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The corrupt business of Child Protective Services

Senator Nancy Schaefer put a Senate Bill to reform CPS and that SENATE BILL got edited BY A JUDGE! and that act was in violation of Separations of Powers because the judicial seat is not a legislative branch and the judiciary a member of an ASSOCIATION not supervisory to the SENATE, but, is, which amounts to a coup d'etat (English) and our founding compact because the judicial seat is not a legislative branch and is not supervisory to the Senate. And why does not Senator Nancy Schaefer make any comment on that topic directly confronting the judiciary, as a member of an ASSOCIATION which amounts to a coup d'etat (English) when our way of life is under attack. No borders have been crossed but that fine line of the separations of powers is clear and present front line and in need of a border patrol of citizenship...

Veto power!


Veto Power!

and... the next and final veto power belongs to the jury of our peers which is not a pile of bureaucrats and a title of attainder in the back room of the DHS gossiping and using a calculator of how big their federal year end bonus is going to be!
The pen in the most powerful weapon in the world! The Court Room is for the alternate of the use of lethal force and is a lethal BATTLEFIELD so invading the senate and being their supervisor is WRONG, WRONG AND TREASON!

coup d'etat (English)
golpe de Estado (Spanish)
政變 Zhèngbiàn (Chinese Traditional)
πραξικόπημα (Greek)
d'res plurimum avidae (Latin)

Again, keep in mind the words of John F Kennedy, while you decide the meaning of words you read and thought you understood, and bearing in mind actions of the past based on a former intellect to the actions you will now take relevant to your newly found interpretations pursuant to the admissibility of a voice, or testimony arising prior to a matter being weighed that has no interest in the outcome or conclusion is not impeachable with the acceptation that our former president was right and firmly in point strengthening my resolve and desire his address bring you to the same conclusion in the courts of your minds. Amen

golpe de Estado (Spanish)
政變 Zhèngbiàn (Chinese Traditional)
πραξικόπημα (Greek)
d'res plurimum avidae (Latin)

…and every other language available can translate coup d'etat as a criminal act no matter what constitution is in their individual 'congressional records'... So, asking an member of that judges association for 'guidance is reasonable construed and poor self advice

Again, keep in mind the words of John F Kennedy, while you decide the meaning of words you read and thought you understood,

and bearing in mind actions of the past based on a former intellect to the actions you will now take relevant to your newly found interpretations pursuant to the admissibility of a voice, or testimony arising prior to a matter being weighed that has no interest in the outcome or conclusion is not impeachable.


  1. Bait and Switch.... FROM WAR to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN CAN NOW BE PUT UP FOR ADOPTION.... Hillary taking Heat during the presidential debate with Trump... well i wonder who her target audience was on that and that did not get a reply from Trump ... not something under DEBATE AT ALL.... UH= ????? WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!! ????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    why did she not correct that 'third party' issue of the definition 'family' being defined by the cash flow of the tax code definition 'dependent' and 'dependency'... well?


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