If it is an enemy within does that not fall to the military to investigate? Here is the explanation as to why I need estoppel and an independent judge of the district court in Utah. Hello, Clark County is where three reports arose that is in the files brought up in Multnomah County on November 12, 2019. A a couple of the calls were not made by me – I asked someone else to call since I had been abused so badly by the DHS in Oregon I could not make myself pick up the phone. I was not ever diagnosed with what got back to me as a purported diagnosis to eliminate me as a placement for my granddaughter who was swiftly shipped over state lines by the Oregon DHS (which the judge has to approve by a Transportation Order). There was another report made by someone else other than me by email on stuff I was a witness to but that was only to ask advice and it did not result in an assign or a case being opened. I called once. I never st...