distinguish
this class of citizens whose status makes them "subject to the
jurisdiction thereof" as a statutory "citizen of the United
States". Similarly, "Person" was spelled with an UPPER-CASE
"P" prior to the so-called 14th Amendment, as opposed to
"person" with a lower-case "p" in Section 1 of the
amendment itself
15. In
law, each word and each use of the word, including its capitalization or the
lack of capitalization, has a distinctive legal meaning. In this case, there
never was the specific status of a "citizen of the United States"
until the advent of the 1866 Civil Rights Act (14 Stat. 27) which was the
forerunner of the so-called 14th Amendment. (See Ex Parte Knowles, 5 Cal. 300
(1855). The definition of the "United States" is discussed in the
next section of this Memorandum.)
Before the so-called 14th Amendment was declared to be a part of the U.S. Constitution,
there were a number of State "residents" who could not enjoy
"Common Law Citizenship" in one of the several States under that
Constitution, because they were not "white". The effect of the
so-called 14th Amendment was to give to all those residents a citizenship in
the nation-state that was created by Congress in the year 1801 and named the
"United States". (See 2 Stat. 103; see also U.S. v. Eliason, 41 U.S.
291, 16 Peter 291, 10 L.Ed. 968 (1842); U.S. v. Simms, 1 Cranch 255, 256 (1803).)
The original Civil Rights Act of 1866 was not encompassing enough, so it was
expanded in the year 1964; but the legal effect was the same, namely, to grant
to "citizens of the United States" the equivalent rights of the
Common Law white Citizens of the several States. In reality, however, those
"equivalent rights" are limited by various statutes, codes and
regulations and can be changed at the whim of Congress.
17. Under
the Federal and State Constitutions, "... We the People" did not
surrender our individual sovereignty to either the State or Federal Government.
Powers "delegated" do not equate to powers surrendered. This is a
Republic, not a democracy, and the majority cannot impose its will upon the
minority simply because some "law" is already set forth. Any
individual can do anything he or she wishes to do, so long as it does not
damage, injure or impair the same Right of another individual. The concept of a
corpus delicti is relevant here, in order to prove some "crime" or
civil damage.
18. The
case law surrounding the 13th and 14th Amendments all rings with the same
message: "These amendments did not change the status of Common Law
Citizenship of the white Citizens of one of the several States of the
Union" (now 50 in number).
19. This
goes to the crux of the controversy because, under the so-called 14th
Amendment, citizenship is a privilege and not a "Right". (See
American and Ocean Ins. Co. v. Canter, 1 Pet. 511 (1828); Cook v. Tait, 265
U.S. 47 (1924).)
20. It
was never the intent of the so-called 14th Amendment to change the status of
the Common Law Citizens of the several States. (See People v. Washington, 36 C.
658, 661 (1869); French v. Barber, 181 U.S. 324 (1900);
MacKenzie v. Hare, 60 L.Ed. 297). Intent is always decisive and conclusive on
the courts.
However, over the years, the so-called 14th Amendment has been used to create a
fiction and to destroy American freedom through administrative regulation. How
is this possible? The answer is self-evident to anyone who understands the law,
namely, a "privilege" can be regulated to any degree, including the
alteration and even the revocation of that privilege.
22. Since
the statutory status of "citizen of the United States, subject to the
jurisdiction thereof" (1866 Civil Rights Act) is one of privilege and not
of Right, and since the so-called 14th Amendment mandates that both Congress
and the several States take measures to protect these new "subjects",
then both the Federal and State governments are mandated to protect the
privileges and immunities of ONLY these "citizens of the United
States". (See Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906).)
23. Of
course, the amount of protection afforded has a price to pay, but the important
fact is that the "privilege" of citizenship under the so-called 14th
Amendment can be regulated or revoked because it is a "privilege" and
not a RIGHT. It is here that the basic, fundamental concept of
"self-government" turns into a King "governing his
24. One
can be called a "freeman", but that was a title of nobility granted
by a King. To be really free encompasses a great deal more than grants of
titles and privileges.
25. Over
the years since 1787, because our forefathers would have rather fought than bow
to involuntary servitude, the "powers that be" have slowly and
carefully used the so-called 14th Amendment and the Social Security Act to
force primary State Citizenship into relative extinction, in the eyes of the
courts. Nevertheless, this class of Common Law Citizens is not extinct yet; it
is simply being ignored, in order to maintain and enlarge a revenue base for
26. Since
the State of California has been mandated by the so-called 14th Amendment to
protect the statutory "citizens of the United States", and since the
People in general have been falsely led to obtain "Social Security
Numbers" as "U.S. citizens", the State of California, under
prompting by the Federal Government, has used the licensing and registration of
vehicles and people under the "equal protection" clause for the
"Public Welfare" to perpetuate a scheme of revenue enhancement and
regulation. This scheme has been implemented, in part, by promoting the fiction
that the Common Law "Citizens of a State of the Union of several
States" can be regulated to the same degree as statutory "citizens of
the United States".
27. I,
[DEFENDANT], contend that both the State of California and the Federal
Government (known as the "United States") are committing an act of
GENOCIDE upon the Common Law State Citizens of the several States by perpetrating
and perpetuating the "fiction of law" that everyone is a statutory
"citizen of the United States".
allegation is now discussed by proving exactly what the "United
States" means and in what capacity it now operates.
28. As we
begin, it must be noted that this Common Law State Citizen alleges
"fraud" by the State and Federal Governments for failing to inform
the People that they are all included (through the use of a fiction of law) in
that statutory class of persons called "citizens of the United
29. The
use of this fiction of law is particularly abhorrent in view of the fact that,
when arbitrarily applied to everyone, the States lose their sovereignty, the
Common Law Citizens of the State lose their fundamental rights, and the
"citizens of the United States" lose the guidelines which established
their "civil rights". The net effect is that these actions have
lowered everyone's status to that of a "subject".
30. There
is a clear distinction between the meanings of "United States" and
"United States of America". The People of America have been
fraudulently and purposely misled to believe that these terms are completely
synonymous in every context.
31. In
fact, in Law the term "United States of America" refers to the
several States which are "united by and under the Constitution"; the
term "United States" refers to that geographical area defined in
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 (1:8:17) and in Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2
(4:3:2) of the Federal Constitution.
32. In
1802, the "Congress Assembled" incorporated a geographical area known
as the "United States". The "United States" is, therefore,
a nation-state which is separate and unique unto itself. Furthermore, even
though the "United States" is not a member of the "Union of
States united by and under the Constitution", it is bound by that
Constitution to restrict its activities in dealing with the several States and
with the Common Law Citizens of those States. Under 1:8:17 and 4:3:2 of the Constitution
for the United States of America (1787), Congress has exclusive power to
legislate and regulate the inhabitants of its geographical territory and its
statutory "citizens" under the so-called 14th Amendment, wherever
they are "resident", even if they do inhabit one of the 50 States of
the Union.
33. The
term "United States" has always referred to the "Congress
Assembled", or to those geographical areas defined in 1:8:17 and 4:3:2 in
the U.S. Constitution. The proof of this fact is found in the Articles of
the Delegates of the United States of America in Congress Assembled did on the
fifteenth day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Seventy Seven, and in the Second Year of the Independence of America agree
to certain Articles of Confederation and perpetual union between the States
I. The title of this confederacy shall be "The United States of
II. Each State retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every
power, jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly
delegated to the United States, in Congress Assembled.
term "UNITED STATES" as used therein refers expressly to
"Congress Assembled" on behalf of the several States which comprise
the Union of States (now 50 in number).
34. As
can readily be seen from the quote below, with three separate and distinct
definitions for the term "United States", it becomes absolutely
necessary to separate and define each use of this term in law. It is equally as
necessary to separate and define to whom the law applies when there are two
classes of citizenship existing side-by-side, with separate and distinct
rights, privileges and immunities for each. Such a separate distinction is not
made in the Internal Revenue Code. Citizens of the California Republic are
nowhere defined in this Code, or in its regulations, but are expressly omitted
as such and identified indirectly at best (see IRC 7701(b)(1)(B)).
The term
"United States" may be used in any one of several senses. It may be
merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of
other sovereigns in a family of nations. It may designate territory over which
sovereignty of the United States extends, or it may be the collective name of
the States which are united by and under the Constitution.
[Hooven & Allison Co. v.
Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945)]
[65 S.Ct. 870, 880, 89 L.Ed.
[emphasis added]
35. The
term "United States", when used in its territorial meaning, encompasses
the areas of land defined in 1:8:17 and 4:3:2, nothing more. In this respect,
the "United States" is a separate Nation which is foreign with
respect to the States united by and under the Constitution, because the
"United States" as such has never applied for admission to the Union
of States known as the "United States of America". Accordingly,
statutory "citizens of the United States", who are "subject to
the jurisdiction thereof", are defined in the wording of the so-called
14th Amendment and of The Civil Rights Acts. At best, this so-called Amendment
is a "private Act", rather than a public act, which designates a
class of people who are unique to the territorial jurisdiction of the District
of Columbia, the Federal Territories and Possessions, and the land which has
been ceded by the Legislatures of the 50 States to the foreign nation-state of
the "United States" for forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards and
"other needful buildings" (see 1:8:17 and 4:3:2). Collectively, this
territorial jurisdiction is now termed "The Federal Zone" to
distinguish it uniquely from the nation as a whole and from the 50 States of
the Union. The "nation" can, therefore, be defined as the
mathematical union of the federal zone and the 50 States (using the language of
set theory).
36. The
District of Columbia is technically a corporation and is only defined as a
"State" in its own codes and under International Law (e.g., see IRC
37. The
several States which are united by and under the Constitution are guaranteed a
"Republican" (or "rule of law") form of government by
Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution. However, the foreign nation-state
created by Congress and called the "United States", in its
territorial sense, is a "legislative democracy" (or "majority
rule" democracy) which is governed by International Law, rather than the
Common Law.
38. The U. S. Supreme Court
has ruled that this foreign nation has every right to legislate for its
"citizens" and to hold subject matter and in personam jurisdiction,
both within (inside) and without (outside) its territorial boundaries, when
legislative acts call for such effects (Cook v. Tait supra).
39. As a
foreign nation under International law, which is derived from Roman Civil Law
(see Kent's Commentaries on American Law, Lecture 1), it is perfectly legal for
this nation to consider its people as "subjects" rather than as
individual Sovereigns. The protections of the State and the Federal
Constitutions do not apply to these "subjects" unless there is
specific statutory legislation granting specific protections (e.g., The Civil
Rights Act). The guarantees of the Constitution extend to the "United
States" (i.e., the federal zone) only as Congress has made those
guarantees applicable (Hooven supra).
California is a Republic. How does this International Law come into play in the
California Republic? The answer to this question is presented in the following
Because only "white" people could hold primary Common Law State
Citizenship under the Constitution, Congress created a different class of
"citizen" and then legislated rights, privileges and immunities which
were intended to be mirror images of the Rights, Privileges and Immunities
enjoyed by the Common Law Citizens of the several States.
Unfortunately, the nation-state of the "United States" (District of
Columbia) is a democracy and not a Republic. It is governed basically under
authority of International Law, rather than the Common Law, and its people hold
citizenship by "privilege" rather than by "Right".
Certain power-mad individuals, commonly known today as the Directors of the
Federal Reserve Board and the twelve (12) major international banking families,
have used the so-called 14th Amendment to commit "legal genocide"
upon the class of Common Law Citizens known as the Citizens of the several
States. This has been accomplished by the application of Social Security
through fraud, deception and non-disclosure of material facts, for the purpose
of reducing the Union of States to a people who are once again enslaved by
puppet masters, in order to gather revenue for the profit of international
banks and their owners.
44. It is
a fact so well known and understood that it is indisputable, that "any
privilege granted by government is regulatable, taxable and subject to any
restrictions imposed by the legislative acts of its governing body",
including alteration and even revocation by that governing body.
45. If
necessary to do so, the Accused [DEFENDANT] will submit an offer of proof to
show that the "Social Security Act" is, in fact, a private act
applying only to the territory of the "United States", acting in its
limited municipal capacity, and to its statutory "citizens of the United
States", under the so-called 14th Amendment. Yet, this Act has been
advertised and promoted throughout the several States of the Union as being
"mandatory upon the public in general", rather than a
"private" act.
46. The
effect in law is that, when Common Law Citizens of the several States apply for
and receive Social Security Numbers, they voluntarily surrender their primary
Common Law Citizenship of a State and exchange it for that of a statutory
"citizen of the United States". It is most interesting that any State
has the power to "naturalize" a non-Citizen, but today everyone is
naturalized as "citizens of the United States" under purview of the so-called
14th Amendment. The long-term effect of this procedure is that the Common Law
white State Citizens are an endangered species, on the verge of extinction, and
only the "subject class citizens" will survive to be ruled at the
whim and passion of a jurisdiction which was not intended by our Founding
Fathers or the Framers of the original U.S. Constitution.
Section 1 of the so-called 14th Amendment has had a far-reaching effect upon
the several States of this Union, because Congress mandated that it would
protect its new statutory "citizens" and that each of the States
would also guarantee to protect these special statutory "citizens".
48. This
Nation was founded upon the fundamental principles of the Common Law and
self-government, with limited actual government. In contrast, the
"subjects" of the "United States" are considered to be
incapable of self-government and in need of protection and regulation by those
in authority.
49. The
majority of statute law is civil and regulatory in nature, even when sanctions
of a criminal nature are attached for alleged violations.
50. Among
the rights secured by the Common Law in the Constitution in
"criminal" cases are the right to know the "nature and
cause" of an accusation, the right to confront an accuser, and the right
to have both substantive and procedural due process.
51. It is
a fact that the District Court, in Internal Revenue cases, DOES NOT disclose
the nature and cause of the accusation, does not afford "substantive"
due process, and rarely produces a "corpus delicti" to prove damage
or an injured party.
52. The
final proof is that the rights given to an accused in an Internal Revenue case
are "civil rights", rather than Constitutional Rights. The District
Court can hear a Constitutional question, but it cannot rule upon the merits of
the question, because the Constitution does not apply to regulatory statutes.
They are set in place to regulate and protect the statutory "citizens of
the United States" who cannot exercise, and are not given, the right of
individual self-government.
53. The
Federal Constitution mandates that "counsel" be present at all phases
of the proceedings. In contrast, District Court often conducts arraignment
proceedings without either counsel for the defense or counsel for the
prosecution being present.
54. This
Court is proceeding under a jurisdiction which is known to the Constitution,
but which is foreign to the intent of the Constitution, unless applied to those
individuals who do not have Common Law access by "Right" to the
protection of the State and Federal Constitutions.
Whether this jurisdiction be named International Law, Admiralty/Maritime Law,
Legislative Equity, Statutory Law or any other name, it is abusive and destructive
of the Common Law Rights of the Citizens of the several States. The
Constitutions of the California Republic and the United States of America
mandate that these rights be guaranteed and protected by all agencies of
government. This is the supreme Law of our Land.
56. The
limit of police power and legislative authority is reached when a statutory
"law" derogates or destroys Rights which are protected by the
Constitution and which belong to the Common Law Citizens of the several States
who can claim these Rights.
[DEFENDANT] is a white, male Common Law Citizen of the Sovereign California
Republic. This declaration of status is made openly and notoriously on the
record of these proceedings.
58. As an
individual whose primary Common Law Citizenship is of the California Republic,
[DEFENDANT] claims all the Rights, Privileges and Immunities afforded and
protected by the Constitutions of the California Republic (1849) and of the
United States of America (1787), as lawfully amended.
[DEFENDANT] has never, to the best of his knowledge and belief, knowingly,
intentionally and voluntarily surrendered his original status as a Common Law
Citizen of the several States, to become a so-called 14th Amendment Federal
citizen who is subject to the jurisdiction of the "United States".
60. This
The court is proceeding in a legislative jurisdiction which allows a
"civil" statute to be used as evidence of the Law in a "criminal
proceeding", and affords only "civil rights", "procedural
due process" and the right to be heard on the facts evidenced in the
the statute, rather than the Law and the facts.
61. It is
now incumbent upon the Court to seat on the Law side of its jurisdiction and to
order the plaintiff to bring forth an offer of proof that the Accused
[DEFENDANT] can be subjected to a jurisdiction which uses civil statutes as
evidence of the fundamental Law in criminal cases, which refuses to afford all
Rights guaranteed by the Constitution and available to the Accused in criminal
matters, and which practices procedural due process to the exclusion of
substantive due process, wherein only the "facts" and not the
"facts and Law" are at issue.
Should the prosecution fail to bring forth proof that the Accused [DEFENDANT]
has surrendered his original status as a Common Law "California State
Citizen" for one that is essentially in "legislative/regulatory
equity", then this Court has no alternative but to dismiss this matter of
its own motion in the interests of justice, for lack of jurisdiction.
Wendy <Wendy.POLZEL@state.or.us>
Sent: Friday,
November 1, 2019 11:05:56 AM
To: Marilyn
LeBaron <dogetty@live.com>
Subject: RE:
Since we are poor... and my granddaughter is a rare beautiful redhead they
won't give them back and equal protection of Executive Order
Ms. LeBaron,
Wendy S. Polzel: DHS
respectfully requests that you cease all email communication with me and with
worker Helmar Lochmann. The agency is spending a significant amount of our
resources documenting, sharing, and saving the emails that you are sending.
This is a waste of state resources and is not the best use of state tax
dollars. If you
continue to contact Helmar or me, we will contact the police and proceed
forward with a formal police report.
Blah, blah…blah… If I fail to
respond I forfeit. So she will not litigate I am to get the default. I was
never told what the DHS had against me and that is a failure to respond
They pass the pen so often it is evident DHS is not a bar
association to be called DHS is Counsel on the petition since attorneys have
to appear to withdraw and DHS do not.
Wendy S. Polzel:: ”We
understand that you are concerned about your grandchildren. Your reports have
been looked into and your grandchildren have not made any disclosures. ”Said
the Human Trafficker that will not so much as give me a single phone call not
even on Christmas acting like a hostage-taker and a Child Sex Trafficker
Social workers, as an
involved party, liable, cannot take the statements from kids under their
control. Second-hand denials do not equate a refute through the proper
Wendy S. Polzel:: If the
children ever make disclosures in the future, the agency will contact the
police and an investigation will be initiated.
DHS failed to get an
independent investigation and say they will next time.
Wendy S. Polzel:: DHS has
offered to meet with you to discuss your concerns. You have declined to
DHS is not an independent
an investigative body so why would I meet with them.
Wendy S. Polzel: DHS has
provided you with the phone number of the child welfare hotline to report your
The child abuse hotline is a
boom-a-rang back to the Human Traffickers’ desk and not an elected judiciary
qualified to make a probable cause call – no criminal claim of harm is taken by
the culpable about their wrongdoing.
Wendy S. Polzel:: DHS has
sent you a letter to let you know how to go about applying to have your
grandchildren placed with you. You have not followed through with this
My grandchildren are
not a benefit or entitlement for DHS to deny us one another and force people
to apply for a Liberty Interest denying our property as if living with a
relative is defined as an entitlement or benefit since ti is leveraged as
currency instead of cold and as collateral which is supposed to have the
possibility of discharged or returned to the owner (which would be a crime)
since precious metals are lawful money and not human flesh. So this letter sent
to let me know you are a Human Trafficker is the equivalent of invisible blood
on your hands. Linda Hughes without lawful authority assigned the principle of
my two heirs to two separate attorneys and the application are for both my hers
indicating two separate negotiations are required for each yet naming me an
‘Applicant’ while also naming my heirs a benefit as if a food stamp or cash has
reduced them as payout or medium of exchange like that which is used at every
other benefit or entitlement and is a fraud. My heirs are not a benefit or a
welfare entitlement for consideration as a medium of exchange. Collateral is
left in a vault and Notes are put in circulation since a ten-pound gold bar
cannot be put into your wallet any more than you could put two kids in a wallet
or shove them into a cash register or a deposit box or used to discharge a
debt. What is this referral a pre-approval? No, it is a con. It is deceit you
perpetrating. DHS did not present me with cause to deny my heirs who are not
the BOND or the debtor yet are being used by DHS as collateral for their
continued financial gain instead of presenting discovery and failed to show
cause my heirs are denied me and the comfort of a family member then purport
DHs has lawful grounds to blame me for their treachery shifting through deceitful
use of collateral not available for consideration and is the fault of DHS, not
mine saying I did not become an Applicant for something not available or
defined as an ‘entitlement. DHS is supposed to make Diligent Efforts yet that
amounts to something not defined openly and I am not subject a liability for
not knowing what the schedule of Diligent Efforts is therefore at a disadvantage
without Advisement as to that schedule making it a means of deceit and evidence
of abuse of process and deceit and your liability and not mine since from
February 12, 2019, to November of this disappearing email DHS stall, stall,
stall, to let the clock run out so the attorney can Adopt or my grandkids can
be used to divert monies to yourselves and the six months it takes for ORS to
retain a new voice is the aim to continue to keep our heirs under your control
by controlling the context of all the arguments or the voices when the state
cannot regulate the practice of law, so they can continue ignoring our blood
line and right to one another forcing us to Apply to that which is rightfully
mine indicates ‘anybody’ but actual family can be an ‘ad – hoc’ under color of
law what DHs deprives rights as long at it is a stranger so DHS can get federal
I have been denied
discovery and was never asked to respond or refute anything. I have sent an email
after email after email. DHs won't go on record and expect everything to be
under the “He said, She said” hearsay basis keeping the people at a
disadvantage and do not provide verification of conversation as attorneys do
when are allowed to practice law and require communication to be limited to
meetings under their control and deny recording or videos or unrecorded phone
conversations leaving it all 'verbal' as a common law ‘handshake’ when the
common law saying, “My word is my BOND” is not subject to the terms under
consideration since then there is nothing but DURESS to negotiate with since my
heirs are not lawful collateral or a lawful medium of exchange and there
detainment cannot discharge any debt my daughter owes not did they stipulate
the amount of her indebtedness so that I could discharge it nor are DHS agents
available for such negotiation and the DHS failed to notify me of the Attorney
that could while they continue to deny me a documentable medium to communicate
regarding what was said during their intended use of undocumented verbal
exchanges or verify in writing what was used as advisement over them by
attorneys I have not retained. An application implies the BOND is what is being
applied for and the monies linked directly to it which is what they are forcing
me to apply for and I said I don't want their fucking funds. So, they make no
money since not willing to apply to plunder my daughter and leave her to die in
the streets as they will. I am applying for that keeps money flowing to them
and has usurped you have no right to a bloodline so the attorneys can make
money by forcing you to adapt your own kin already in your linage. to their
family, The DHS stall, stall, stall while denying phone contact, or visits, and
lie about the offers they made, and write lies and pretend to be authorized to
refute the abuses my heirs suffer, then pretend this is my lack of effort
because I do not tacitly comply with a waiver of my rights, which mean nothing
to them at all, and force me to summon my own judged 'employed' by the OPPONENT
THEY CONTROL forcing me to sign up under duress for a MISSION STATEMENT to put
myself a ‘list of adoptive considerations’, by so doing, waive my rights to my
heirs an appoint the ADOPTION AGENCY to be my Judge that is not appointed or
elected and is Treason Human Trafficking and criminal.
Wendy S. Polzel:: At this
time we are not able to assist you any longer.
Duress to make them money
plundering my daughter while she dies so they can on the backside without open
court record denies me under Adoption Agency Judiciary they RSVP me to and
failed to do so till I made a huge stink so this is a brush off into the
Judgment they already passed down ignoring the judge that let us go. Why would
I want help from a Human Trafficker ‘enemy within’ that is covering for a
a subordinate that allowed my grandson to remain in placement he screened himself
after my daughter reported he had been sexually assaulted at that address.
While she does not name the attorneys advising her and those attorneys will not
sign their work?
Wendy S. Polzel
Principal Executive Manager-C
Permanency Supervisor * ICWA
Pronouns: She/Her
Desk: 971-673-6827 * Cell:
30 N. Webster, Suite D,
Portland, OR 97217-2767
Fax: 971-673-6871
To: PD, GRAND JURY, et al.,
My grandchildren are not a
benefit or entitlement for DHS to deny us one another and force people to
apply for a Liberty Interest denying our property as if living with a relative
is defined as an entitlement or benefit since ti is leveraged as currency
instead of cold and as collateral which is supposed to have the possibility of
discharged or returned to the owner (which would be a crime) since precious
metals are lawful money and not human flesh. So this letter sent to let me know
you are a Human Trafficker who is the equivalent of invisible blood on your hands.
Linda Hughes without lawful authority assigned the principle of my two heirs to
two separate attorneys and the application is for both my hers indicating two
separate negotiations are required for each yet naming me an ‘Applicant’ while
also naming my heirs a benefit as if a food stamp or cash has reduced them as
payout or medium of exchange like that which is used at every other benefit or
entitlement and is a fraud. My heirs are not a benefit or a welfare entitlement
for consideration as a medium of exchange. Collateral is left in a vault and
Notes are put in circulation since a ten-pound gold bar cannot be put into your
wallet any more than you could put two kids in a wallet or shove them into a
cash register or a deposit box or used to discharge a debt. What is this
referral a pre-approval? No, it is a con. It is deceit you perpetrating. DHS
did not present me with cause to deny my heirs who are not the BOND or the
debtor yet are being used by DHS as collateral for their continued financial
gain instead of presenting discovery and failed to show cause my heirs are
denied me and the comfort of a family member then purport DHs has lawful
grounds to blame me for their treachery shifting through deceitful use of
collateral not available for consideration and is the fault of DHS, not mine
saying I did not become an Applicant for something not available or defined as
an ‘entitlement. DHS is supposed to make Diligent Efforts yet that amounts to
something not defined openly and I am not subject a liability for not knowing
what the schedule of Diligent Efforts is therefore at a disadvantage without
Advisement as to that schedule making it a means of deceit and evidence of
abuse of process and deceit and your liability and not mine since from February
15, 2019, to November of this disappearing email DHS stall, stall, stall, to
let the clock run out so the attorney can Adopt or my grandkids can be used to
divert monies to yourselves and the six months it takes for ORS to retain a new
voice is the aim to continue to keep our heirs under your control by
controlling the context of all the arguments or the voices when the state
cannot regulate the practice of law, so they can continue ignoring our blood
line and right to one another forcing us to Apply to that which is rightfully
mine indicates ‘anybody’ but actual family can be an ‘ad – hoc’ under color of
law what DHs deprives rights as long at it is a stranger so DHS can get federal
I have sent email after email
after email. DHs won't go on record and expect everything to be under the “He
said, She said” hearsay basis keeping the people at a disadvantage and do not
provide verification of conversation as attorneys do when are allowed to
practice law and require communication to be limited to meetings under their
control and deny recording or videos or unrecorded phone conversations leaving
it all 'verbal' as a common law ‘handshake’ when the common law saying, “My
word is my BOND” is not subject to the terms under consideration since then
there is nothing but DURESS to negotiate with since my heirs are not lawful
collateral or a lawful medium of exchange and their detainment cannot discharge
any debt my daughter owes not did they stipulate the amount of her indebtedness
so that I could discharge it nor are DHS agents available for such negotiation
and the DHS failed to notify me of the Attorney that could while they continue
to deny me a documentable medium to communicate regarding what was said during
their intended use of undocumented verbal exchanges or verify in writing what
was used as advisement over them by attorneys I have not retained.
An application implies the
BOND is what is being applied for and the monies linked directly to it which is
what they are forcing me to apply for and I said I don't want their fucking
funds. So, they make no money since not willing to apply to plunder my daughter
and leave her to die in the streets as they will. I am applying for that keeps
money flowing to them and has usurped you have no right to a bloodline so the
attorneys can make money by forcing you to adapt your own kin already in your
linage. to their family, The DHS stall, stall, stall while denying phone
contact, or visits, and lie about the offers they made, and write lies and
pretend to be authorized to refute the abuses my heirs suffer, then pretend
this is my lack of effort because I do not tacitly comply with a waiver of my
rights, which mean nothing to them at all, and force me to summon my own judged
'employed' by the OPPONENT THEY CONTROL forcing me to sign up under duress for
a MISSION STATEMENT to put me a ‘list of adoptive considerations’, by so
doing, waive my rights to my heirs an appoint the ADOPTION AGENCY to be my Judge that is not appointed or elected and is Treason Human Trafficking and
All Rights Reserved Without
Marilyn LeBaron
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