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From: Marilyn LeBaron Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 12:16 PM To:;;; Cc: Victoria Couvillion; Nolan Stevens; Subject: Please forward to and Metzger Soren K ; Advocative when investigative and not doing either since subject matter not under your scope of authority? Well, that needs to be refuted and proved that my inference is wrong by proof when kids are getting raped under state control. Re-Posted from the last email and reiterated. Please forward to ROEMELING and the other emails below if you would like all these questions asked and submitted for reform. Could those of you in the CC please have a private talk, on your own time, and find other members of your family members to help you answer the questions asked in the below? [Jody L Aiello ;] all the following: It is not directed at you since not your subject matter jurisdiction but you have to have knowledge of that which was said as to the reason you never made me a schedule to visit my grand-kin while the allegation of rape was made. And while you are a direct witness were you asked to write an affidavit or made to be quiet and not reveal what was said when I asked to be included in the conversation on subject matter pertaining to me directly and who is the supervisor directly above your head? Please forward to , and Metzger Soren K ; Thank you And please begin writing your affidavit of truth and include Under Explicit Reservation of All My Inalienable Rights Without Prejudice to Those Rights and have your Affidavit witnessed by two witnesses who can identify you by your family and given name where you are called upon as a member of the public body identified historically and known to be called by We The People to address congress in order to bring lasting change to the Department of Human Services under our right to be secure no matter if a person or a member of the body politic, not named as We the People, no matter what race, sex, sexual orientation, or age, creed or religion, and choke out those using the system to rape our kin or that of a people of a foreign land. You are supervisory to Are amber alerts used when kids run away or go missing from foster care? Are amber alerts used on the case when it is suspected the parents grabbed their kids and moved? What did any given police officer use to determine if the parents moved on or about the same day the children were (were not) reported missing? If not then there is no way to tell where a suspect can be found and a felony is subject to subpoena and when justice is delayed justice is denied; considering the rule of thumb children have to be found within fifteen minutes or it is most likely they will not be found alive; CPS though police escorting them to the front door has the mandate to keep them safe through that special relationship making void the supreme court ruling police owe us no duty; then when that special relationship by act of the use of force is then ignored and all law made void us treason and the responsibility of the supervisory seated by-election to their office. What of the kids missing in Arizona were reported to the amber alert system by the foster homes who are still getting a federally funded check? Now ask, "Why do we get forced to speak to our opponent when under the pen of the DHS?" Why is nobody verifying the conversation between you and your kin and you and your family are all OUTSIDERS? Why is not a single-family member appointed an attorney to be present when DHS Supervisory Staff visit the foster home? Why is it the DHS will tell you nothing (while they make money) and it is the privacy of your heirs they use to do this business with DHS and the courts when no business was protected by the Constitution except the Press through freedom of speech and freedom of the press? Why is it the courts can give gag orders while the newspaper will not post an opinion of law without an Attorney's approval and the people are retaliated against by the denial of the visits if they speak out? - Advocative when investigative and not doing either since subject matter not under your scope of authority? - Well, that needs to be asked diligently and each allegation raised refuted and proved that my inference is wrong by proof when kids are getting raped in foster care that a proper venue was used. - Fail to train and fail to supervise and attribution while acting under the direction of your subordinates? - Is that a good explanation of what I call a meatball on a plate of spaghetti when the plate is a multi-venue jurisdiction while the noodles the entangled subject matter and the meatball the judgment call not allowed to be made by one subordinate to you by the legislation subject to the definition of the title of that office? REITERATED AND UPDATED =Fail to train and fail to supervise and attribution while acting under the direction of somebody who is not a judicial seat. =Qualified immunities when not directing but taking orders from when supposed to be supervisory to under the Title you bear notwithstanding independent governmental decision making by DHS Social Workers who are not learned in the Law, nor a member of the B.A.R., or an elected judiciary and are not running their inference past a court of record. =And every head in the entire family is on the block? Not protected by absolute immunity since not a judicial seat while acting without guidance subject to your specific policies and duties which goes to DHS is not a judicial branch and cannot act as the appellate process and are not supervisory to the judicial seat, the police, the state police, Oregon Legislature, the attorneys, the entire B.A.R. or the District Attorney according the legislative intent of that office, and have to obey that maxim of law. Check out this page: Monday, January 6, 2020 Section 1983 Basics Posted: ***PUBLIC NOTICE*** - Victoria RD Couvillion, Nolan J Stevens, -AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH - REPUDIATION AND REVOCATION OF DHS AS COUNSEL, NOTICE OF CAPITAL FELONY TREASON, DECLARATION OF CONTRACTUAL BREACH; REVOCATION OF STATUS; on FAILURE TO FULLY DISCLOSE under DECEIT IS NOT THE MAXIM OF LAW USED TO DETERMINE STATUS then HAVE THAT STATUS USED TO SUBVERT EVERY OTHER GOOD STANDARD OF LAW - DUE NOTICE CEASE AND DESIST - DECEIT INCURRED NO OBLIGATION THROUGH DECEIT PRODUCES IGNORANCE; when it is said 'IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE' and is made VOID when THE SEATED USE OUR COLLECTIVE IGNORANCE as THEIR EXCUSE TO PERPETRATE FRAUD UPON THE AMERICAN POPULATION I assume that if we use our 'one phone call' on your calling app system and leave a message that does not count as your one phone call because it looks like my daughter could have just wasted her one call. Since this app getting out is an add and has an element of a for profit method of forcing people to buy or contract under duress, and in this world of data breaches, while sex slavers are using the sheriffs office mail system to stalk for girls to pimp out, and other forms of corruption, tyranny, under a robber baron mentality taught to us in our public education schools, where there is no duty owed to us and police can just watch us die unless there is a special relationship established by either blood or official action, etc..., as controlled by stake holders, bankers and insurance underwriters depending on where they get their funds, who just own everything, and make us pay for their loss prevention agreements imposed upon us under police and jailer systems through sitting magistrates and the surety bond system, to the point of wholesale slavery through HHS and the rape of children among rich and powerful, subverting the due process rights of man and the family tree is lined out like independent logs once DHS takes your kin from their nest, and tenancy laws are made void, that the phone call made on your app is not going to count if a live human being was not reached would be absolutely foul, and there has to be a regular standard for another way for people to call out, that is free and not regulated by listening ears, that is not the getting out app which is if another option to call out is not available is a forced commodity regulated by contractual law we were not party to when that contract FOR service was written, and should be free; if we have to pay for it should not be incorporated into your prosecutor internal spying system while you number and mark the people under such deceitful and harsh method of governance an making we the people pay while our rights to not aid the prosecution against us is violated, and unconstitutional while we fall to harm and are stalked while under your control during the time you are required to assure our safety yet put out on the street to die. And if we cannot return to our lives after being held in your SURETY BOND, which is our money, AND ALSO PAYING YOU, we are paying for the harm caused by not having a safe place to live after being arrested, jailed for half a day, your kids removed, then put out on the streets? Right? And if the Getting Out app is the only method available to call out it is unconstitutional and contracting under duress and WE BY THAT ARE PAYING FOR THE WITNESS AGAINST OURSELVES AND ARE NOT REQUIRED TO AID THE PROSECUTION AGAINST US BUT ARE by PAYING FOR THE SURVEILLANCE USED BY PROSECUTORS through another form of extortion and a form of revenue for profit and loss of a private for-profit jailing system, which is private, according to Professor Sheldon Nahmod who covers the basics of the convoluted escape clause section 1983 for Defense Lawyers. He discusses the unconscionable escape elements of the clauses illegally provided for the continuance of corruption we are under while the high up's in our ruling class procure all land and label We the People by status, deny the inalienable rights due or derived by nature prior to their existence and subvert the Bill of Rights then rape our kids and say criminals have all the rights and the burden of proof is now on you... haha… now pay us child support too because we got your kids and police have special relationship with foster kids since you escort DHS to the front door then you abandon them and are not there to protect children and can't find them if they get raped to offer DHS oversight (considering your 'special relationship' and then are not available by independent investigative detective work, and every other erected office is nothing but a boomerang back to the Social Service Supervisory staff as if they were a sitting judiciary and are NOT elected by the people, but if not you are in violation of that special relationship that produced an obligation which presenting itself by police aid and jailing parents for not wanting the 'social services', which is a maxim of law being ignored for the adoption attorneys favour while all the bill of rights is ignored and nobody is paying attention and not public account of the landmark decisions of the policies made under OAR then enforced by rubberstamping forms after the removal without a warrant when OAR is not a legislative branch while the term 'revised' in the definition of 'revised statutes' is null and void on some of the things interjected that violate the CONSTITUTION OF OREGON's Bill of Rights. Just a tiny bit of thoughts that are a symptom of parents are supposed to be able to 'reject' 'social services' according to the social security act (which is a bond the courts are draining for money to feed the State funds when no political office is supposed to be used to gain wealth, but how does the state make billions of dollars then? So are you funded by the monies gotten by the STATE OF OREGON Juvenile Justice Complex courts? Contract with them? Well then a special relationship exists between you and all the kids in foster care and you must make sure they are not getting raped by scumbag paedophiles, and that they are not getting removed by greedy lying caseworkers who only see the $4,000 to 6,000 dollar per headcount end of year cash bonus they get for putting kids with strangers which is the actual rule they go by in order to make that cash and have been knowing to put kids with the worse kind of people all across the globe with way too much-untethered access to kids and anybody tells you otherwise on any point raised here they are probably a child sex predator enjoying their harem of lovers to choose from while you keep telling yourself, 'Criminals have all the rights and family well that is a civil matter". because I have had a policeman tell me DHS has their own hierarchy, and that police are not supervisory to them. But, I say not. I section 1983 claim, individual immunities (absolute and qualified) and local government liability. It also includes Tenth Circuit cases of relevance to this particular audience. Please watch this video and ask yourself why is that not part of your education and why is that not included in your CODES that you are assigned to enforce? And if it is. God help us you are a Robber Barron and a slaveholder if you don't give a rats ass. Happy Stomp Out Human Trafficking Month dedicated by Congress to be the Month of January which is my granddaughter's birthday and she and my grandson are getting raped and human trafficked by the attorneys who never called me back or emailed me once or considered my worth not a0f'u'n one time. And so how would you know it the right questions got asked? And who in the OAR is supposed to ask the right questions which is a matter of 'discretion' which is the duty of a judicial seat who already made that call but it got overturned without an appeal. And how is that a 'best interests' call? How is it a judgment call at all unless the DHS is a judicial seat equivalent to the appellate courts, are they? I have a whole year of emails to prove it that they will not 'check it out themselves and make me get an attorney or present a case better than and attorney and burden of proof is on me instead of on the court and we have to get permission to do what is created by nature to spend time with our next of kin once a bureaucrat steps in and forces us to contract for services under the duress of the seated who has all their forms rubber-stamped while they make all the money and I am made a beggar in my own land? "Home of the Brave, Land of the Free" to you too and now if you like go back to sleep and just follow the orders of an attorney who explains all of the above away and bills you're for it, too. Because you have no bloodline any more under the current establishment. You decide. it is your next of kin too that you should consider for the next generation of grandmother's in your bloodline since once the CPS steps in Equal Protection of Child Protection Stops as in my families case and it is the attorneys saying whose job is whose and we just keep doing what they say even if it is not in accordance with a maxim of a higher law. Everything is interpreted toward what makes them and their own constituents' cash. Now go do your own research on the maxim of law and find the answers to what you should have had in your convictions before being asked to vote while being led to wave your bloodlines right to a default relationship with your next of kin. Now ask yourself while you consider only people with first-hand knowledge of any given event can write an affidavit and why is no verification of conversation made and the people are continually at a disadvantage by design? Why do we get forced to speak to our opponent when under the pen of the DHS? What attorney will tell you the value of that tool? How is it used in a court when leveraging liabilities while leveraging a claim? Whose liabilities are protected and what is natural about the quality of those liabilities when no verification of conversation is required between the family members named the third party and the ‘client’ assigned to the attorney while DHS has their own file from where that attorney is also being advised? Who is verifying the conversations between the DHS and the communications between the parent and the attorney when the Public Defender is never involved while the other attorneys are not allowed access to other conversations while isolation you next of kin? What laws were used to qualify the assign of two attorneys and what information was on the court the day two attorneys were assigned my kin? What extra-judicial evidence was used by Linda Hughes? Who did she consult to make her choice? Who did she call and did she ask if there were any other parties interested that asked to be included? Who decided to appoint an adoption attorney? Who decided to not call me as a witness and why? Why is nobody verifying the conversation between you and your kin and you and your family when they who is a total stranger are all naming you’re the OUTSIDERS? Why is not a single-family member appointed an attorney to be present when DHS Supervisory Staff visit the foster home? Why is it the DHS will tell you nothing (while they make money) and it is the privacy of your heirs they use to do this business with DHS and the courts when no business was protected by the Constitution except the Press through freedom of speech and freedom of the press? Why is it the courts can give gag orders while the newspaper will not post without an Attorney's approval and the people are retaliated against by the denial of the visits if they speak out? September 11, 2019, 11:00 PM DHS is not authorized to represent any member of my family CORRUPT!Av43LUloPJkFgeIulEGPmQ53lHGwVQ Representative Alissa Keny - Guyer Capitol Phone: 503-986-1446 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-272 Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: Democrat – District 46 - Portland Marilyn LeBaron Tue 9/10/2019 8:23 PM This is the very interesting story I was telling somebody about that was related to tenancy rights of a stalker and the UN-prosecuted rapist of my entire family and not being able to prosecute with dirty hands. My Families Affidavit and REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE if you would please assist in its preparation for a federal review board of how the State of Oregon under its leadership under DHS is guiding or influencing legislation at the varying points: One) judicial seat on tenancy rights and eviction, Two) the DHS and child protection forcing people to be an informant or (abandon children) when my home was not ever registered as a foundling hospital, and Three) not protected by the judicial seat on tenancy rights when the regular rule is if you are going to die there can be no eviction because in the light that children will die if left out in the elements and Four) the federally funded housing authority is required to evict without a judicial order to do so and Five) in opposite a full-grown adult is on the other hand more protected under, you have to have a judge say, "He has to go" before you can make him go, and Six) there is no hearing or court order or another place to hear the case of the conflict of interest when grandparents are forced to become an informant or abandon their grandchildren when that is done at the time of birth by the mother, or in a hospital at a later date like at a fire department, and Seven) Which is forced upon us by legislation if the Housing Authority has become the informant as if holding the power of attorney of the grandparent when the will of the grandparent is in the opposite mind, and the kids are automatically evicted or you are forced to close the front door when your five-year-old grandson and 11-year-old granddaughter knock requesting to be sheltered and allowed Life, Liberty to choose to enter and come and go as they please, where they please. Eight) which is denied them both under the abuse of legislative action to have denied my will to open the door and wind up in conflict of who owns my pen when defalcated to be in breach of contract which was not the original legislative intend contract or equal protection of the law under equal application of contracting policy which forces me to contract with DHS Marilyn LeBaron Tue 9/10/2019 8:12 PM Melanie Victoria LeBaron listened to this on the most part and got upset and couldn't listen anymore and walked out and after the part about sodomy and rape then got verbally 'hostile' towards me because I had earlier laughed at the (sitting de facto 'pseudiciary' ('judicial' poser) 'tucking judiciary' saying it is lawfully copy protected and they cannot make 'TRUE COPY' of it because it is 'LEGAL ART' and they can't interpret it either. And I laughed at the legalities of them saying I could only participate on a limited basis in their TAX CODE driven argument environment called 'trial like environment' and not an actual environment where the safeguards of 'actual trial' are upheld while nature of the blood DNA relative or 'blood tie' has it's lawful 'next of kin' family blood tie standing upheld, especially after the 'dependency hearing' has taken place as if the children are an abandoned wallet with only a 72 hour reclaim period as if dropped on the sidewalk, though actually in their own home when DHS knocked on the door marking the timer being set and the beginning of that 72 hour reclaim period, as set to the second DHS, knocked on the door as equivocated to the second the timer starts ticking at a school or daycare and nobody came to pick (that wallet up, what is it, (15 minutes at the school or baby sitters), and then after that timer dinging to indicate the required passage of time then after that, all other family tree members are suddenly deemed 'the third party', though not prior to DHS starting a timer ticking. In one case, like at school, somebody other than the DHS starts the timer ticking, under a regularly scheduled agreement of pick up and drop off times, but in the other when DHS unexpectedly knocks and no one is notified, then can they apply that 15-minute timer as legal grounds to say, "No next of kin" showed up to claim the kids, and then the DHS can assert, "I made a phone call, sent a text, and that is in their interpretation reasonable efforts were made to contact the 'next of kin' when their investigation had been going on for days and no family member was notified to be present and standing by in the event of a subsequent removal since probable cause in presumed that it may be the inference raised based on the letter they put on the door. i asked my daughter, as she walked towards me as she headed back from the bathroom to the place she was seated, "If i take out the legal art will you present it to congress?" and she said, "Yes"... and was talking in an upset tone as she left the bathroom and walked towards the place she had been seated just prior checking out emotionally and scoffing as she passed me but was not upset prior as she did not get angry that i had already put the first copy up for legislative exhibit, but while passing me she was cussing and saying, "It isn't a joke", "You just try and make it funny" and "It is not a fucking joke" "My kids get raped and it is not a fucking joke", but did not get angry at the time of my laughter as i spoke on the legality, "The judge cannot make copies of my 'legal art' because it is under copyright", in then later interjecting and expressing her interpretation as a displaced accusation the topic of child sodomy and rape was in any way a laughable matter as if to accuse me that that MALTREATMENT was what i was making comments on legalities about, when she seemed to need to fade away into the anguish within minutes of the topic arising, then check out mentally, is the best way i can describe what i was watching, as she disconnected and shut off, and was wondering if she was still hearing and actually listening, soon after her eyes began to darken and she 'stared on' looking dazed like she was stuck in thought and seemed to not be focusing her eyes, her countenance fell to sadness then a sleepy glaze covered her eyes, as her eye lids for a time bobbed slightly then her head seemed to become heavy, and nod a little and she seemed far away after hearing that which made her upset during the reading of my dissertations last night 09/09/2019 of what i sent to legislature and had earlier mailed to the non public official capacity of 'referee' Linda Hughes and to myself from myself the next day page by page on 09/10/2019 after the hail storm with the postage set of TRANSCONTINENTAL RAIL ROAD which included 18 stamps affixed individually to each page and mailed to myself from myself to Marilyn LeBaron C/O #### street name, city, and full spelling of state, Postal Zone and numbers in brackets, with the intention of verification of what i mailed to Linda Houghs on the topic of MALTREATEMENT of my grandson and granddaughter which came up prior to my daughter getting upset about my method of a DO NOT REPRINT or no writing in 'pen speech' as a 'gag order' between members of the BAR after i made comments and laughed while i talked about technicalities i believed applied to copyright and the court cannot make copies and give them to anyone and certify their authenticity or stamp it TRUE COPY if an officer of the court or attorney needs it as an exhibit they will have to bring the original especially if he or she or He or She intends to make money in a lawsuit using it and then she listened up to the point where the term sodomy and rape in foster care reach her ear then her eyes became heavy closing slightly but not closing or opening all the way looking really far away sleepy so from that point on she may have not been hearing but intermittently and i called her name and she said i'm listening then within ten minutes or so appeared to be asleep her head slowly went down a little bit at a time and it appeared to me she was fast asleep. l then seeming to actually fall asleep then I stopped the playing of the exhibit that I have now begun to rephrase at her approval under her instruction of how it is not to be presented as the 'LEGAL ART' she had listened to and was angry about later while she was upset about her children being raped in foster care. The first sentence or two of that exhibit was played at top speed on the immersive reader, which is my usual setting for further exposure or review of a topic that interests me, or for editing because my eyes are bad, i had in the Que a copy emailed out and that date stamped is included in this reading as is time stamped on the one in my email and downloaded as a PDF file, that date stamp included in this text to speech copy Tue 9/10/2019 8:23 PM is prepared by me in attestation of the section she listened to and she said to slow it down which i did once and then twice more till she could assimilate it audibly till during the first couple lines of the document prior to the place where 'and my bathtub' is written and way before the topic rape in foster care came up (which was from the email that is what was the material used for the copyright color printed PDF copy named 'AT THE CIRCUTS COURT FOR THE STATE OF OR'GON', which she liked the title of and repeated, "Circus court" and her friend repeated saying "OR'GON" in agreement), which i sent copy of to the Governor's Advocacy Office by email and by Restricted, Certified, Receipt Requested, with number 7018 0680 0000 7256 8710 the 'referee' Linda Houghs of MULTNOMAH COUNTY to her capacity as a negro or black woman or member of the general population, or community, and not as a corporate employee, or, sitting de facto 'pseudiciary' ('judicial' poser), 'AT THE CIRCU'S COURT FOR THE STATE OF OR'GON' i, LeBaron, Stevens, Couvillion, who obligated, paying no heed or homage to redacted supervisory agents who do not present themselves or respond, while all other's after their example are passing the proverbial pen 'while not properly retained', and demand the recuse, withdraw, and require all other undisclosed supervisory agents, Attorneys, and all other solicitors naming them defendants, on the premise of a preset disposition on the bench that gives you the advantage over blood relatives, next of kin, or any other relative not considered a party, yet interested and under public policy or common interpretation and by public records or scientific documentation with the DNA evidence known or thought to be defined as 'family', and though represented by public policy and common understanding it is not leveraged or respected in trial like 'dependency hearings' as anything but a TAX CODE definition as who claimed them as a tax deduction, and the burden of proof is shifted in the favor when filing a petition the presumption , see the screaming loud prima facie evidence in the hall just outside the clerks door in the courthouse, which has been quietly sitting there for a long time, which you take per-printed forms to fill out, sign and authorize yourselves power under a conflict of interest as an agency where in a law firm you cannot represent both sides of the argument but you do; your eyes blinded by public trust placed in your position; your ears deafened to the volume of its cries against your abuses; your faculties numb to the pain inflicted into the souls of man, your robes drenched by blood splatter of Accession that has deafened your ears; the smell of it noted by vermin, clothed in righteous intent, lay in wait in private places for its descent. In witness thereof; Bailiff of the court, long arm and hand, please take a piano dolly, go out into the hallway, load up and roll in that screaming loud exhibit just outside the clerks door, and if you don't recognize it though you see it, you are no more complicit than before. Mark it 'Extra-Judicial' at Bar and Association' (Exhibit Z.a.2.subsection 20.4.), place it on the prosecutions side, and go stand in the Claimant's place, extend your hand, palm facing up, and pose as a beggar, in my, their stead, and mark in your hand a blank business card Exhibit 0 ZERO, take your picture and file it with the court clerk. REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE AT THE CIRCU'S COURT FOR THE STATE OF OR'GON MULTNOMAH COUNTY ...Juvenile Department . .. i; Melanie V LeBaron, mother of Nolan J Stevens and Victoria R D Couvillion, AKA Nolan Stevens and Victoria Couvillion, find it necessary to assert, extempore, the right of Attorney in Fact to bar further action of multifarious Counsel, especially undisclosed supervisory agents and Attorney's who do not present themselves personally, who are not in direct witness to any given fact, or offer their name and contact information into court record or public directories, especially those not listed on court documents, weather licensed or unlicensed; and require all the following be sealed for in camera inspection; list of services provided or refused by my family members after being offered service and notes pertaining to that; notes of the worker drafting any and all letters to my daughter for both children and notes as to why those safety plans were submitted to her and what exhibits are available to document the letters, and who approved the plan prior to it being presented or mailed, and a copy of what police reports are pertinent to the inferences raised regarding the first letter mailed to my daughter on that allegation; also all notes on each individual stressors she is not able to identify and manage, who's testimony is on each, what expert is called to verify that she has the inability to manage each stressor and recommendations made by DHS agents in writing based on expert witness recommendation; a list of dangers to my heirs and what harm is being prevented to them based on the safety plan presented her also naming Nate Stevens in which it is state at least one parent is willing to cooperated or perform; please do not redact from all dated or undated discovery the full names, work addresses, properly listed phone numbers, of each agent, actor, worker, specialist, police officer, sheriff, or otherwise, from which i will redact as i see the situation calls for, so true copies of redacted documents weather intended as court exhibits sustaining inferences raised in support of safety plans or not; all printed papers of any kind delivered or handed to my daughter, narratives of any kind pertaining to any detail of this case, all recordings, voice or video, by and between any party and my grandchildren, and any between her and other solicitors and all between solicitors pertaining to that and any other communication; all recording, video or voice, made during interviews by and between my heirs and caseworkers and caseworker notes and a timeline between interviews and written reports, the dates the interviews were conducted; an explanation as to why my grandchildren were re named on petitions and their full given names are on safety plans or other, and what names are used on medical, dental and each and every other ‘other’ exam, evaluations, of any kind including all reports medical examination reports, copies of un redacted emails by and between all parties or solicitors, police, DHS workers, or phone calls logged on this matter weather privileged or not on any billable communication, all phone logs of calls from all agents to any person or other agency or place made on this matter, supervisory staff notes regarding case management, transportation orders, case notes of all workers, photos or videos taken of my heirs by anybody having contact with my heirs from the date of their removal to now; names of the schools being attended, taxi drivers, names of teachers, school counselors, names of doctors, therapists, psychologists and intake appointment notes and copies of all bills for the same in both names of my grandchildren, given and non given; notes of why foster provider's were changed, who ordered taxi transportation to and from school and why, including addresses and contact information for transportation providers and their mileage records with time and date stamps of pick up and drop off points, petty cash receipts for my grandson's shoes, an inventory of my grandchildren's belongings at each foster home and who provided what clothing item or toy or other to my heirs with receipts and deductions from foster money budget notes allocated for the needs of my hers in the logs of books kept by foster providers, and the training or each foster provider with respect to my grandchildren's individual needs as directed by the caseworker, pick up orders date time stamped by officials ordering said and issue dates of warrants, and notes from arresting officers and CPS on the date of pick up, attorney notes or recorded conversations copied and sealed on every personal contact by and between any and all attorneys on her case with date and time of the duration of each meeting, calendar entries regarding appointment times scheduled by either mail or phone by and between my daughter and all attorneys, caseworkers, and postage costs, print costs of letters to my daughter, copies of text messages by and between my daughter and caseworkers especially from February 15, 2019 and on the date of the Dependency Hearing on February 19, 2019; all notes on this case by or between Don Dowel and supervisory staff on his contact with me time and date stamped, and any other efforts made by CPS to contact me and for what purpose and by what medium of exchange, deposition dates set or affidavits of fact presented to the courts, names of the caseworkers past and present and why they were replaced, what date the case was moved from the Gresham office to be supervised at the Alberta office, notes of the other agents in any capacity on their contact with me, logs pertinent to those entries it any, arrest records relevant to this case on or before the date of February nineteen twenty thousand and nineteen petitions and drafts of petitions not filed with and without redacted information, court clerk notes, judicial notes or orders handed down from the judicial seat, mileage records pertaining to pick up and drop of to and from any location and another, school records or absences and notes from the party excusing the absence from school for both my grandchildren, dates of after school activities beginning, investigative notes and reports made from contact and who requested that interview, and calls made to the child abuse hotline, and document creation dates for all items above, under the time frame of this request to the next hearing this prodigious amount of papers needs to be secured and delivered to me as I am under obligation to supervise or disentitle any ad hoc executor, solicitor or actor having the character or significance of advocate, and if not I deem it necessary to revoke all authority i unwittingly extended to Congress granting authority to dispense finding to organized philanthouropic assistance resulting in the indiscriminate wide open assign of random and legally illiterate Counsel to posterity and heirs; so named, LeBaron, Thomas A, brother of LeBaron, Melanie V, mother of Couvillion, Victoria R, and Stevens, Nolan J; the direct descendants of Benjamin Franklin Johnson, and Joseph Smith by marriage to the sister of the grand father of LeBaron, Ervil M, begat by virtue of marriage between Alma Dayer LeBaron, (D, Feb, 19, 1951, in Galeana, Chihuahua, Mexico), and Maud Lucinda McDonald LeBaron (D, Feb, 23, 1979, in Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico); and authorizing signature on documents birth certificate live Birth Vital Records ant at the Social Security Administration, or otherwise, and a I demand it be done. By somebody, since it is EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS under the fact that the will and consent of the governed acts under the belief it is their business because it was proclaimed, presented as a lawful deed when it really isn't so unless it is the position that misleading propaganda is not construed as intent when the people act upon it worth, which is not, since nobody really cares because the heart of man has become wax-cold and refuses under heat to melt. REGARDING: 18 U.S. Code § 3509, Child victims’ and child witnesses’ rights. To Verify and Affirm the following; My heir, Nolan [J] Steven’s, has not attained the age of 18 years and is still under the co-perpetrators' control and is at least six years younger than the perpetrator whose estimated age is above 30, who’s supervisor Advised him not to speak to me protecting him from liability and also stepping up to shield him from self-incrimination when speaking to me during direct confirmation and turning the ‘guns’ and pointing them at me while failing to reveal her source to me of whose double-barreled pen was aimed at me. And this co-perpetrator aided, shielded, from self-incrimination, making her culpable as well, though her subordinate admitting to being culpable by dereliction of duty to protect or bring into accountability the co-perpetrator after being informed of his maltreatment amounts to two counts of negligent treatment by DHS supervisors collectively, one with direct or indirect knowledge the abuse prior or what was to transpire after such dereliction of duty by negligent treatment had occurred - such occurrence defined as (1) “abuse” under 18 U.S. Code § 3509 (A) (i) (B) from entitled code above. And after said deliberate action later supported his own lack of due care and abandoned his charge in the line of sight rule at the same address the allegation arose, This applies to Victoria [R] Couvillion who was also at the same address at the time the allegation arose. There was also ‘another’ ‘safety threat identified’ as a second threat, aside from another violent older child not subject to the inference ‘of the lack of proper background checks’. This ‘another ‘safety threat as I called it was only present at night so Nolan [S} Stevens had to sleep ‘downstairs’. This physical and mental injury is compounded to torture when his mother is not allowed to after hearing his cry for help to aid him and actually under duress is forced to leave him under the control of the co-perpetrator who gains financially and also has a ‘representation’ factor over what the mother stated and her word against his is needing to be eliminated from the causality in order to eliminate wrongful continued willful negligence on the part of the supervisory staff and the records at DHS be collected and sealed if due care is given. Affidavit in Support of REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE; ‘MALTREATMENT IS THE NEW MOLESTATION'; DHS IS NOT AUTHORIZED AS COUNSEL OF CHOICE, To Verify and Affirm the following; THE USE OF THIS PRESENTATION IS TO PREVENT ’’’ secondary incident of maltreatment ’’’ when just one incident of maltreatment is all they need to PERMANENTLY TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS ‘’’’ IS DECEPTION BEWARE ‘’’’ MALTREATMENT, child rape, sodomy, IS GOING ON IN MY CHILDREN’S CASE AND THEY DON’T EVEN NOTIFY ME IS A CASE HAS BEEN OPEN AND THAT THEY ARE INVESTIGATING AND DO NOT REFUTE OR COMFORT ME OR ASK ME FOR MY EVIDENCE! THEY TOSS IN MALTREATMENT AND THAT IS SEXUAL ABUSE OR SEX TRAFFICKING AND IT IS NOT WIDELY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE TERM MOLESTED HAS BEEN REPLACED... SO MORE DECEPTION... BE WARNED... plus the use of the term MALTREATMENT is convoluted with the probability the generic way attorneys speak will cover and confuse the issue since the term MALTREATMENT is mixed in with abuse of other types so it is not really informing the public about why children were taken or what has happened to them in foster care now called (substitute care). a NEW tactic to increase removal percentages. Presumption of innocence is not honored as it is and neither are our rights to the 4th, 5th, 6th (controversial subject the 6th because the attorney's don't make sure the rules of evidence, and the right to an independent investigative body that has an actual background in 'investigative legislation', and the right to have a Child Protective Worker that has a degree related to law, or court procedure, ..... DISCRETION IS JUDICIAL TERMINOLOGY QUANTIFY ING THE COMPLEXITIES… RELATED TO A SECONDARY INCIDENT OF MALTREATMENT OR THE RISK OF SEVERE MALTREATMENT…. WELL THE RISK OF SEVERE MALTREATMENT IS MORE LIKELY TO HAPPEN IN THE CARE OF THE STATE ACCORDING TO THE SENATE REPORT THAT SENATOR NANCY SCHAEFER ALREADY MADE “IF WE CLOSE THE CASE AT SCREENING” IS WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO AVOID HERE… THEY WANT TO RAISE THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN REMOVED QUANTIFYING THAT RISK AT THE PROVIDER LEVEL…. A REAL MOUTH FULL THAT IS GETTING IGNORED RIGHT F.U.C.K. ING NOW…. AND I WONDER IS HE IS GETTING PIMPED OUT!!!!!!! IF YOU REMEMBER IT WAS BASED ON IF THEY LEAVE A MALTREATED CHILD IN THE HOME… AND QUANTIFY THAT ABOUT IF THE SAME CHILD GET RAPED IN THE CUSTODY AND CONTROL OF THE STATE AND QUANTIFY THAT BY WHAT????? IF WE LEAVE HIM UNDER THE CUSTODY CONTROL OF THE STATE… WHEE ARE IS THEIR ALGORITHM AND STATISTICS ON THAT ALGORITHM WHICH THEY JUST TALK AND TALK AND TALD AROUND AND ARE ONLY POINTING IT AT ‘TAKING MORE KIDS’…… IS THE POPULATION RAPED IN FOSTER CARE EVER EVEN MENTIONED IN THIS? No. HELP ME …. COUNT MY GRANDSON AND GRANDAUGHTER AS TWO, AND MY DAUGHTER AS ONE, MAKING TWO GENERATIONS SO RAPE IN FOSTER CARE. KIDS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE RAPED INT THE CUSTODY OF THE STATE THAN IN THERE OWN HOME AND QUANTIFYING THIS BY A STATISTIC THAT IS NOT PRESENTED IN CONTRAST TO WHY NOT REMOVE KIDS IS ONLY QUANTIFYING THEY WILL BE RAPED AGAIN IN THE CUSTODY OF THE STATE WAKE THE FUCK UP BE THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND CROSS EXAMINE THESE Mother Tuckers AND LAUGH THEM OUT OF LEGISLATURE. SECONDARY INCIDENT OF SUBSEQUENT MALTREATMENT - THIS IS DECEPTIVE USE OF SYNONYMS THAT SOUND LIKE SOMETHING ELSE THAT IS NOT REMOTELY RELEVANT TO THE DATA THEY ARE PUSHING. KEY AND CRITICAL POINTS…. UH…. HOW IS DECIDING IF A CHILD SHOULD GET ‘RAPED/MALTREATED/ ONE MORE TIME IF WE LEAVE HIM IN TH HOME A CRITICAL POINT? IT IS REDUNDANT BECAUSE NEGLIGENCE HAS TO BE DETERMINED ON THE NON-OFFENDING PARENT THEN THE PERPETRATOR ARRESTED. BUT THEY DON’T USE THAT LOGIC WHEN MY GRANDSON IS GETTING RAPED IN FOSTER CARE AND THE SAME SOCIAL WORKER WAS STILL IN CHARGE TWO WEEKS AFTER THEY WERE INFORMED THE RAPE OCCURRED…. MALTREATMENT…. IS SUCH A SOFT SOUNDING WORD… NEXT TO CHILD SODOMY AND RAPE….
(THIS IS WHERE MY DAUGHTER STARTED TO CHECK OUT) UH THE STATISTICS SENATOR NANCY SCHAEFER SAID THE STATISTICS ARE THAT KIDS ARE MORE LIKELY TO DIE UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE STATE AND THEY ONLY POINT THEIR METHODS AT US TO TAKE THE HUMAN BEING OUT OF THE CHILD GRABBING PROCESS! A case study of algorithm-assisted decision making in child maltreatment hotline screening decisions WHERE WAS THE DHS RESPONSE TO THE PUBLIC OUTCRY WHILE WE ARE ALL CRYING ABOUT ABUSE OF PROCESS BY CPS CASEWORKERS */* NOTICE THE FIRST GUY NEVER ANSWERED THEIR QUESTIONS AT ALL AND JUST JUMPED RIGHT BACK INTO HIS PRE PLANNED SPEECH A MACHINE IS NOW USING INSTINCT AS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO PREDICT THE FUTURE AND DENY US THE PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE BY METHODOLOGY THAT ELIMINATES BIAS WHEN DHS HAS DISPLAYED NOTHING BUT BIAS IN THE REMOVALS THAT THIS STUDY WAS BASED ON. PROFESSIONAL DISCRETION IS INTERCHANGEABLE USED WITH DISCRETION INSTINCT AND DISCRETION IS JUDICIAL TERMINOLOGY I HAVE HEARD PEOPLE ARE LEARNING TO REMOVE FROM THE JUDGE CASE BY CASE. Discretion is the power of a judge, public official or a private party (under authority given by contract, trust or will) to make decisions on various matters based on his/her opinion within general legal guidelines. It is a public official’s power to act in certain circumstances according to personal judgment. Judicial discretion is the exercise of judgment by a judge or court based on his/her personal judgment and guided by the principles of law. Prosecutorial discretion refers to the varying options available to a prosecutor when prosecuting a criminal case. In criminal law and tort law, discretion is the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, sufficient to render one responsible for one’s own actions. REMOVE BIAS BASED ON COLOR OF SKIN... NO THAT IS NOT BIAS... */* THIS MUST BE BASED ON JUDICIAL PRECEDENT AND THAT IS NOT MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC EYE SO THIS IS PROOF IT EXISTS AND WE ARE NOT GETTING ACCESS TO IT AND IT IS ABOUT TIME WE DO; CASE BY CASE BY CASE TO MAKE SURE THEIR DATA IS NOT FAKE NEWS I know the presumption of innocence was TOTALLY DISREGARDED in my case because prophecy was used under oath of affirmation that I was going to commit a future crime, right in open court, and directly against a certain caseworker who was already impeached on the case she presented against me on my son and the state actually filed the petition again and then said she was needing to be called... so.... please look at that the judge sitting on the bench at that case has faced a JUDICIAL FITNESS COMMITTEE here in Oregon and they still use that case to deny my grandchildren to me while they are 'ABUSED' and MALTREATED! One LEGISLATOR SAID, “I COULD SPEND A COUPLE DAYS LOOKING OVERALL THIS DATA AND SHE MISSES THE POINT” repeating myself... lol.... future risk is in not probable cause to make a presumption of harm a prima facie of good cause.... but, they were already doing it and it happened to me, but it was a bureaucrat protection case in a juvenile court petition... actually happened to me... I know the presumption of innocence was TOTALLY DISREGARDED in my case because prophecy was used under oath of affirmation that I was going to commit a future crime, right in open court, and directly against a certain caseworker who was already impeached on the case she presented against me on my son and the state actually filed the petition again and then said she was needing to be called... so.... please look at that the judge sitting on the bench at that case has faced a JUDICIAL FITNESS COMMITTEE here in Oregon and they still use that case to deny my grandchildren to me while they are 'ABUSED' and MALTREATED! COMMON LAW LEGISLATIVE INTENT, COMPLAINT, AND CLAIM OF HARM (4) "Immediate family" of a “victim” as defined in this section includes the victim’s spouse as defined in OAR 839-009-0210(21); domestic partner; custodial parent; non-custodial parent; adoptive parent; foster parent; biological parent; step-parent; parent-in-law; parent of domestic partner; sibling; child; stepchild; grandparent; grandchild; a person with whom the victim of domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault or stalking is or was in a relationship of in loco parentis; or any person who had the same primary residence as the victim at the time of the domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault or stalking. 1. Sibling, child, grandparent, grandchild; a ‘PERSON’ with whom the victim of domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault or stalking is or was in a relationship of in loco parentis, a. So I am defined an EMPLOYEE if contracting with a federally regulated business that pays federal taxes, because the TAXATION CODE DEFINES man THAT WAY, and I on permanent leave and I am Immediate family, next of kin, blood relative, am way more than just a 'third party' prior to DHS taking physical custody, and was in a relationship of in loco parentis, homeschooling, and am a teacher and qualify as home school of origin, plus a caregiver relationship as defined by ORS, and close to all their friends, and other nearby relatives, but that depends on the meaning of the word person, Person, or PERSON, if used to disqualify all the other definitions aforementioned, just so DHS can get lots of Federal Funds, quoting Billery and Hitler-y Clinton, “That depends on the meaning of the word sex” or PERSON, person, or Person, So, in light of the use of words according to definition, I guess a blow job is not covered under the definition of having sex. i. Now I will ask you to stop mentally masturbating but that depends on the term masturbation. Ejaculation without planting a seed under ‘a sexual’ stimulation. ii. Mental masturbation (parable of [sexual] masturbation) walking around thinking and without planting a single thought on a page that will result in an offspring on guidance that has lawful authority in the opinions of man. 1. OAR 839-009-0210(21); does not apply to the intended use of organic law and is repugnant to God in that it is not Holy before God or defined as ‘Adam knew his wife and she conceived”, because such a union can never produce a product of offspring without a surrogate or unless adoption derived from the use of the definition of ‘product’ now managed under ADMINISTRATIVE RULE of the DHS and identified and defined as ‘a Child’, ‘a Minor’, ‘Adult Child’, so forth, etc… but is now a direct competition for my blood heirs and have qualified prior to the children being taken from my *ADULT CHILD because she is a ward of the state as we all are one way or another and they are forcing us to contract with them to be recognized as a family member and making a profit for the attorney, the state, the adoption attorney, the court, caseworkers, supervisors, and a hoard of other offices erected to assist DHS in gathering date for encephalitic It is redundant to offer this union between same-sex partners a whole web page to reiterate another of its likeness because Marriage and a Marriage License as defined by the court is a contract between two people including themselves as mandatory party though an actual third party as well, to which is already in president and need not be redefined and given a whole web page unto specification of the status under application of the law. All mankind are given free will and the right to exercise that free will to contract or to not contract and a simple definition would have been enough to have the court be authorized to settle same-sex marriage dissolution if seeking a divorce, because the courts reserve the right to vacate any man’s agreements between one another on the custody of a product of marriage, but that depends on the use of the word product if man’s fruit was seen as ‘a child’ in the eyes of the court. In another light the other side of those words they are forcing us to not contract with one another between family blood bond, limiting our agreements, defining our use of words, by limiting family ties to the TAXATION CODE and who is most usually likely to file as head of house, to which is their scope of Advise to any client. And the lack of pre-printed forms handed to us prior to any situation that should arise there is not Advance Directive for Custody in Place to be adhered to by Police, Social Workers because there is a whole lot of money to be made. More to the point and directly in evidence, look at the buildings erected, forms to file on the court for ease of access, and cars, cell phones, media, and this is going on world wide when natural blood relatives are not given the same consideration, which is an evident per-set disposition on the bench, which cannot be mistaken as bias, an egregious offense against family’s right to have a blood bond tie, which is your inheritance predestined to you before God sent you here to be tried and tested to have a grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, niece, cousin, brother in law or sister in law, not be subjected to the approval of a social worker by forcing us to get in line and apply so they can get emergency dollars, move them at whim, and have no accountability yet holding the power of the tittle of attainder legislated by the court, to have any and all agreements supervised and vacated by them in so removing our pen unless we submit all our agreements to be supervised by somebody who is not your kin, and they and their constituents are our only very expensive law firm. See, title of attainder to which this eminent domain of the final veto of all agreements between kin or family members on their own blood tie is the axe that flew already at each and every family tie and is a tittle of attainder on its face in the hearts of hands of the social worker because the courts are not supposed to be called a party to the action, third party and not my blood or my kin and so neither are all the other attorney’s working for DHS as supervisory, that never show their face or put their signature on papers, that are pre-printed or going out to homes. You have not the right to know these 4th, 5th, and 6th, party on the paperwork, or have a direct consultation with them, because their relationship to social workers is of supervisory design, and they are not your 'next of kin' or blood relative, and nonlicensed advocates are doing their bidding, which acts as a force that has a say forcing you to seek an attorney to settle your differences between DHS and yourself and you have absolutely no representation present when your safety plan is signed. No verification of conversations on a summary of points raised or authorities relied upon prior to taking a case to court. So, if a disagreement should arise between the DHS, who the Courts named Counsel making DHS a law firm of hoard of legally illiterate employee's, that have not professional rules of conduct, BAR membership, and the mother or father no other blood tie can step in without the approval of a third party while you are called a third party yourself, without paying heavy dollars to an officer of the court. So, reasonable efforts have not ever been made, ever, to reunite family, but that depends on the definition of family because if you see the efforts they have set forth to take children there should have been met with equal access to free Advice and family guided to erect their own Family Administrative Rules, but instead, they dump Federal Dollars and come take your children out of their beds and put them in another and raise the risk of harm by 6 times more likely to die, four times more likely to be raped, abused and neglected, 55% times more likely to be arrested, and less likely to reach about the poverty line, and your BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND is worth more and more. So, the more problems they cause the more they will be able to collect future dollars of off the harm befallen today from the offspring of Your/Our future generations, and they display titles, He, She, as if to tell us they are royalty. But, I doubt God will allow this to go on much longer, i do not believe, and i have a fervent conviction of what time it is in Heaven, and think the ‘tic-tic’ of timer is ticking at a double pace, and attest, His Returning to Rightful Place, which He has promised to do, to come back and take His Thourown and stomping the grapes of wrath, which you look like to me a sour grape, and the heads sitting in the judicial seat is pretty much looking like a grape needing to be stomped because i am a member of the body of Christ and He is not third party to you, He is my kin, my Father, all things to all people and King, Son of Man, The Only Begotten of God, and rightful Owner of Your Power Seat, and right now i am wrought with burning hatred seething from the marrow under the torture endured from a little bit before the year of two-thousand-four that i even sing to God’s Heavenly Left Hand Ruler, to show His Mercy and have asked He go to return to His Father for new assignment, and show a sign, and move His Hand to Stay, show to His Father God, even He has more mercy than that of a social worker, that does not see that it is a matter of national security that the cries of child rape does not move them to bring vacate the power of their own pen, after which DHS does not bring then home to a relative to be comforted right, and maybe or maybe not moves them to be with new strangers, because a stranger will not reach to the core of their very soul, and be a comfort, and on that and waiting for a sign needing His permission to call on lighting upon the name He doth offer up, that after His Word, “It is better for one man to die than an entire generation perish”, and seek He strike somebody down with lightning down through the roof, right where he sits, even a good man, so the evil with have a chance to repent, and have him reduced to ashes, reduced to a pile of smoldering dust, while you are sitting there in His Throne, in repugnance and duplicity having the love of Federal Dollars guiding your mother fucking dirty black cursed evil misguided hearts, even if you think you worship the Luciferaini and are AUTHORIZED by HIS design to divide and set asunder the seed of His own brother Jesus Christ, because Luciferanini has His limitations here on earth which i believe man have exceeded even what He was designed to do, by more than a tiny bit, for way, way, to long. He, Luciferainianthian tested man and now it is time for man to be Tried. So, where you sit, stand, or just lie down, a test is before you and a religious one. Yours is to decide if you are going to listen to your own wicked devices, or bow the knee to the Son of God, and hear the Voice of Christ, the Word, calling to your own soul and let it be brought to life, because even if Luciferaniani can create you, you are not a living eternal soul until the breath of Life of God is breathed into you and your name must be written in the Book of Life, because no one comes to the father but though Jesus Christ, the one that calls Himself the Beginning and the End, Fist John, 1:1; “For, in the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word was made Flesh and dwelt Among Us, and was rejected by His Own and His Own received Him not, which i can see where He has been rejected twice, once as God, then again as Jesus Christ, and if you like, reject the Mighty Counselor’s Voice, it will be thrice, and the man sitting in His Place, capitalizing his name, will have rejected Him in all tree of His Personamagie; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, you will soon as you must look to other titles He Bears, Prince of Peace, Captain of Hosts, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and understand you are not tempted beyond which you are able to resist, and if you have not resisted doing evil even Luciferaini, will not want you in His ranks because His Legions work together under direct supervision, going back and forth as directed and answer to the Trone of God. So, what you looked at His Flock and mistook it for a sleeping village. And to that I need a gun because I believe I do, to go and get my grandchildren out of the hands of rapists, the because the culpable will not relinquish evidence of their abuse and in that way plea the 5th, when the parents sent to be tried under the eminent presence of a title of attainder, or at least a ‘fourth of a title of attainder’, because the inheritance of man is not defined by a TAXATION CODE under the Judgments of God. And what parent has committed treason or a tied for a Capital Offense, maybe that is why you do it, because You think You are Royalty, a British Aristocrat, and the Sovereign of America Your Own Blood Decent, and Rightfully You Territory? And that is the only reason I could find that the Attorney’s put a title He/She, on their business cards unless they worship Luciferaniniani and use that to Identify Themselves Between Each Other or a combination of the two, but I never even in my darkest imaginations believed the Queen of England was into child sodomy and the rape of heart and mind that follows being left with strangers under the line of sight rule. As I said, I need a gun I do believe and I may need two because it is evident my grandson is being told to ‘Shh!”, "Stop saying that Nolan", right in front of his mother, while she may be a sex slave, too. All the oddness of behaviour of living under duress has been present and the criminals have all the rights. And I would rather God clock us out because I don’t want to live through this and see what comes of the next generation. And neither will God. And with my all my heart and soul under urgency and conviction it is time to bow your knees to Jesus Christ because your time on earth is almost thorough. And this I say while under the spiritual insight of all above and bellow, in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen, Amen, to the final Amen Who will be my gun I don’t own or carry one? If no one a lightning bolt will do and please if you do come with me you may need to arrest a scumbag of two. It is time for Heaven and Hell to unite. Bills of attainder are special acts of the legislature that inflict capital punishments upon persons supposed to be guilty of high offenses, such as treason and felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings. FINANCIAL CANNIBALISM & TITLE OF ATTAINDER Definition: A legislative act that singles out an individual or group for punishment without a trial. The Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 provides that: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law will be passed." Title IV e and the Social Security Act (after it was mutated) is nothing more than a Title of Attainder when it targets children and they have no blood tie except where the money is made. My grandbabies are used to leverage my forced compliance while actual third parties claim they are parties and are gaining financially to hold my family and put me under duress to become a foster provider so the State of Oregon can gain Federal Funds. I'm familiar with nursing a newborn but they are using my blood relative to milk me for dough so a member of the B.A.R. Association can land a retainer agreement in excess of $10,000, while Open Adoption charges the same, x 4 on this case and none of them will respond to me by email and have not even made efforts to call or contact me for any reason to meet me or show me any consideration whatsoever and maybe that is in tacit compliance (conveniently benefiting them all financially) that DHS is saying that I have a 'founded' but that was already abated when the sitting judge lifted his gavel off my family on the matter they are citing to deny my grandchildren being brought to me as is the law they do. So, why is it not mandated that all people be forced to become foster care certified and publicly screened on the mass so that it would be equal protection of the law? Well it would speed up the process of reunification, and everyone would be contracting under duress if we were forced to do that, so I don’t see why it is not duress after the DHS grabs the kids. Plus, all the attorneys would not make so much money because they get paid per appearance and make 500.00 dollars an hour and their constituents would not get a paying client who stands around making the same amount of dough. And my grandchildren are severed of blood tie and nothing is presented to the DA or tried because there is no presumption of abuse at the time of removal from your home in need of a refute, next to that it takes a trial by jury for the government to take from your possession any asset in the excess of $150.00 (which includes money out of pocket) which is what we as grandparents are being forced to pay by the BAR Associated Juvenile Department appointed attorney which is attached at the hip to the DHS and is not an independent judicial seat since they exercise no judicial discretion and then are the ones forcing you to present a case better than the ones in court and then limit you to only have the right to participate on a ‘limited’ basis as defined by the limitations they ‘limit you to’ (while not allowed to see any exhibit), or have the aid of police reports when police also escort DHS to your door and will not help you in any way, while you beg for your own flesh and blood, as next of kin, while DHS approved will be favored above your demand for your own heirs and have the adoption benefit that brings them in cash bonuses, so if you don’t apply for your own kin when you are ‘next of kin’ by other good standards of law, which ignored in civil court, you lose and somebody else gets the adoption in competition to your own request to adopt, and the attorney will lose money if you get approved so there is a conflict there between you and the court depending on the attorney and whom the attorney has as a client. to be continued.... the first section of REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE of LeBaron, Couvillion, Stevens, family... All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice [Victoria RD Couvillion] © [Nolan Stevens and Nolan J Stevens] © Melanie Victoria LeBaron Power of Attorney Marilyn [LeBaron] © Sui Juris, a living soul, man, endowed by our Creator God with a living soul

My name is Thomas H Anderson and I approve this message?
Marilyn LeBaron | January 10, 2020, at 8:16 pm | Reply
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Thomas H Anderson,
Every other good standard of law goes out the door but they keep the one that seems to say, “I can’t talk to you because it would be a conflict of interest since I am your direct opponent.
State action and colour of law and Estoppel of Law and the Estoppel of the Bill of Rights.

Attribution question. Nominally private conduct of an entity acting as a judge and supervising the B.A.R. member since they all do what the DHS says since it must be since not a single attorney ever talks to me… the encouragement encourages this conduct and if it is in their training it is actionable … rape and overturning the judiciary after eleven years…
They are fully advised and he got my grandkids raped by putting them in an unscreened home with a really disgusting man and I warned them and said he gives us the heebie-jeebies and then my grandson is saying “Poke in the booty but naked booty but” and they say ‘Shh’ stop saying that Nolan then want mom to say she is the reason he is saying stuff like that and they do it after the fact and deny her visits till she signs a message and that is not an affidavit in your first person in your own hand
Increasing the danger to kids is a civil lawsuit and cops escort CPS to your front door when safer at home. Forward this to police and attorneys under in camera inspection and then hold them responsible if they do not head.
THIS ATTORNEY CONTACTED…/…/top-attorney-thomas-h-anderson/……/…/top-attorney-thomas-h-anderson/…
CAN I GET A MESSAGE FROM YOU THAT SAYS, How many will say, "My name is _______ and Thomas H Anderson and I approve this message?" How about your Senator or legislators? Will you please start asking them?
Marilyn LeBaron | January 10, 2020, at 8:16 pm | Reply
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Thomas H Anderson,
Every other good standard of law goes out the door but they keep the one that seems to say, “I can’t talk to you because it would be a conflict of interest since I am your direct opponent.
State action and colour of law and Estoppel of Law and the Estoppel of the Bill of Rights.
Attribution question. Nominally private conduct of an entity acting as a judge and supervising the B.A.R. member since they all do what the DHS says since it must be since not a single attorney ever talks to me… the encouragement encourages this conduct and if it is in their training it is actionable … rape and overturning the judiciary after eleven years…
They are fully advised and he got my grandkids raped by putting them in an unscreened home with a really disgusting man and I warned them and said he gives us the heebie-jeebies and then my grandson is saying “Poke in the booty but naked booty but” and they say ‘Shh’ stop saying that Nolan then want mom to say she is the reason he is saying stuff like that and they do it after the fact and deny her visits till she signs a message and that is not an affidavit in your first person in your own hand.
Special Relationship and an increase in the risk of harm


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