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David Jose in Private Congressional Hearing!!! MINDBLOWING TRUTH reveale...

CPS refiled the case and this is my reply to the Supreme Court of the STATE OF OREGON

Who was the court clerk on the new petition filed?

I am sure the men who have bedded many women in this life could claim more wives in the hereafter before a woman could claim many husbands, don’t you agree? And if not why? Considering mating is a physical act that cannot be forced upon us by a mere judicial ‘contract’, don’t we all agree? This is the actual main issue here since the dangers of being raped in foster care are not a marriage blessed by anybody and more likely to happen when the pen is fractured and only partly passed around instead of remaining in the care of a relative in place of the pen of the mother and father which usually stayed with their heir, which is natural if remaining present between the locale of the pen, the heir, and the hand rocking the cradle, making the danger of rape less likely. And the danger is in the fact that the pen gets passed around and passed again as my heirs have been. The reason I bring up marriage and eternal marriage up is the Mormon church will not marry two people for time and all eternity unless they have been civilly bound here on earth which makes the judiciary a direct extension of a ‘cult’ that requires all men to get a license before they are allowed to consider themselves bound, which is enforced, and not only by the Mormon church, before man and woman are bound to one another, and Oregon does not honor common-law marriage. And fornication is all you have left to choose if you do not wish ether of the other two choices. So, we have kicked God off the planet and ignore His decree and the practice of putting your name in a Bible where a family tree used to be symbolically planted in representation of a union, so the ‘marriage license’, like the Negro slave, is required of today of the Sodom and Gomarite judicial seat is needed if you wish to honor your God to not fornicate according to the teaching of the church, when such a permission was needed if not a free Negro when wanting to keep his kids, in light that a white woman lost the right to keep her kids if they came out Mulatto while already a slave, being punished unto seven more years more heaped upon the thirty-two years of servitude already imposed if she mated with a non-white; on the other hand especially if you mixed with a black or Mulatto later called (Indian) even if the Mulatto was begotten between a free white woman and a free Negro man (or Mulatto) making the offense abhorrent on two counts if not married first, and punishable under the religious belief that races should not intermix their seed and fornication was forbidden between whites even unto shotgun weddings. But, we toss the directives of God out and we are called ‘racists’ for believing that time period's interpretation of His WORD – historically true all of it – and that is how a white woman could be ‘adjudicated a slave’ and denied Liberty for up to thirty-two years and in some cases just beaten and not enslaved with her ‘Mulatto’ offspring – but it was not clear in my research if they were stripped of their lands if they held any or had such a claim to an estate. And if you could, being white and mating a Negro even if a free Negro, you would be stripped of an inheritable estate, without a jury trial, would that not be a Tittle of Attainder (which depends on the definition of the safeguards of trial) since mating a Negro as a white woman was a criminal offense? Would that not be a heavy penalty for exercising your free will to follow your heart even against the religious belief God would frown though He gives you free will? And is it not a Liberty interest issue if her offspring would be 'adjudicated an indentured slave' though not tossed into a prison cell? Would that not be a seed, economic, and land grab war for having a sexual preference?

Not that I am a KKK mentality but I do see we are outright ignoring our Creator God on many accounts all over the 'glove' at the instruction under the direction of the desires of the banker's will and denied our true intellectual, historical, factual knowledge of lawful applications of facts and law so we can determine how to define for ourselves what or Liberty interests actually are. While the practices He abhors replaces that which is acceptable to Him and commonplace and things He says are blessed as good and within his judgments are ignore completely even unto the condemnation of our fellow man for uttering ‘black should not mate with white'? And since my father was of the KKK thought and taught me races should not mix and under past Mormon doctrine and reformed teaching blacks could hold the priesthood, which shows the pressures they are under to fit in when God is said to be the same yesterday and forever. I clearly see the ease of confusion we have when the media and board of education do not educate the general population and much of history is said to be written by those in power while trying to hide all their sins which has bearing on hiding their assets weather wrongfully gained or otherwise, which is completely understandable no holds barred on any lawful possession on that matter, except the issue of a Liberty interest is linked in the above analogy as compared to today, where i have a claim of continued harm, which i bring up all the other causes so I could flush out that the phrase Liberty is not clearly defined by current jailers to be something other than ‘well we did not take your Liberty because you are not physically behind bars', when in opposite placed in the physical custody of the STATE OF OREGON while the term or phrase PHYSICAL CUSTODY is equally used when CUSTODY is used by the JAILER when physically put behind bars, and the woman could be put in the physical custody of a plantation master as penalty instead of incarcerated, in comparison to PHYSICAL CUSTODY wrongfully not defined as 'kiddie jail' because kids are not put behind bars or ‘actually jailed’, and wrongfully not construed as a Liberty interest issue when told where you must rest your head, even in a rapist bed, and not given a jury since the heir is 'not on trial' where the safeguards of trial are not granted any member of the extended family under the matter set for "civil consideration" (which seems to be code for "I own you" since you are taxed. And since slaves were told where they were to live and had to have permission to mate and had to get a paper of consent to use the masters buggy while the heirs of man cannot rest his head where he wants to at night which is the equivalent of the plight to the slave or the woman adjudicated to be deserving of the same plight of the Negro slave, and that not being defined as a Liberty interest issue a fallacy as well as not being called slave when you are not allowed to do as you please once an attorney gets a fat retainer fee (and oh well if you can't afford the hefty attorney fee or present a case better than an attorney, you just lose your bloodline).

Would you feel like a slave to the Creator if He made that choice for you in the next life even if a judge in this world married you to a fifth or sixth husband and all those get denounced as your mate when the one that took your virginity is your ‘natural husband’ in the eyes of God? And He decided what man and mansion you were to have as a just reward?

How many ‘husbands’ have you had, considering willing adult communication in the eyes of God is considered ‘marriage’? If you intend to bed a man and get a marriage license and get married before a judge and skip the church wedding and then don’t prior to that ‘ceremony’ engage in the act of ‘intercourse’ then change your mind and never spend the night with him to fulfill that contract bringing up the arguable fact that ‘contract’ can be annulled? Right? Since the papers witnessed by a judge cannot equate the rule and authority of our God at least not ethically?

Since the Bible and mankind, all state no marriage has taken place until the body has become one – under that rule – how many husbands have you had? And if they all tried to claim you in the next existence as a wife who would God say you belong to? Would it be the one you had children with or the one you had sex with the most?

So, are the new civil matters that are not a justice issue and ‘not criminal charges’ but getting the ‘pains and penalties of treason’ relevant to why the DHS kidnapped the kids in the first place? Or is that premise a new twisted pretzel or a pile of convoluted technical strings of spaghetti on technical matters that the District Attorney can only file twice? Huh, since the first attorney was replaced and there already is another petition (plus another) to look at (well maybe if you dig it out of the shredder we could determine how many petitions have been filed or if the 'other' allegation was held back for the purpose of corrupt affiliated intentions?, i infer. Uh, huh, and if this case did not get sealed like I asked and every single thing documented properly for a trial by affidavit if it was to be declared you would be in default and could not present shiet into the court record under the rule of evidence since you are culpable criminals and under the threat of investigation by the Trump Human Trafficking committee! So, where do you attend church when looking for a compatible date? In a tunnel dug under the city where kids are chained then sold for body parts once they can become pregnant? Or worse the babies of those not called runaways that got pregnant in Arizona or California or Washington D.C.? And to that why did my dependents get renamed like i hear is done to hide children with no birth certificates? Really! Way too easy to presume they were headed to that life.

The case refiled, and a jurisdiction ruling and new allegation non’charges’ that will not be heard by a jury of her peers? So, from November 12, 2019, back to February 15, 2019, it was kidnapping since the courts with a preset disposition did not have jurisdiction till the hearing on November 12, 2019 which is a clear resounding message, “I own you” sent from the title bearer ‘referee’. And none of that heard of attorneys objected? Yes, they will make money if the case does not get dismissed. Still no jury? Still no right to a bloodline? Still, no family to comfort my heirs and wipe their tears and tell them they are finally not going to get raped in foster care again? Still, no evidence presented for scrutiny before kin. Still, no affidavit authored in the presence of kin. What a load of roach poop! There is a detailed record to be evaluated, as it is evident the equivalent of today's ‘master’ (DHS) has a long history of documenting the ‘taxable’, a historically documented fact. Former plantation masters and judicial records log in much detail the names of African Americans and their descendants in order to enumerate determine the taxable, the bond, and the free – and since we are registered as taxable we must be seen as ‘slaves’ nobody’s and business but the ‘title holder’ – and not even our own - and since there is no complaint possible if you damage what is yours we cannot claim we are harmed if not belonging to ourselves if not God due to the lack of faith on the power seat or enemy thereof - it is interpretable – calling it – my grandchildren are not ‘negro slaves’ or ‘Indians’ as many were called and agreed to have separate water fountains and their own segregated schools which was their agreement or ‘wish’ it seems to be set up that way for a deal to get the vote. One discrepancy’ in our public education. Yet women were beaten and enslaved for making children with blacks – but the water fountain and segregation of schools were more a political deal way back when to gain a title for one man in public policymaking.

The South won the civil war and you all seated in the administrative seat are descendants of the Landowners, right?

I do have the intellectual capacity to see black and white in the reverse interpretation of what is said to be true. It is a historical fact there are three classes of people in this American section of the United States, and really easy to see that it is still in effect. And i am not an adjudicated indentured servant nor are my descendants.

I required the records on my family to be sealed so DHS could not change their premise at a later date and now, I presume, they just refile and toss the evidence I required sealed out with the ‘water’ they used to wash their filthy human trafficking ‘plantation master hands’ with. Which is a shameful display of impropriety from the title barer 'referee'.
I see right through it.

No one in my heirs have been adjudicated (after being beaten or having an ear nailed to a post) then ordered into servitude for mating with a Mulatto or black then called an Indian, who were more free than we and could have a bloodline without an attorney stepping in calling the next of kin a ‘third party’ (or slave, which is interpreted by the use of the definition all across this land). And historically some Mulatto mother has sold their own offspring into servitude, but most had an expiration date set for the freedom from servitude. So, if you can’t produce any evidence that the of the above is not true, they, meaning all the attorneys and caseworkers, are all criminally liable for Human Trafficking of my living heirs, including the ‘referee’. This garbage above was abolished by the civil war unless the South really won and all you sitting in seats of ‘authority’ could be the Actors of the direct descendants of the victor of the civil war and are allowing the manipulation of historical text, we call our literary heritage, keeping us in ignorance. If so, deceit is not a valid contract. If not, we are educated that we are free and live in the 'Home of the brave land of the free'. Calling it. Get your filthy power of attorney of my next of kin and S.T.F.U.


Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter.

Mulatto (/mjuːˈlætoʊ/, /məˈlɑːtoʊ/) is a historical racial classification of people who are born of one white parent and one black parent, as well as mixed-race people in general. The term mulatto is now chiefly considered to be derogatory or offensive.

Aiding and abetting kidnapping and hiding rape… ok… they can play it that way and can all go to jail…
Please remove your court clerk's seal… if you have not already and somebody else has taken your place… if so, help them see the light here…


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