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Showing posts from May, 2021

Dave Jose Bust Down the Deep State and Tell you about the War on Child T...

This document was stolen from my home which is an act of Treason. This document claims the Rights Inalienable that attorney ignore citing the Clearfield Doctrine to and abuse the assign forced upon our heirs in the Juvenile Justice Complex while Miranda Vs Arizona is abused as well since attorneys are never present when DHS force you to sign things not negotiated by the attorneys appointed by the court just taking the assign as a to prevent the pen of our choice to negotiate the terms of our agreements and offer no demurrer.   DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT THIS DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for financial management is given by me, Melanie Victoria LeBaron (the "Principal"), presently of C/O XXX on this ________ day of ________________, ________. Nature of Power 1. THIS IS A DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY and the authority of my Attorney-in-fact shall not terminate if I become disabled or incapacitated. Previous Power of Attorney 2. I REVOKE any previ...