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Texas Sunset Commission - Angel Cook Testimony

Notice they don't help unless they can make money. 

Herein is described as criminal racketeering legalized and the senator says he cannot fix it for this family. 

“Indeed, no more than (affidavits) is necessary to make the prima facie case.”

United States v. Kis, 658 F.2 Nd , 526, 536 (7th Cir. 1981); Cert Denied, 50 U.S. L.W. 2169; S. Ct. March 22, 1982

DOES DHS MAKE A prima facie case? DOES DHS write Affidavits? No. A Bureaucrat cannot. A man or woman must so they do not make a prima facie case. They grab your kids and JJC declares themselves DEPENDENT on the money they make taking kids from family.

This video is proof attorneys will bleed you for all you own while they are helpless like this senator is as well and cannot step in and still stand in line for more money. Another video Angela Cook has made has her testimony called a Narrative instead of an Affidavit and nobody ever comes to arrest the social workers. I don’t have $100,00 dollars yet DHS has forms, court, cars, cell phones, email, desks, making the DA, and hoards of attorneys swarming to represent kids removed, this meeting is a sham not worthy to be called an apology.

They raped the kids and pimped them out and giving this woman her money back does not erase what happened – nor does the problem stop when the word Due Process only comes up after the crime has been brought to the attention of the public eye and the abuse of the term Due Process is just for the criminal – and as you see it is used as if going to talk to a judge is Due Process - yet none of that was adhered to when DHS walked in and took her kids - they took all of them then pat her on the head and make appearances when ‘even the ones that were not named as abused’ were grabbed up – just giving her money back is not enough – even the senator is a con and has ignored the problem yet saying he is going to fix it for other families. Blah, blah, blah. That DHS still as a pattern and practice take your kids on the shift of the burden of proof and rape your kids while attorneys drain your bank account. 

Doug Dante
Family Forward Project

October 25 at 3:44 AM  ·

Tweet with me to seek justice:
Boy testifying:
> "[social worker] told me I had to say certain things when she turned the tape recorder on [refused] got angry with me and told me if I didn't say what she wanted. I would never see my family again" 18 USD 1512 tampering @FBI @OIGatHHS @HHSOCR @GovAbbott

“Exhaustion of administrative remedies” is a legal doctrine that requires a person to seek all remedies directly with an agency before a suit will ever be heard by a state or federal court. Once the agency’s own procedures are finished (“exhausted”), then the person may file a complaint in state or federal court. . . DHS grabs and files a claim and violates the Fourth Amendment to build a case. But, lawful and legal are not synonyms considering something legalized could have been illegal at one time, and breaking the law has been legalized by what DHS does to us through legalized racketeering. So they can pick on us and pick on us and after we exhaust all remedy (which there is none) since they have all the printed forms and we have to invent them as we go or use theirs which just grants them further jurisdiction to disagree or ignore us.

The Attorneys do not declare 'your Rights under law', and they understand this but you do not, See: Belligerent Complainant.

Being a U.S. Citizen deems you and your kids are property of D.C. according to Supreme Court Rule. having only one right guaranteed - to reside in one of the STATES - that is it - making you PROPERTY, and a slave, and since you are not an agency it seems to read above that once DHS is done with you, dragging your in and out of hearings, and you disagree they, the person (corporation) can file on Federal Court using Reasonable Efforts to claim the monies which is what the JJC is for when seeking Federal Funding, using Reasonable Efforts rulings to move monies to their hands. And if the JJC rules the DHS did not make Reasonable Efforts then the STATE paid for it which is accounts payable terminology.

Yet only 'white' people are guaranteed the full protection of the Constitution of the United States of America and Federal Slavery is reported to us as abolished and we are taught we are free. So lied to all our lives.

The Constitution of the United States of America also called the Supreme Law of the Land is where all the Federal Dollars seem to be coming from since D.C. is its capital having a plot of ten miles by ten miles square where all of us U.S. Citizens are owned. So more lies since the Bible is the Supreme law where the rights of natural man are declared. But, I am not one hundred percent certain the courts would agree since I read Special Appearances are no longer respected and we can no longer contest jurisdiction and all appearances must be by General Appearance only - which abolishes the status of natural man - who can contest jurisdiction - contesting jurisdiction is done by Special Appearance (meaning limited to arguing subject matter jurisdiction) so you can declare you are not a person but a natural man and DHS has no power over you and that you are not property which is supported by another Supreme Court Ruling that statute and code is not law (which is what the JJC (Justice Complex is applying under very deceptive means considering they are using you as U.S. Citizen, or money concubine slave or property to gain Federal Funds and deprive you of your lawful status that man whom is immune to statutes. Convoluted and doublespeak is all they use and even their AFFIDAVIT, OF CERTIFICATE OF NON-RESPONSE, And Failure to Contest Acceptance and Agreement is full of hints that ONLY AN ATTORNEY CAN USE THAT WEAPON or those authorized by attorneys using DHS to ambulance chase and cause trouble since it is illegal for an attorney to be escorted to your front door by police and claim you and your kids as a client - and no law firm can have opposing parties as clients - hence parents vs kids but DHS do and since that is no challenged the BAR can bleed people like Angela Cook dry while her kids are getting raped and then she still had to file a lawsuit and take out loans. So using their words and forms is dangerous since preprinted by attorneys who never advise you yet you are stuck with the immunities they offer DHS for the services of being their ambulance chaser - example - when you get in a car wreck the police show up and you get cited and both parties if they can't settle, both parties go retain two separate law firms to file upon the court for a judgment and can settle at any time up to the court date or just before. And it is not lawful for an attorney to show up at a car wreck and retain you under police force and handle both sides of the argument but that is exactly what DHS does and they drag thing on to get their caseload per headcount bonuses because putting kids with family does not move monies to their hands which is a federal mandate or they lose funds. So a conflict of interest due to Attorneys all agreeing they want the 'client' pool rather than honoring blood and kin and have perverted the Constitution of the United States of America which was not originally intended to enslave us since it names whites a free as opposed to the slaves at the time - and it is the 14th amendment that has enslaved us all by the uses of civil - substantive due process - and is Treason. 

Angela Cook has to go before a board which is not a tort where they are just a prop and utterly wasted her time and did nothing at all but see if she had any evidence and called her attestations, before them a Narrative instead of an AFFIDAVIT so castrated her cries and she utterly wastes her breath and still had to go take out a loan and file another lawsuit after the attorney took her life savings. No one got arrested and business as usual since slaves that are owned have no rights at all and the monies pouring into the heads of these people are culpable as hell. 

Take a look at the uses of words in this mockup use of failure to deny an allegation, by exercising your right to remain silent, or plead the fifth, making your silence a guilty plea, which is what DHS do if you do not know how to refute them and shift…


And Failure to Contest Acceptance and Agreement
Re; Non-Response to Private Conditional Acceptance for Value for Proof of Claim in the Nature of Request for Discovery to Exhaust Private Administrative Remedy.

___________________STATE )
) to wit
County of ________________ )

“Indeed, no more than (affidavits) is necessary to make the prima facie case.”

United States v. Kis, 658 F.2 Nd , 526, 536 (7th Cir. 1981); Cert Denied, 50 U.S. L.W. 2169; S. Ct. March 22, 1982

NOTICE THE USES OF THE WORD (Affidavit) and prima facie case _ which is a lower standard of evidence than 'beyond a reasonable doubt' _ yet permanent termination of parental rights the equivalent of the death penalty of a criminal case in a civil jurisdiction (parental rights defined by ORS while ORS is not law according to the Supreme Court and the natural man is immune to statute) - line those facts up and see why Angela Cooks cries were called a Narrative - so it would have NO TEETH - like this twin of DHS safety plan which is used like this Exhaust Private Administrative Remedy - Private Conditional Acceptance they stipulate you have thirty days to refute an allegation and your silence is a guilty plea - to death - and you have to move for a Trial by Jury of Peers - in that time technically or you accept which is a total con job and racketeering and purely criminal - Note Failure to Contest Acceptance and Agreement (which is another Notice of Liability that is has another use in the hands of the DHS to avoid your trial date - which would cost them a but load of monies to bring each and every single one of to a Trial by Jury of Peers - yet they deceive you and force Trial by plantation master who see you as D.C. property - and treat your heirs just like they would a babe from the women they raped and sell them as house servants since of lighter color of skin. Men have not changed they just redefined themselves and teach you that you are animals just like they did the 'savage indigenous people' and negro slave stalk.


And Failure to Contest Acceptance and Agreement

Re; Non-Response to Private Conditional Acceptance for Value for Proof of Claim in the Nature of Request for Discovery to Exhaust Private Administrative Remedy.

___________________STATE )
                                        ) to wit
County of ________________)

“Indeed, no more than (affidavits) is necessary to make the prima facie case.”

United States v. Kis, 658 F.2 Nd , 526, 536 (7th Cir. 1981); Cert Denied, 50 U.S. L.W. 2169; S. Ct. March 22, 1982

That I, _____________________, a living breathing man (or woman) , being first duly sworn, depose and say and declare by my signature that the
following facts are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. That I, __________________________, a Third Party herein, certify that a Private
Conditional Acceptance for Value for Proof(s) of Claim on VOID JUDGMENT in the Nature of Request for Discovery was sent
by ______________________________ to __________________________________ via Certified Mail with Return Receipt Number ___
_________________________ and which was mailed by the above party on ____________________. A re
sponse as stipulated in the document was to be sent to the undersigned as well, serving as ‘second witness. ’I certify that I have reviewed the original
documents of the above party and the mail receipts, green card(s)for the mailing and the above party’s Affidavit of Notice of Default per the above
document. Per the above document as mailed, request was made to not only send a RESPONSE of the requested Proof(s) of Claim to
the above party but also to the Undersigned, as a independent third party but not a party to the matter for the sole purpose to witness and
certify that any such RESPONSE was sent and received at my address/office for conclusion the above party’s private administrative
process. Said RESPONSE was requested within a specific time period with an additional 3 days for return mail. THEREFORE; I certify that
__________________________________, refused or failed to RESPOND to the above party’s Private Conditional Acceptance for Value for Proof
of Claim on VOID JUDGMENT in the Nature of Request for Evidence/Discovery within the time stipulated, failed to Cure the fault and presumption
is made that ______________________________, is in full acceptance and in full agreement to all matters raised in the VOID CAFV therein as fully
stipulated in favor of ________________________, as Declarant/injured party/Principal. Dated this ______ day of ___________________,
2007 __________________________________  ________name_________, Third Party Address of Third Party:
____________________________  ____________________________  ____________________________.
SUBCRIBED TO AND SWORN before me this _____day of ________________, A.D. 2020, a Notary, that ______________________, personally
appeared and known to me to be the man whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to be the same.
_____________________________________ Seal;
Notary Public in and for said State
My Commission expires; _______________
1 – Affidavit of Certificate of Non-Response  Item No. _______________


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