No Complaint Documented, No Victim Named. No Victim Named, No Perpetrator Arrested. Tell A Wolf A Dog Bit You, The Pack Will Join the Feast. The Lion in the Room May Bite When You Enter In, And When Slam The Door While Running Out Your Blood Will Draw His Friends, The Ants The Hiennah, The Vulture Will Sense Or Smell Your Blood as You Limp Seeking Safety Because You Cannot Run. If The Lion in The Room is Roaring Keep the Door Shut Tight. If You Enter There You Cannot Take To Flight When You Fail to Kill Him Before He Leaps To Bite. "You have to be able to talk to somebody about what is going on". "There is a lady that needs to talk to you, her name is Amber Linder". Many reports have been made but did any of these officials actually record the questioning of Ariana Escobar, because one Sheriff stated they asked Ariana to give her statement and stated she only cussed made us chase her through the woods. If they were there to help her why did she f...