If it is an enemy within does that not fall to the military to investigate?
Here is the explanation as to why I need estoppel and an independent judge of the district court in Utah.
Clark County is where three reports arose that is in the files brought up in Multnomah County on November 12, 2019.
A a couple of the calls were not made by me –
I asked someone else to call since I had been abused so badly by the DHS in Oregon I could not make myself pick up the phone. I was not ever diagnosed with what got back to me as a purported diagnosis to eliminate me as a placement for my granddaughter who was swiftly shipped over state lines by the Oregon DHS (which the judge has to approve by a Transportation Order).
There was another report made by someone else other than me by email on stuff I was a witness to but that was only to ask advice and it did not result in an assign or a case being opened.
I called once. I never stated any private things regarding my privileged information. So that is three times the DHS in Washington did not respond and did not open a case but on November 12, 2019 those reports were quoted (and a fake diagnosis was entered into the record like an old trick from a dog that only knows one trick) as if a case had been assigned to the Washington DHS/CPS –
No Case file opened means no case.
No case means not subject matter jurisdiction for the District Attorney
No subject matter means not exhibit to call evidence to be leverage as Fact and constitutes no adjudication possible. And Linda Hughes is criminally liable for allowing the DHS to hide my grandaughter on falsification of documents which is the only possible conclusion and she also has lost her immunities for acting way outside the scope of authority and the office of the District Attorneys is colluding to deprive rights.
The District Attorneys Office is superior to the DHS supervisory staff and the nameless attorneys are the culpable parties here who are logically in charge of the exhibits since the opinions of Fact and Law are jealously guarded by the BAR Association to the exclusion of all else. But, if not prepared by an attorney it would leave the Office of the District Attorney subordinate to the DHS instead of supervisory and leaves the District Attorney a suspect for colluding with the DHs on the chain of custody of the reports and his immunities vanish as well since fraud is not protected under the immunities of that office. Not only because it is a fraud upon the court but because DHS is not a direct witness, never spoke to me, and it falls to the responsibility of the state of Washington to provide oversight to the use of reports under their jurisdiction, over and have some scumbag, human trafficker here in Oregon arrested for falsification of evidence or you are aiding and abetting perjury upon the court for allowing ‘extradition’ of reports between states that are not authenticated reports since never assigned to a social (not one single time) and somehow a social worker here in Oregon desperate to keep control of the bonus schedule over kids getting raped under their control after trying to impeach the witnesses is reduced to falsifying evidence here.
This is Capital Felony Treason, kidnapping, and fraud, to which there is no statute of limitations on and the sitting judge allowed it into record outside of the scope of her authority on a criminal allegation where an actual sentence was imposed that is not written into law as a penalty on the allegation she adjudicated without a single hearing or my personally appearing before her to be prosecuted. Civil is not a criminal venue and criminals are booked and processed prior to a day in court so you go and see how many of our due process rights were violated and ask yourself why that woman is not in jail.
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