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1982: Grand Wizard defends KKK policy on segregation

Clan not a Village. But, when the government says village it means 'only them' and actual members of your family are 'third party'. Pat Buchannan is spreading hate for the Nazi, who have a party (special interests group?) we allow a Nazi to have a party and Americans that believe in not mating with other races, as God has commanded us, is made fun of, maybe he is a hoax because he allows it to happen to him. And under what logic would a Nazi have their right to have a party< under uh, "We are not the enemy' freedom of speech, under Nazi Americanization party, which is not subversive treason, because i'm an American and I can be Nazi if I want?" Well, I choose the KKK if I had to choose between a Nazi and a KKK to have kids with. Tom Braden, when he ran out of points he only hurled insults at the cloth on Bill Wilkinson back. And well it looks like propaganda set up to just look like the issues were being covered, and the questioning is so poor, and when it was on topic of Civil Rights, then when the comments on the duo justice system was under way, well Tom Braden shut Bill Wilkinson down with insults against his attire. Well Bill Wilkinson is not really an eloquent technical speaker and probably not the one lynching and burning and hanging blacks and did say he thought people should have a choice to integrate which was not put to a vote. It was forced down our throats when even if it was not arbitrary at all that all whites did not want to do business with the blacks it was equal pressure under systemic social enforcement under 'white don't want to mix with another race' we once enslaved (which was the logic of Pharaoh who took notice of the population increase) which any good slave holder would notice (they outnumber us and they know where we live but we have the swords and cavalry and the whips and their children are at home when the grown ups are in the mud put and we work them so hard they have not energy at the end of the day, well they don't have enough supplies to live off of and have no right to assemble).. And it took and act of God to free the Hebrew... So, will God step in today?

Seed War…


What was done to the Indians is now being done to all families and that is not ‘equal protection’ because one has to protect to call it protection.

Eradicate us.. and go to a nations children... is a sure way to do that... What you do unto others you show by your example what you would approve of having done to

What we did to the Indian is now being done to us... and if we don't see it as a seed war... well, what else could it be?

Who is turning this on the whites now equally to the black as we did to the red but then give the ‘old colors’ new ‘colors’ as not to look bias. See: turquoise

Do you want this for your next of kin in the next generations? While the pedophile infiltrate our foster homes... all we will produce is a compounded child rape culture... and that will bring down the wrath of God and no one will survive it...

FULL DOCUMENTARY: Mississippi's War: Slavery and Secession | MPB



White Declaration of Independence... None of this is about 'money', and strictly adheres to the KKK's claim of obedience to not mix with other races... (200 aramid men)

The man that wanted to spill blood of negros was now mayor... Divide and Conquer. or eliminate and conquer...

Blacks hid for days...


Segregation (run the black man out of town) under the pain of death through a newspaper article... the press and freedom of speech... A HORRID SLANDER... SHAM ... red
shirts... wanted war to keep blacks out of office and power...

The offer gross misrepresentation of the facts in the press...

So, the ten commandments is ignored... under 'freedom of the press' Exodus 20:4 because printing the newspaper of printing books is in direct disobedience to the commandments not to duplicate things... like books, news papers, movies, photos, tooth brushes, bottles, pills, car engines, and about anything manufactured... so we do a tiny thing like stop bagging in plastic and start
charging for something that used to be included in the price'

Now consider the 'finger print', 'palm prints', feet prints, leaves on trees, and the varyous shapes in snowflakes, and the faces of man, even sand magnified is shown to be a very clever uniqueness only a God could accomplish... and He said "Thou shale not make unto themselves any graven image... like Tonka trucks, or panty hose... and if we obey God and don't manufacture or run the press what would the world be like?

Exodus 20:4 …

3 You shall have no other gods before Me.

4 You shall not make for yourself an idol of any kind, or an image of anything in the heavens above, the earth below, or the waters under the earth.

5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their children to the third and
fourth generations of those who hate Me,…

"If you love me keep my commandments"... so go tell that to the men that led the industrial revolution and those that run the printing press... in comparison to casting each coin by hand... which would make the value of the currency go up since it would not be mass produced... after the command of God...

So, the banker... does he love God when he disobeys not showing they love Him...

…3 ... You shall have no other gods before Me. Obey something other than my words you love another leader...

...4... You shall not make for yourself an idol of any kind, or an image of anything in the heavens above, the earth below, or the waters under the earth.

...5... You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their children to the third and fourth generations of those who .... hate Me,… those who hate me... visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their children...

So beware haters of God... bankers... those who love money and use our BONDS AGAINST US...

What is new under the sun?

White Americans are being treated like second class citizens. Federal Civil rights laws created a dual system of justice in this country. Federal laws protect the interests of minorities. Divide and conquer = but wants segregation... Yes, divide the race - by mixing them in with the other which makes it harder for 'everybody to unite'... while since everybody is just 'one big body' then the 'special interest groups' can lead and rule through economics agenda'...

desegregation broke down 'racial unity' which was not done to the Indians because they were put on a plantation and 're patriated' there and they have a
better standard of evidence applied to the Juvenile Complex which is equal to that of the criminal - beyond a reasonable doubt - unlike us which is prima facia - if you want to argue with them - but a clerical error can get your case dismissed - no trial though - just a 'hearing-sham-shot' where i have seen a grandmother be denied her flesh and blood even when the state did not show up
to the hearing and dropped the ball. But, she pulled our the automatic motion of the court and continued the matter and called it 'due process' while was perjury... But, this kkk man does see the dual justice system though the
Juvenile Complex is said to not be about seeking justice - which is a criminal prosecution term - and is denied to you in civil cases - but so cleverly defined - and called 'best interests - making the feds a policy maker of your
family administrative rules - a clear infringement upon your Liberty interests - and it is called 'best'...

...lift your head off you pillow please... if you are sleeping and have awoken it is not counted to you as sin unlike the saying of men… “Ignorance if no excuse”, while
they keep you in ignorance and rule over you without mercy in the courts… but, if your eyes have been clearly seeing the whole picture and a party to the plot
be it known to you that it was foretold that you would be the church of Satan and Satan, He is a liar, so be aware of His asking to be worshipped while and saying He offers the way, presenting Himself as an angel of light, when He is the broad and crooked path, the Lie, and the Death,  and the Truth is not in Him…


If there is an allegation of crime, say, "Your questioning me regarding a matter belonging in another venue does not grant DHS authority, against 'innocent until proven guilty' to grab your heirs and offspring and file a petition when only presenting an argument in a 'trial like environment' which is not a court but a complex, and do not have jurisdiction over crime therefore have no having jurisdiction". Then why tell you, "We get the kids, and you do not have a right to be 'charged with a crime', tried, and sentenced by a jury of 12, prior to their imposing punishment and that is not a tittle or Attainder" ...but it is and against the fact that the Title of Attainder has been abolished by Congress.... but, it isn't so...

Same diff: A bill of attainder (also known as an act of attainder or writ of attainder or bill of pains and penalties) is an act of a legislature declaring a person or group of persons guilty of some crime and punishing them, often without a trial.

Bill of attainder - Wikipedia

So, what did the underaged minor's do to deserve death to his 'family tree' chopping off his blood relative without
consideration of anybody’s Happiness, or Liberty interests of the young of the orchard? › wiki › Bill_of_attainder

And remember whatever you hear in the press is only helping the spiritually wicked holding high positions in society get a 'date' with the one that cannot say, "No", and that you cannot say, "No" on the behalf of if your pen is made void and you are not nearby to hear your hers and young speak leaving the pedophile holding the pen
and hearing the plea that will not be voiced and those that do not protect will not pass on that plea either, if you or the child grabber, are not watching over them once you pass the pen, you are liable since you cannot return the property to the parent or the offspring because when you pass the pen you pass the heir, then they will also pass the pen on a regular basis, and they then abuse and do not tell the whole truth, and that pen winds up into the hands of the one deliberately intending to be an author of two accounts who pose as caring loving responsible adults, who will do exactly that, plunder then write
a fake

From: Marilyn LeBaron <>
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2019 8:41:10 PM
To: Reynolds Alicia L <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>;

Subject: Yet a federal commodity...A violation of human rights … not allowed to be a human being...

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