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Declare Your Status in an Affidavit of Status (third in our Above the Li...

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1) Mail to everyone you know
2) Start arresting judges, impeaching judges,
3) Get your kids back.
Declaring your status in an affidavit of status this is the third in a series of educational videos concerning creator endowed rights this resentation deals with establishing your status as a creation of your Creator God who endowed you with rights the state referencing both the state and federal government's would have you believe they control every facet of your life state and federal legislators Congress and Senate governors and presidents would have you believe they can create legislation and sign it into law and take away or diminish your rights in the process however if you know your rights they do not have the authority to take away or diminish a single one of your rights our rights originate from our Creator government's not content to live within their limited delegation of authority given them by the people have attempted to subvert our thinking into believing governments can do as they will and we must accept their every vote rule regulation ordinance and law as having lawful effect upon our Creator endowed rights the state only has authority over what governments have created the state has created corporations as artificial persons one thing you may or may not know is that the state has created an all capital letters fiction name that looks very similar to your real name have you noticed that every document you ever received from any city county state or federal government bureaucracy or agency has what looks like your name and all capital letters Social Security card driver's license etc every corporation you receive a billing statement from does likewise the all-caps name if you will is an artificial person fiction corporation created by the state we simply call that the straw man that fiction straw man is subject to every whim of its creator the state that straw man is subject to the codes rules regulations assessments and laws of the state but the straw man is not the real live you the real living flesh and blood man or woman brings air and exhales carbon dioxide and bleeds when the skin is cut so the straw man is subject to the state because it is a fiction creation of the state the straw man is endowed by the state with certain benefits and privileges to pay for licenses and to be subject to all kinds of fees assessments and taxes did I mention taxes the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman is only subject to his or her creator who endowed the living individual with rights here's where it gets interesting this is a true and proper order of things this is what we must know and comprehend in order to stand up for our rights and be able to defend our rights your Creator created you and endowed you the living breathing man or woman with rights you as one of the living people are above the Constitution and Bill of Rights the Constitution recognizes them protects your Creator endowed rights the Constitution requires all who desire to run for office or otherwise serve in government to take an oath or affirmation below the line is the required oath affirmation binds all old taker public servants to support the Constitution which means they are bound by oath or affirmation to defend all your Creator endowed rights both take your public servants collectively serving as government's created corporations and Stroman corporations and strongmen are subject to every whim of their Creator the state paraphrasing second Kings chapter 18 verse 29 how long will you keep hopping between two opinions if your Creator God is sovereign follow him but if the state is your master follow them you can declare your status as being one of the people being a creation of God your Creator tens of thousands of individuals across this country are so declaring their living status by signing and having notarized an affidavit of status then the affidavit of status is taken to their local County Courthouse and recorded as a miscellaneous filing with their recorders office or auditor's office or other appropriate office for filing of public records you can then ask and pay for a certified copy of your recorded affidavit of status attached and copy that certified copy of your affidavit of status to every letter you send to any government bureaucrat or agent that wants to contract with you tell them you do not wish to contract with them you are not obliged or obligated to contract with them because you are standing on your rights and the state cannot require you to give up a right for privileges you are one of the people whom they serve they have no delegation of authority to convert your right into privileges or licenses for instance the right to travel is a part of the Liberty of which a citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the fifth amendment Kent versus Dulles 357 u.s. 116 pages 125 through 127 from 1958 quote the right of the citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon by horse-drawn carriage wagon or automobile is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will but the common right which he has under his right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ii am sure first constitutional law section 329 page 1135 quote the right of the citizen to travel upon the highway and to transport his property thereon in the ordinary course of life and business differs radically and obviously from that of one who makes the highway his place of business for private gain in the running of a stage culture omnibus end quote state versus city of spokane 186 Pacific 864 here are two points concerning rights versus privileges number 1 traveling upon and transporting one's property problem the public road is our right and number two using the public roads as a place of business or a main instrumentality of business which is a privilege there should be considerable authority on a subject as important as the deprivation of the liberty of the individual quote using the roads in the ordinary course of life in business however it should be noted that extensive research has not turned up one case or authority acknowledging the state's power to convert the individuals right to travel upon their public roads into a privileged therefore it is concluded that the citizen does have a right to travel and transport his property upon the public highways and roads and the exercise of this right is not a privilege the state has no authority to convert a right into a mere privilege this applies to all your rights including your right to acquire and possess the best tools you can locate or afford in order to exercise your right to defend your rights the Second Amendment doesn't give you any rights you didn't already have and doubt upon you by your Creator God the state cannot convert any of your rights into a mere privilege the state also does not possess the authority to define your rights for you so don't let them here is how your affidavit of status can be written affidavit of status of John Henry Dell please insert your own name instead of John Henry doe state of place your state here subscribed and sworn with a little ss county of your county name there comes now John Henry doe your Afghan being competent to testify being over the age of 21 years of age after first being duly sworn according to law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that he has first-hand knowledge of the facts stated herein and believes these facts to be true to the best of his knowledge number one fetcher affiant is one of the people of these United States of America being a creation of God and born child in one of the several states number two your affiant is a living breathing sentient being on the land a natural person and therefore is not and cannot be any artificial person and therefore is exempt from any and all identifications treatments and requirements as such pursuant to any process law code or statute or any color their out number three your athlete notices that in these United States of America the authority of any and all governments reside in the people of the land for government is a fiction of the mind and can only be created by the people affected by the people and overseen by the people for the benefit of the people number four your affiant at all times claims all in waves none of his god-given secured and guaranteed rights pursuant to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America has ratified 1791 with the articles of the amendments number five your athlete notices that pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of America has ratified 1791 with the articles of the amendments article six paragraph two quote this Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding and quote number six your affiant notices that as a matter of their lawful compliance to the reference Constitution any of the people while functioning in any public capacity in return for the trust of the people are granted limited delegated authority of and by the people with specific duties delineated in accordance thereof shall only do so pursuant to a lawfully designated sworn and subscribed oath of office and and all bonds required they're up number seven your affiant notices that the only court authorized by the reference Constitution to hear matters of the people is a court that conforms to and functions in accordance with article three section two of the reference constitution in which all officers of the court abide by their sworn and subscribe o sub office and support and defend the rights of the people and are heard only trial by jury and in accordance with all aspects of due process of law number eight your affiant notices that pursuant to this supreme law of the land and the god-given rights secured and guaranteed therein this constitution is established to ensure that the Dominion granted by God to all people on this land shall endure and ensure forever that this people on this land be free from any and all slavery indentured tyranny and oppression under color of any law statute code policy procedure or of any other type number nine your athlean further notices that pursuant to this constitution affiant cannot be compelled manipulated extorted tricked threatened placed under duress or coerced or so affected under color of law by any natural person who individually or in any capacity as or under any artificial person agency entity officer or party into the waiving of any of affiant rights or to act in contradiction thereof or to act in opposite of the moral conscience and Dominion granted affiant by God nor can a peon be deprived of any of these rights privileges and immunities except by lawful process in accordance with the law without that natural and or artificial person in whatever capacity and so doing causing injury to your ass and thereby committing numerous crimes requiring lawful punishment there from number 10 further a fiance if not all rights reserved John Henry doe affiant individual acknowledgement state of your state county of York County SS I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that John Henry doe is are the individuals who appeared before me and who will acknowledge that he/she they signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his her their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument dated and then signature line for the notary notary public for your state my appointment expires in the underlying this is the first step in declaring who you are you are a living breathing sentient being you have rights endowed upon you by your Creator God not the state you get to determine how best to protect your rights not some elected politician that would deprive you of a right or even attempt to diminish your rights they do not have that authority but if you don't know if you are a living breathing man or woman or if you are just a fiction straw man then how can you assert your rights in the first place let me put it this way a man or woman with rights means politicians governors or presidents have no authority to alter amend diminish or deprive you of a right but if you don't know the difference between acting like and declaring you are a living breathing man or woman or if you're just a fiction straw man then you will be assured to be treated like a straw man by nearly all politicians governors and presidents every moment for the rest of your life they will watch you bemoan them for taking away your rights but because you don't know who you are or where your rights come from or who has the authority to give or take away your rights then you will just get beaten up by the media and old taker public servants and you'll lick your wounds and continue to cry about it again tomorrow stop crying now declare who you are let your politicians your congressmen your senators and governor and president know that you will not be mistreated and abused any longer you are your government's master let your old taker public servants know that should any infringement of your creator endowed constitutionally guaranteed and secured rights occur on their part or by any party with whom they claim any affiliation you will scrutinize set infringement and any injury therefrom pursuant to 42 USC section 1983 and 18 USC 241 and 242 at minimum and you will proceed accordingly you and others similarly situated can sue your old taker public servants in federal court for deprivation of your rights under color of law there is no law and there can never be a law that would allow any congressman senator governor or president to deprive or diminish a right of the people stop acting like a straw man you are not a straw man stop living below the line where the congressmen and senators and governors and presidents will abuse you day in and day out unless you actually enjoy that feeling then start living above the line and know your rights rights are all you really have when you get to know them they cover nearly every facet of your life remember you are a creation of God not the state start living above the line by declaring your status in an affidavit of status you


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