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Family Name Redacted by Congress at the Pen of the DA; by Marilyn [LeBar...


  1. A FAMILY IS NOT DEFINED BY A SPREAD SHEET USED BY THE IRS. Which has bearing on 'dependency' and who is an actual 'third party' meaning.. ”if you are not kin you are a 'third party' to my blood line”, WHICH IS SAY, but, when in direct opposite, is not the message sent my an attorney who making money...insert ‘best interests’ in a slide of hand and deny you a jury then everybody else is made to apply (which is a trial like process where the child is denied a blood relative for arbitrary applications of ‘living quarters’ and if there is a locked box for medications’ or by how ‘many rooms there are’ or ‘other arbitrary standards not enforced on the mass and listed as reasons to come and take children which is not equal protection of the law (since it only applies ‘after your heirs are taken and cannot be applied on the mass as a ticket able offense and family inspection police are not able to come and say you have to live by this (all of you or you are all going to lose your kids by such and such a date without grandfathering prior living conditions to allow a slow upgrade to the ‘foster home requirement standard’ which is being used as a ‘trial like application process’ without equal protection or a jury of peers to decide if it is fair and reason to put the child to and emotional death experience’ where a conflict of interest presents itself between your heirs and their attorney even if a non profit organization called a Your Rights Justice when the money is shared equally between all attorneys it is still money exchanging hands when ‘the right to innocent until proven guilty is left to dishonor’ in the face of “If i'm making money all your family is a 'third party” as the actual message sent by an attorney” coupled with a third party is what is defined as somebody who is required to mind their own business when not harmed or damaged on a matter at Equity where a remedy must be available for harm that befalls man and his family and heirs (which was brought up by Ron Wyden and he was ignored) when he said families should be kept together when placed in foster care lie the Indians are. A BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND is a matter at Equity so my heirs are damaged under Civil Rights and Equity law since actually taken and held to leverage the Equity of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND.


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