The COVID vaccine was reported in Liverpool public protests to be targeting our front line or first responders and in spite of the tension between the protesters and police the outcry was, "You dumb oppressors, don't take the vaccine, it will cost you your life!" as if to say, "Stick around to oppress us some more", and “We love you regardless of the pain you cause us”. REALLY! I don't know how that message went ignored and our troops are paying a heavy price in a casualty list of worldwide open lab rat procurement COVID vaccine WORLD WAR. I remember that outcry over a year ago, yet the mainstream media is used as commercial advertisements through strategically targeted PSYOP commercials, plus other programming passing fiction off as fact by omitting pro-con, counter arguments, see all Fauci interviews which could be used against him in open court since spoken willingly in public view on charges of perjury by omission, without a disclaimer inferred through ...