Help us grandparents now as father's r justice for your own grandchildren in the next generations because it can only get worse if you only fight among each other while the family court system and the judicial seat is a COMMON ENEMY! SOS PLEASE HELP GET GRANDPARENTS RIGHTS My grandson was raped in foster care, so was my daughter, and then the supervising caseworker did not move him or my granddaughter to a new foster home. But, put my grandson on a line of sight rule with the man - he 'failed' to screen better, meaning he screened him, and then the one accused of rape got more control. My grandson is told to "Shh", by CPS 'visit control workers' in visits between him and his mother when she reports him saying, "Poke in the naked booty but", and "I want to run away with me toosh" and he is not allowed to reply to his mother's questions and told during these visits, "Nolan stop saying that". Sex Trafficking - Stockholm syn...