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Episode 65 GFM Media Robert David Steele An Ex CIA Agent On The Politi

Considering Epstein walked and he gets even a fake death to allow him to go free why would you target your own victims of this economic war raging upon us by bankers to allow filthy treasonous warmongers access to their choice of our kids as an enemy within paid by enemies without as if DHS was set up as the harim of the rich Satanic worshipers when Satan himself is not the type to rape a kid? On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 6:35 PM Marilyn LeBaron <> wrote:
No statute of limitations on Treason! You knew you did not have a case the first time and this time as well! Treason! Effective Counsel and a Neutral Independent judge. Neither did she receive.
No statute of limitations on Treason. It is all extortion for the position of power to extort cash from us making us pay for our own adjudications while common knowledge endangers our kids during a Political Pedophilia Epidemic and people blowing the whistle getting killed like Senator Nancy Schaefer. Adoption agencies get their adoption agents from DHS CPS workers and it is advertised you can make 10,000 dollars to 40,000 dollars a year based on a per headcount caseload while they advertise to be investigatively getting an opinion for DHS who accuses us by inter-agency referral policies while forming an opinion of there own, while on other matters the magistrate jealously guard the position of power to form opinions saying, "We the people cannot judge fact and law" which is true if you realize in their court law has no relevancy, on-point actually making that saying true, considering law never meets fact severed from one another, since the weighing of statue, code, are used to ignore law, and facts pertinent to law are waived, or subverted, next to accepting perjury and hearsay instead of first hand witness accounts, while calling anything DHS conjure 'Fact' once the NoL is leveraged which cannot be reversed upon them, which is sanctioned collusion between DHS the Adoption agency tethered by Juvenile Justice Courts.

DHS grab our kids, use them as a bag of money at dependency hearings filling their hands and all scheduled bonuses then force us to pay to be investigatively adjudicated by both them and the Adoption agency they force our referrals to, which the word investigatively is criminal prosecution terminology being abused in civil racketeering schemes that do not call what they do prosecution yet use the Office of the District Attorney to sever our heads directly to the fact that investigative (ly), is the language of the Adoption Agent, which is a violation of our right to an independent judge when on another count we are paying to be investigated and adjudicated by them with no recourse. The monies extorted from our pockets.
Both agencies, DHS and Adoption, have a mandated inter referral policy upheld on each end while pretending to be independent of each other, yet forcing us to have two as a 'judge', DHS and Adoption Retention Specialists have been given judicial discretion, so the Juvenile Justice Complex loses jurisdiction on its face, and cannot accept petitions to settle any disagreements between the people and either agency who are both subsidiaries of HHS known to rape kids after separating them from parents at the border.
Since we have the right to No Double Jeopardy which is already violated so prohibiting us from going before a Juvenile Justice Complex to have a for-profit corporation, who allows dependency hearings to settle a difference between you and an Adoption agency who is trying to give your heir to somebody else which is not lawful according to our nation's laws since relief requires we be restored to our original state not sold by the BAR and those contracting with the BAR. Any decision made by that SEATED MAGISTRATE would be triple jeopardy, not to mention we are not by law required to contract where there is a conflict of interest existent when upon signing requesting to become an 'Applicant' we are applying to contract where the conflict of interest is inherent by design, to later be denied the right to No Double Jeopardy, which is a violation of our right to a neutral, fair and impartial adjudication, considering both DHS and the Adoption Retention Specialist carry the weight of an adjudication while the Juvenile Justice Complex holds us down for federal funds, who by that are making us pay the one side of the double set of judges, the ADOPTION AGENCY, thousands of dollars for their CLOSED QUARTER OPINION. NO CROSS-EXAMINATION, NO WITNESSES QUESTIONED IN OPEN COURT SO THEY CAN TARGET DENY PEOPLE FOR ANY REASON THEY WANT. Huge conflict of interest between us and the Juvenile Justice Complex since they are in charge of the housing of our heirs while in the place seated to take huge bribes. Expert testimony making the endangerment of our nations heirs common knowledge and prosecutable offenses by the Juvenile Justice Complex for multiple counts of endangerment of our nations' heirs as pattern and practice since Senator Nancy Schaefer’s announcement, while holding a seat in the Senate, that child protection service was a growing criminal political phenomenon. And in support of this; Episode 65 GFM Media Robert David Steele An Ex CIA Agent On The Political Pedophilia Epidemic 1 The above is irrelevant as a defense for JJC, Social Workers, or Adoption Retention Agents, who do not actually accept bribes to sell kids to pedophiles considering Endangerment is a stand-alone crime congruent to common knowledge is evidence of Mens Rea when ignoring common knowledge that DHS has a direct pipeline to child sex trafficking through corrupted BAR members calling themselves a Law Firm Affiliate when law is never declared by them under the ruling Belligerent Claimant that attorney does not declare your rights, and God's Word is the Supreme Law not the Constitution of the United States of America. Every Court in our nation avoid Trial by Jury of Peers yet the Adoption Agency makes us pay for our own adjudication while we pay all the expense of our own expert aka (judge) that can give our heirs to SOMBODY else if we contract with them, which we are forced to do when not required to aid the prosecution against ourselves, let alone pay for it too, creating a conflict of interst where they can sentence us to death which adversely affects our heirs through and opinion that we pay for, and adjudication that is advisory to the Juvenile Justice Complex, saving tons of money on Trials they never hold, making the JJC not and independent seat we are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America whereas all our nations heirs have not waived their Constitutional Rights or Due Process of Law protections all cases are fraudulent since they too have experienced the equivalent of the death penalty of a criminal case, and that is not child protection, since sentenced to death when innocent losing all blood ties when the corruption of blood is a Title of Attainder term and abolished, which is an act of war. These scumbags know exactly what they are handing kids over to and just keep committing the same crimes. IT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE THE GOVERNMENT IS INTO RAPING KIDS but the police will do nothing while judges keep handing kids over to corrupt law firms with corrupt judiciary at the helm as if a spearhead of horses charging into us while scattered in a war we did not know was raging. NOTICE OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST between the judicial seat and the people of this nation. Political Pedophilia Epidemic, as told by Robert David Steele, Ex CIA Agent,
CONSOLIDATION OF THIS MATTER TO A JUVENILE MATTER TO GAIN A VICTORY IN THE JUVENILE MATTER IS DOUBLE JEOPARDY SINCE THE TRIAL HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE ON THE JUVENILE MATTER AND SHE WAS OFFERED HER KIDS BACK TWICE. Last I heard she is getting reamed by the court prosecutor/ attorney that is supposed to represent her instead of team up with the prosecutor judiciary. It is like they gave her a prosecutor instead of a defender that is a co-prosecutor to the MAGISTRATE (judge). It is sickening. I went to her hearing and that guy co-prosecutor is the purest definition of a slime ball slug as there is; greasy hair, unshaved, hobo-looking, obese, thinning long gray-hair falling over the cuff of his coat and ears by about two inches, sloppily dressed, his clothing wrinkled up as if he slept in them after not washing them for days, with a look of dull health through his eyes, like a hobo alcoholic... it is just disgusting... and when he began to speak I had to move up from the back wall to the chair behind him and still could barely make out what he was saying having much difficulty hearing him even when I turned my ear to listen. I looked up and noticed the mike was not level to his mouth but lifted up to sit about a foot above his head while he looked down at the table instead of up at the bench. "I asked him to speak up and was immediately told to cease from making outbursts both by the judge and the Bailiff as if I had committed a grave sin in their presence. I responded, "I want to get a copy of this and need to be able to hear him on court record". He was asked to speak up and the microphone was moved closer to his mouth. Once I could hear him I went to sit in the back again and was instructed SILENTLY WITH A WAVE OF HAND by THE BANKER'S MAGISTRATE TO SCOOCH OVER as if one foot would actually make any difference considering we are wearing masks. All the while the slob co-prosecutor and my daughter are closer together than me and the man seated to my right side against the back wall when just like Baker and Bakers co-prosecutor before her, they sat within four feet of one another. What hypocrites. The court-appointed co-prosecutor (nonadversarial) was late and they brought somebody in before her who was asked questions by the MAFIOSO and they did not swear him in to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth... In opposite of that when Mel was prompted to prosecute herself by her 'slime' ball scumbag magistrate selected co-prosecutor the court gave her, SELECTED BY THEM, HIRED BY THEM, PAID BY THE SAME BOND, under the lead BANKER MAFIOSO MAGISTRATE (Judge Leith) COURT TEAM PROSECUTOR begins to set her up in an obvious perjury trap insisting she is to be sworn in and directed her to "Raise your right hand" when he did not for Baker, the guy before her who was brought in instead of her due to her attorney being late.
Baker had years and years of criminal history and said he did drugs since he was eleven years old telling the judge his whole family used to be drug addicts including his mother but they all were clean and sober now. But no swearing in under penalty of perjury for Baker by a judge committing perjury against his Oath of Office as pattern and practice subverting it rather than upholding it by asking people to allow him to commit it, this subversive act, as if Section eleven of the Oregon Bill of Rights is upheld when that a contract is broken under duress, and to me, the judge is obviously making special efforts to trap her in her words as if intending to look for a reason to slam her in jail for ten years instead of the less than two years threatened currently. this is unlawful because prosecutors are supposed to make plea bargains to lesser charges not increase them by adding extra-judicial prosecution to a contract gotten falsely under duress in the first place and is in this case a sign of premeditated retaliation. So basically I watched the judge intimidate a man into confessing on-court record all his crimes and asking him to allow the STATE to commit SANCTIONED treason against him while asking him to prosecute himself without swearing him in, (which is consistent only with the fact prosecutor don't swear in) so the court could make a quick buck just to be allowed to go back to the streets instead of jail without proper intervention. This is setting him up to fail just to land him in jail on the potential pattern and practice plea bargain racketeering used to subvert our Right to Trial by a Jury of Peers count per count when nobody will ever know if they could prove either case while they make a profit on billing them for crimes they are never prosecuted for and make monies off each listed offense with no prosecution expense on any just to pull a profit and never clean up all the drugs the C.I.A. reports our corrupt system is pumping in. This poverty inflicted by COVID is just more temptation for drug dealers and how did the judge buy his story without asking how he was going to fund all his plans or even see if he had a job! It is really lax garbage can adjudication on this judges part as this could be believed when gotten under duress to get out of jail done under the threat that the next arrest your trial will be waived on all past crimes which is not stipulated that all future violation are as well, when they set you up to prosecute yourself and tell you, “You have to from that point on to tell the whole truth at all times or go straight to jail”, and it is available to the judge to just intimidate you when confession belongs to man and that MAGISTRATE is a corporation, not a man, yet setting himself up to hear your confessions as if man, where unlike God he will never forgive you and make monies off your plea where you are locked into confession and testimony having you confess you are criminally liable when the entire economy is controlled by drug lords and on and on under the questioning of the prosecutor judge asking questioned to lead this man and all others into a long prison sentences with no remedy of the social problem that brought him there. The co-prosecutor to Baker takes off his mask to speak listing up to six pages of violations of years and years of petty crimes and other felonies admittedly committed by Baker, as compared to my daughter's alleged misdemeanors, listed as under the suspicion of such and such, and I took mine off partly to breathe through my nose and the Bailiff barks, "Put your mask on" - so by that, I conclude the rule is only court-affiliated people can contaminate the air we are not allowed to breathe equally while they prevent us from breathing clean air circulated through the courts forcing us to inhale our own toxins instead of allowed to inhale using our nose, which lowers your resistances causing harm to our selves increasing the effects of illnesses. Yeah, I just uncovered my nose and am immediately barked at in low command tone to cover it by the Bailiff and also told by the magistrate to, "Put your mask back on". Before that, the Sheriff appearing looking like bank robbers brought Baker bound in chains slowly into the court just after the organizer told us to leave due to COVID after asking us what case we were there to witness, but I said “No".
We both insisted on staying and I told the court organizer an executive order was signed by President Donald J Trump allowing his executive branch to remove masks if maintaining social distancing which we were, for the most part, maintaining under duress to comply, just like the magistrate judge maintained just by being seated far from us in the room, who was curious to the fearmongering psychological warfare going on in the press, not wearing a mask. Considering the fact the MAGISTRATE does not wear a mask why are the rest of us required to or the prosecutors for that matter? Plus while the court organizer was attempting to usher us out he pointed out that I had scooched over to talk to the man sitting to my right along the back wall before and between hearings began and that he saw me remove my mask to whisper something in that man's ear as the ground to not let me stay for a public hearing. "I'll take it under advisement", I said'. It seems the courts are very insistent in demanding we leave before the Baker case begins since it was not the case we were present to hear and the whole time the court organizer was attempting to make us exit the court he was standing in close proximity to me at the entry to the courtroom, less than four feet away in normal conversation distance. We both reminded the court organizer this is a public forum and he threatened to have the Bailiff or Sheriff remove us and I said, "Do as you like", walked past him, when to take a seat, and the other man did as well. We just ignored him. It looks so much like it is all just a scam to keep people out of the courts so we don't see the bully tactics going down. Such a con job going on in those courts. They must be planning something worse in the near future using COVID to scare away spectators to play on our collective ignorance in isolation creating an illegal 'star chamber proceeding', using public fear tactic; using fear while waging economic warfare upon us telling us it is for our protection like the child protection services do when in fact they are working for pedophile affiliated law firms that is confirmed by the C.I.A. 'drugs, guns, gold, cash, and small children are the goals of covert C.I.A. operations that please the DEEP STATE.

When the court coordinator pointed out I violated social distancing he himself was in violation of it, if you ignore our president's executive order, telling me I removed my mask in close proximity to a man's ear who was my companion there for Mel. I looked over at him and asked, "Are you a complainant against me?" and he shook his head, "No", then I turned back to the court organizer and said, "You cannot complain on his behalf". And he still insisted we leave due to COVID and I said to him, "COVID is a lie" thinking to myself, "If I was French kissing that man it would be none of their business if he collected my germs", COVID or no COVID. So under threat of removal by the Bailiff, we waited for the possible confrontation that never came in silence for about 5 more minutes. Then in comes, the Bailiff wearing a matching set of green bandana over their faces leading Baker in chains to be seated through the gate just before the other sanctioned criminal activity began. It all looks so satanic. Treason, lies, extortion, entrapment by the MAFIOSO MAGISTRATE, who with such dirty hands appears to set my daughter up, just because he knows I am asking for a copy of the court record, (I PRESUME), he himself eager to swear her in after pleading her to things he stated she would be acquitted for. Accepting a plea of guilty when the case should have been automatically dismissed by him. And now he stands to incarcerate her under penalty of perjury at his own investigative skills, to later go looking for perjury charges to press all coordinated by the court selected slime ball co-prosecutor with no defender present to handle the inferences raised by the MAGISTRATE, MONEY GRUBBING BOND SUCKING judge. And nobody is allowed to remain as a public witness while all men are discouraged from entering a court building due to COVID - all the while nobody neutral, I mean, not her court-appointed attorney, is holding the evidence against her while the judge has to play detective or collude with Olcott Thompson who my daughter said has a private detective that he does not need since he already proved to the judge the case was not provable, and as her attorney working on her case is her worst enemy, considering Olcot Thompson lied to her and handed her over on a case he defended her on very well yet enters a plea of guilty, which is not a defense at all, and is not neutral from the treasonous court, who now intimidate her when no guilt was provable and make my daughter speak as if prosecuting herself on the prosecution team by testifying against herself when the original case they brought her in was subject to acquittal or dismiss, in the judges own words, same judge, "You would be acquitted" and instead of dismissing allows a plea of guilty due to Olcott Thomson saying they would give her kids back and she could get into housing, to get herself out of living in the streets the state forced upon her. She was under immense duress and the original non-adversarial contract is null and void. Effective Counsel and a Neutral Independent judge. Neither did she receive. Are you all a pile of Treasonous Devil worshipers? Well, you cannot prosecute with dirty hands. Well, Luciferininaintianian is your tempter here in this life and then also your Prosecution in the next and He is not going to have to argue against an allegation of entrapment because the law of God restricts His Heavenly Left Hand Servant, Luciferininaintianian, by His Decree, 'man is not tempted beyond his ability to resist' so worship of Luciferininaintianian is heavenly warmongers fake news lie in a war raging for man's souls or their loss, and like you and your non-adversarial co-prosecution team, Jesus Christ and His elder Brother, Luciferininaintianian, are also on a Non-Adversarial Team, considering they are both here to sort us out, while you mock God bearing His title Judge, do not have the power to know all things, and apparently don't care. congruent and in direct support of this, God’s ways are not our ways and although we are created in His image and may imitate Him, He does require we uphold our Treaties and your duty is to your Oath of Office which is subverted and destroyed by your powers to force people to waive their rights by forcing them to plea, just to procure easy bond sucking cash. I don’t see any good in it when the prosecutor’s office is intended for the greater good and I don’t see how the greater good is fulfilled when forced to stand in the shoes of an Office we were not elected to hold and prosecute ourselves for your financial gain. Nothing is really getting done about the amount of drugs floating around in our streets and CPS is used to hand our nations' heirs over to rapists.

No, the greater good is not served. I take exception to your allowing my daughter to be prosecuted by her personal court-appointed and selected
counsel who is non-adversarial to the prosecution and the prosecutor, it is so sickening. And in the same breath that slug, you allowed to hand her over to your continued line of prosecution with your questioning as if your only goal is to set people up to fail, extort monies from them, while the problem is not solved in the streets, which is another issue. Well, so two prosecutors and no defender, when she is clearly being neglected by you directly. My verification of conversation going ignored that you understood she would be acquitted and also allowed a guilty plea then when her house arrest is over you continue to force her to wear a tracking bracelet, while not guaranteeing her safety but leave her vulnerable to being tracked by evildoers you may or may not know about, or even mark her for death at your own hand if you find her or me to be your direct political enemy, and all that is a potential disguise, camouflage reportedly seen as me described as an obvious ego problem of your court coordinator when she had been living in the streets for two years as if in the entirety all the state is really waiting for is for her to drop dead, while both courts deprive us of all rights, while she could either drop dead of exposure or grovel for a pillow to rest her head upon hoping a fair price while you wait to shove her into a body bag already having a toe tag printed out and you all sit and wager amongst yourselves if she will wear it or live. It could not be more obvious. The spirit of murder, treason, and extortion is all I see. Considering she is clearly not competent to speak at all while prosecuting herself at the advice of prosecutors (her own Attorney whose only job is to subjugate cash) and of whom is on your prosecutor's team and you are yet another prosecutor as well when that is not his title nor yours, and least of all hers or Bakers, while you gladly and hurriedly set the whole thing up to subvert our rights just to procure profits for your selves and emoluments clause issue. You nor the attorney are hired or elected by the people to subvert the Oath of Office yet that is obviously your only goal while you ignore the duress she is obviously under and no contract is binding under duress. Yet you set her up to on your own initiated quest to try and catch her in an act of perjury yet probably will completely disregard her testimony if you can’t land her in jail when your neutrality is evidently a fiction. When the man on the speaker said no witnesses would be called and the co-prosecutor on your team said he had no defense available for her you should have said, case dismissed on two grounds, one, lack of effective counsel and no wind in the prosecution since he had changed sides and became the Public Defender abandoning his post giving rise to a conflict of interest not yet named. Yet she is unmasked so you can make sure to get every word and the slug allowed to whisper until I required your slug to speak up who is setting her up to prosecute herself. Disgusting when ignorance is not an excuse under the law yet your advantage point on such egregious treasonous behavior is an opportunity, yours since people are all so dumbed down their ignorance to law and let alone the convoluted legalities, codes, and mish-mash of definitions that your wickedness is using as confusion and hiding in plain sight. Yet while she sat so close to her ‘prosecuting representation’ when she took off her mask you did not tell him to scooch over but you make me scooch over and COVID is such a huge treasonous lie. So, never did she get a defense when you know she could not be convicted, and everything seen and heard in a courtroom is evidence, and in this matter your BIAS clearly points to a preset disposition, while you’re the prosecutor replacing the one that left the room before entering it, meaning she does not get a defense at all. You have her under oath, swearing her in yourself, when that is the job of the Bailiff, and fail to lay her hand upon a Bible avoiding the words therein yourself, refusing to be judged by them, when she is not on trial, and no witnesses were called, and the prosecutor became the defender for the witnesses that were not called, so you don’t have a case, but try some other way to get one by swearing her in, and was not aware she would be testifying under oath, which evidently not common practice even for you, bringing to my attention your eagerness to land her in jail for something. It is so blatantly obvious you are not a neutral judge. What, all in two minutes did I see more than I could bear while your pen is allowing consolidation, and my grandchildren are getting raped. All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice x Melanie LeBaron x Victoria Couvillion x Nolan Stevens x Marilyn LeBaron Considering Epstein walked and he gets even a fake death to allow him to go free why would you target your own victims of this economic war raging upon us by bankers to allow filthy treasonous warmongers access to their choice of our kids as an enemy within paid by enemies without as if DHS was set up as the harim of the rich Satanic worshipers when Satan himself is not the type to rape a kid?


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