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Understand Why the Media Lies to You.

Why is the culpable still in charge of my grand kid's affidavit?

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And in what century is it acceptable to have one part of society exposed to a ‘10 times more likely factor’ of becoming a victim once the state gets involved?

Why don’t the police have access to the address of the children?

Does that protect children against the threat of rape in foster care when the perpetrator knows their victim cannot be found easily by an independent investigative body?

Well, it does not implicate the entire police department to being a pedophile, right?

But, it does not eliminate them from being an insider on where the child sex slave is held.

Robert Axford Never called me.

My American heirs are getting bounced from foster home to foster home

No one has come for to check their beds for semen

No one has allowed an affidavit to be taken in the presence of a blood relative

Even if you can’t catch all the pedophiles you can at least work on killing their supply and the demand will look someplace else.

Please assist me in getting new laws passed and help me send the message: 

Sorry Mr Bail Bondsman paying you is not the answer to the crime problem after the foster care industry produced more arrests and 88% percent of runaway foster kids wind up in the sex slave industry.

Dear Congress, please send our American kids home to a blood relative where the crime rate against our American heirs will abruptly drop to that of the general population and their likeliness of being arrested will drop as well and they are less likely to be pimped out and this will force sex traffickers to look someplace else for their ‘human commodity’.

The web page I got said former foster kids are 55% more likely to be arrested and all that doe is feeding the bail bondsman.

Why would the government keep taking kids and try to take more kids if all they are is producing criminals?

Well if they are criminals running the establishment and they are looking for a reason to make more money in the prison system than they are likely not to change.

They would not care or advocate for change if they are involved in the child sex trafficking industry and want the body slave commodity which is compounded since the attorneys want the retainer fees from the adoptive parents. Well if the retainer fee is $10.000 and the body slave goes for a higher price (after a closed adoption) the slave master will get his $10,000 retainer fee back in less than 10 dates and then from there it will be tax-free profit.

 (Do the math yourself based on actual transactions provided to you by the F.B.I. on prosecuted cases and forward you findings to Congress and let them this is what you want to be done and let them know American children are not for sale and ask the retainer fee of the prospective adoptive parents be raised to $1,000,000 so only the super-rich will be a suspect for using foster kids as ‘body slaves’ also letting Congress know this is how you want them spending their time to end child sex trafficking)

Six times more likely to die than in the general population is the number 6
Four times more likely to be reaped than in the general population is 4
The total of the two is 10
But the dead to not testify

88% percent likely to fall into the hands of a child sex trafficker if you run away from a foster home and that is for the ones that are found because the CPS is not required to report when the kids ran away so how do we tell if the math is right since foster parents keep a check rolling in while the kids are missing and are the main suspects in my book because the number 4 and 6 may be multiplied by the 88% because how do we know since there was no mandate to report when the child ran away. Maybe they got old enough to think they could live on the streets instead of getting raped and sex trafficked and they got hunted down and killed for no longer being controllable by the pedophile foster ‘parents’.

Just for Arizona: After you find the percentage of 88% of 232 and add it to how they get the 4 above then add it to how they got the 6 above hen add the two new totals together and make the state eliminate each foster provider relevant to the runaways of Arizona then we can recalculate the actual death and rape threat to foster children again. Because the state is directly deflecting liability right on Republican state Sen David Farnsworth’s web page. I don’t know how the state can say, “They ran away from foster care so we are not responsible or culpable” in the face of THEY ARE NOT REQUIRED TO REPORT WHEN THEY GO MISSING.

I say if they ran away from the system they are missing from the system and 232 + 43 is the actual toll of a compounded secondary missing and exploited children we might not ever see again and a clearinghouse of the parents need to be established for the parents of the missing children and until they say their children are home safe there should be a search for them as a national emergency since they may be killed before they can testify about the child sex traffickers or the corrupt CPS worker who they told and did not care but probably was getting a kickback or a finder’s fee. Right?

Arizona DCS, which was previously \known as Child Protective Services (CPS), claims that 43 children are missing from the system, not including the 232 children identified by the state as “runaways.” The state is reeling from fallout after a 4-month-old died when a foster parent locked her in a car. The foster parent hadn’t been charged with a crime as of press time.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck.

If it looks like it could be a loving, caring foster parent and does not quack when it should raise the inference, ‘it is a foster child sex trafficker ducking accountability and still getting a check’ or it is a greedy person who does not want to lose their paycheck because they abused the runaway’ or ‘they are impeding an investigation and should be charged since not reporting the runaway’. Right? And since this is an issue and it has not been addressed then everybody not moving to make it a felony, if a runaway is not instantly reported while it continues under their watch, is aiding and abetting the child sex slave industry. Right?

So ‘4 times more likely to be raped’ and ‘6 times more likely to be murdered’ is translated to ‘ten times more likely to be raped or murdered’ but is not the actual statistic because the state is deflecting accountability. That needs to go out because and increase in a crime rate against 232 + 43 should get more attention.

Have the 232 been found alive?
Were the 43 not old enough to run away?
I have many many more questions to ask too.


  1. AMILY IS NOT DEFINDED BY A SPREADCHEET USED BY THE IRS. Which has bearing on 'dependency' and who is an actual 'third party' meaning if you are not kin you are a 'third party' to my blood line, is not said the attorney... If i'm making money all your family is a 'third party'. And a third party is what is defined as somebody who is required to mind their own business and not harmed or damaged on a matter at Equity where a remedy must be available for harm that befalls man and his family and heirs (which was brought up by Ron Wyden and he was ignored) when he said families should be kept together when placed in foster care lie the Indians are.

    Stuff to think about and lots of videos to watch and it will take a long time to listen and see if you see a pattern and a practice at the federal level which (at banking) to use adoption and child displacement to invade our land after what we have stood by and allowed the federal level to do to everybody under monotheistic which is one minded making us all just bricks in the wall (when God loves variety)

    Well, smell the seed war going on... which is in obedience of multiply and replenish the earth but not realizing God did not say kill off everybody else so your seed is the last standing seed since he made all colors of skin and it is evident that God likes variety so we should breed with our own kind out of respect for not getting sickle cell anemia which mixed race between black and white get (which is genetics) that God might have known about _ and since God is not a racist and created all races _ commanding us to not mate among other races is guidance - not racism - since he wants variety and not a Heinz 57 for lack of better words... Not that I am a KKK member but it seems to me you should listen to God - and what a better way to keep people of two races from falling in love is to keep them from socializing (well in public schools for that matter) or in restaurants or parks or movie theaters or libraries or in the same section of the buss - it would be almost impossible to date or be seen in public together and there would be no place to eat together or shop together. So, segregation was in support of the obedience the KKK wanted to offer God (well, taking men slaves then setting them free without making them go back to their own land is not what happened, now is it, so we are paying for our greed and laziness and from taking slaves... and now the social problems are here where we show less love to our own 'family' and the original prey (the Indian has more favor) in court so who is the culprit there not extending equal protection of the law to whites and blacks and all that remains is a spreadsheet when looking at the American heir. . . Do you see any other reasoning to place here?


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