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Political Pedophilia Epidemic, as told by Robert David Steele, Ex CIA Agent,

These scumbags know exactly what they are handing kids over to and just keep committing the same crimes.

Last I heard she is getting reamed by the court prosecutor/ attorney that is supposed to represent her instead of team up with the prosecutor judiciary. It is like they gave her a prosecutor instead of a defender that is a co-prosecutor to the MAGISTRATE (judge). It is sickening.
I went to her hearing and that guy is the purest definition of a slime ball slug as there is; greasy hair, unshaved, hobo-looking, obese, thinning long gray-hair falling over the cuff of his coat and ears by about two inches, sloppily dressed, his clothing wrinkled up as if he slept in them after not washing them for days, with a look of dull health through his eyes, like a hobo alcoholic... it is just disgusting... and when he began to speak I had to move up from the back wall to the chair behind him and still could barely make out what he was saying having much difficulty hearing him even when I turned my ear to listen. I looked up and noticed the mike was not level to his mouth but lifted up to sit about a foot above his head while he looked down at the table instead of up at the bench. "I asked him to speak up and was immediately told to cease from making outbursts both by the judge and the Bailiff as if I had committed a grave sin in their presence. I responded, "I want to get a copy of this and need to be able to hear him on court record". He was asked to speak up and the microphone was moved closer to his mouth. Once I could hear him I wen to sit in the back again and was instructed SILENTLY WITH A WAVE OF HAND by THE BANKER'S MAGISTRATE TO SCOOCH OVER as if one foot would actually make andy difference considering we are wearing masks. All the while the slob and my daughter are closer together than me and the man against the back wall just like Baker and Bakers co-prosecutor before her. What hypocrites.
The court-appointed co-prosecutor (nonadversarial) was late and they brought somebody in before her who was asked questions by the MAFIOSO and they did not swear him in to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.. In opposite of that when Mel was prompted to prosecute herself by her 'slime' ball scumbag magistrate selected co-prosecutor the court gave her, SELECTED BY THEM, HIRED BY THEM, PAID BY THE SAME BOND, under the lead BANKER MAFIOSO MAGISTRATE (Judge Leith) COURT TEAM PROSECUTOR begins to set her up in an obvious perjury trap insisting she is to be sworn in and directed her to "Raise your right hand" when he did not for Baker, the guy before her who was brought in instead of her due to her attorney being late.
Baker had years and years of criminal history and said he did drugs since he was eleven years old telling the judge his whole family used to be drug addicts including his mother but they all were clean and sober now. But no swearing in under penalty of perjury for Baker by a judge committing perjury against his Oath of Office as pattern and practice subverting it rather than upholding it by asking people to allow him to commit it, and to me, the judge is obviously making special efforts to trap her in her words as if intending to look for a reason to slam her in jail for ten years instead of the less than two years threatened currently.
So basically I watched the judge intimidate a man into confessing on-court record all his crimes and asking him to allow the STATE to commit SANCTIONED treason against without swearing him in, so the court could make a quick buck just to be allowed to go back to the streets without any proper intervention setting him up to fail just to land him in jail on potential pattern and practice plea bargain used to subvert our trial by a jury of peers count per count they probably could not prove or make a profit on only to bill them and make monies off each listed offense with no prosecution expense on any just to pull a profit and never clean up all the drugs the C.I.A. reports our corrupt system is pumping in. this is all done under the threat that the next arrest no trial is available just intimidation into confession and testimony you are criminally liable on and on under the questioning of the prosecutor judge asking questioned to lead this man into a long prison sentence with no remedy of the social problem that brought him there.
The prosecutor takes off his mask to speak and I took mine off partly to breathe through my nose and the Bailiff barks at me to put my mask on - so only court-affiliated people can contaminate the air but not be forced to inhale my own toxins instead of allowed to inhale trying to use my nose.
Yeah, I just uncovered my nose and am immediately barked at in low command tone to cover it by the Bailiff and also told by the magistrate to, "Put your mask back on".
Prior, "When they brought Baker in the court organizer told us to leave due to COVID after asking us what case we were there to witness, but I said 'No".
We both insisted on staying and I told the court organizer an executive order was signed allowing us to remove our masks if we maintained social distancing which we were for the most part maintaining, just like the magistrate judge maintained who was not wearing a mask.
Considering the fact the MAGISTRATE does not wear a mask why are the rest of us required to or the prosecutors for that matter.
Plus while the court organizer was attempting to usher us out he pointed out that I had scooched over to talk to the man sitting to my right along the back wall between hearings and that he saw me remove my mask to whisper something in that man's ear as the ground to not let me stay for a public hearing. "I'll take it under advisement I said'.
They are very insistent in demanding I leave before the Baker case begins since it was not the case we were present to hear and the whole time he was attempting to make us exit the court he was standing less than four feet away in normal conversation distance. We both reminded the court organizer this is a public forum and he threatened to have the Sheriff remove us and I said, "Do as you like" walk past him, when and sat down, and the other man did as well.
We just ignored him. It looks so much like it is all just a scam to keep people out of the courts so we don't see the bully tactics going down. Such a con job going on in those courts. They must be planning something worse in the near future using COVID to scare away spectators to play on our collective ignorance in isolation creating a 'star chamber proceeding; using fear while waging economic warfare upon us.
When the court coordinator pointed out I violated social distancing he himself was in violation of it telling me I removed my mask in close proximity to a man's ear who was my companion there for Mel. I looked over at him and asked, "Are you a complainant against me?" and he shook his head, "No", then I turned back to the court organizer and said, "You cannot complain on his behalf". And he still insisted we leave due to COVID and I said to him, "COVID is a lie" thinking to myself, "If I was french kissing that man it would be none of their business if he collected my germs", COVID or no COVID.
So under threat of removal by the Bailiff, we waited for the possible confrontation that never came in silence for about 5 more minutes. Then in comes, the Bailiff wearing matching green bandana over their faces leading Baker in chains to be seated through the gate then the other sanctioned criminal activity begins.
It all looks so satanic. Treason, lies, extortion, entrapment by the MAFIOSO MAGISTRATE, who with such dirty hands appears to set my daughter up, just because he knows I am asking for a copy of the court record, (I PRESUME), pleads her in under penalty of perjury to later go looking for perjury charges to file on her all coordinated by the court selected slime ball co-prosecutor with no defender present to handle the inferences raised by the judge. And nobody is allowed to remain as a public witness due to COVID - all the while nobody is holding the evidence against her while the judge has to play detective or collude with Olcott Thompson who my daughter said has an attorney working on her case and considering Olcot Thompson lied to her and handed her over on a case he defended her well on yet enters a plea of guilty is not neutral from the treasonous court, who now intimidate her when no guilt was provable and make my daughter speak as if prosecuting by testifying against herself when the original case they brought her in was subject to acquittal or dismiss, in the judges own words, same judge, "You would be acquitted" and instead of dismissing allows a plea of guilty due to Olcott Thomson saying they would give her kids back and she could get into housing, to get herself out of living in the streets the state forced upon her.
It all looks so satanic. Treason, lies, extortion, entrapment by the MAFIOSI MAGISTRATE while, with such dirty hands, he looks for perjury charges to file on my daughter all coordinated by the court selected slime ball co-prosecutor with no defender present to handle the inferences raised by the judge and nobody allowed to remain as a public witness due to COVID - while they intimidate and make my daughter speak as if testifying against herself when the original case they brought her in was subject to acquittal or dismiss, in the judges own words, same judge, "You would be acquitted" and instead of dismissing allows a plea of guilty due to Olcott Thomson saying they would give her kids back and she could get into housing, to get herself out of living in the streets the state forced upon her.
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice
Marilyn LeBaron
Melanie LeBaron
Victoria Couvillion
Nolan Stevens


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